Is Cassian safe in future Court of Thorns & Roses books? The Real Reason Elain Predicted Her Death

Is Cassian safe in future Court of Thorns & Roses books? The Real Reason Elain Predicted Her Death

Among all of Sarah J. Maas' beloved characters Cutting thorns and roses the series is Cassian; perhaps most beloved for his fierce loyalty to the Inner Circle. Cassian was immediately introduced as a lovable, caring, and playful character who often serves as comic relief throughout the series. In A Court of Wings and RuinWhen Elain Archeron predicted Cassian's death, an underlying tension was placed on the series that never went away. However, there is evidence in the Cutting thorns and roses books that prove Cassian is no longer in danger; he has already avoided that fate.

A memorable scene from ACOWAR proves that Cassian already escaped death and Elain's prediction did not come true; apparently, Cassiano is no longer at risk of dying. Elain's prediction was was never written to be an actual plot for Cassian in the first place. Instead, the intention was to prepare Elain for her own heroic moment. If Maas had truly intended to kill Cassian, she would not have done so in Elain's vision. Instead, Maas was proving that she is a character capable of strategy and heroism, establishing Elain as the main character of her next book.

Elain's prediction of Cassian's death was very intentionally worded

Did Elain really say Cassian was going to die?

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Back ACOWAR When Elain predicted Cassian's death before the battle against Hybern began, she did not actually say that Cassian would die. This is a common misinterpretation of the harrowing scene in which Elain tells Cassian how she saw her fate. Instead of saying he would die, which she could easily do, she made a comment that it would be easy to kill him. Sarah J. Maas is no stranger to the interweaving of complicated, specific words in text that are not always obvious until later in the story.

“Elain looked at Cassian, blinking twice. 'He broke his wings, he broke his bones.'

I tried to block out the sound of Cassian's scream – the memory of the blood spraying. Nesta looked at her plate. Elain, at least, was out of the room, but...

“It’ll take more than that to kill me,” Cassian said with a smile that didn’t meet his eyes. Elain just told Cassian, 'No, it's not going to happen.

When put into context, Elain's prediction is clearly about Cassian's fight with Hybern. During the scene where Cassian claims to be safe before a major battle, Elain reveals this prediction, making it obvious that she is just referring to the fight that is about to happen. It's also worth noting that Elain insinuates that Cassian wouldn't be difficult to kill, which actually turns out to be true (literally).

In Cassian's almost last moments, a once strong and brutal warrior, turned aside, was defenseless. Furthermore, Instead of defending Cassiano, Nesta chooses to die with him. It was at this moment that Elain's prediction truly came true; Cassian was the easiest he would be to kill during this scene. Hybern realized this and planned to take his time insulting the couple before killing them; that is, until Elain intervened and stopped it from happening.

Furthermore, Instead of defending Cassiano, Nesta chooses to die with him. It was at this moment that Elain's prediction truly came true; Cassian was the easiest he would be to kill during this scene.

Elain's presence in the battle was not pre-planned and was not taken into consideration when she saw Cassian's fate. This scene provided a great moment for Elain to get some recognition and credit for her heroism. Her actions when she killed Hybern also showed Elain's strength and complexity. After saving Cassian it becomes clearer that Elain is capable of making surprising choices and having a profound journey of growth when she gets a book from her own perspective. This may be an element of the book that could be improved in A Court of Thorns and Roses' show.

The timing of Elain's prediction in a court of thorns and roses was never right

Elain predicted Cassian's death before the battle even began

books to cover
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

ACOWAR has many memorable scenes in which the Inner Circle strategizes their war against Hybern and plans how to defeat his forces. During one of the many pre-battle scenes, before Cassian and Nesta are close to fighting Hybern, is when Elain predicts that Cassian won't be difficult to kill. Maas likely included this scene at this point in the story to explain why Elain will have her heroic moment and be able to save Cassian later. She had time to save Cassian because she discovered he would be in danger before the battle even began..

It is important that Elain made this prediction before the fight began; she has a vision for Cassian's future based on whatever plans were in place at the time. However, the way Maas has yet to delve into all of Elain's powers leaves it a little confusing as to whether Cassian should still be aware of danger. While there isn't much information about how reliable Elains Seer's abilities are, she had her vision of Cassian's death before the battle began, just in time to show up later and be the unexpected hero who saves him.

Main historical facts

  • Sarah J. Maas hinted that the next book in the series ACOTAR the series will follow Elain Archeron and her point of view

  • Many questions have been raised throughout the series about whether Elain's character is strong or interesting enough to carry an entire book.

  • When Elain receives her book, her Seer abilities will finally be explored, creating a world of possibilities for the future of the world. ACOTAR series.

Between Elain's original prediction and Cassian's fight with Hybern, Sarah J. Maas spent many chapters successfully building the tension and fear for Cassian's well-being. Because Elain knew something no one else did, that Cassian was in danger, she knew where and when to be there to save him. If Elain had had the vision later that day, the outcome would undoubtedly have been different if she hadn't been able to get to Cassian in time. Because of this, it is unlikely that Cassian will face death again anytime soon in another book; he should be safe since Elain went through so much to save him this time. She even borrowed Azriel's Truth Teller (Azriel and Elain are a likely couple in the next ACOTAR book) to deliver the death blow against Hybern!

Elain was never supposed to be in the final battle ACOWAR

Elain's very presence in battle threw a wrench into Cassian's fate.

The cover of A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas with purple and pink clouds in the background
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Known for being delicate, gentle, quiet, or lately, completely taciturn and silent, Elain was not seen as a warrior or an asset to the Inner Circle during battle. In her best interest, they planned for her to have no role in combat, which makes sense given her lack of training or desire to fight. Elain was supposed to be away from the battle when it started, which means that no one should be able to save Cassian at the critical moment; all the other characters were fighting for their own lives. As soon as Elain had the vision, she planned to intervene.

The point of Elain's vision happening at that moment was so that she could show up and save Cassian's life with plenty of time to prepare. This whole plot point it didn't just happen for Elain to heroically show up at the right time and place, just for Cassian to die in the next book. As the only character who did not have pre-determined plans at that crucial moment, Elain was able to make herself available to save her sister and Cassian and cheat death.

Fate would never take Cassian after Elain had her vision. Her silence and reflection during the planning stages of the battle definitely left a lot to the imagination without suggesting that she had any plans to participate in the fight. This in general, created a huge opportunity for Sarah J. Maas to subvert expectations and give a character who previously seemed pointless a huge defining momentno one expected. Elain saving Cassian improved her reputation somewhat, proving to all the other characters that she deserves a place in the Night Court (and deserves her own book, which will be released soon).

Cassian is probably safe in future A Court of Thorns and Roses books

Unless SJM wrote Elain's entire hero arc for nothing, Cassian is fine

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After rescuing a character who was previously considered defenseless and even annoying, it makes little sense for any author to degrade the importance of Elain's heroism and kill Cassian shortly after. Writing an entire storyline around Elain's Seer abilities for the first time was interesting and refreshing; showed us the courageous and lucid side of Elain that had long been forgotten throughout the events of ACOWAR. Elain's silence throughout the book made her forgettable and, in turn, the perfect character to slip under the radar and save the day.

Throughout the book, Elain's Seer abilities led to this prediction and the moment she was able to intervene and alter destiny. If any character had the ability to change the course of destiny, it would be a Seer, who is able to access knowledge without the boundary of time. Maas may simply not have made it clear enough that Elain's vision doesn't cast a dark shadow over Cassian in the coming books, but instead he was saved by Elain and is now free from her prediction after Hybern was killed in his place.

Maas may simply not have made it clear enough that Elain's vision doesn't cast a dark shadow over Cassian in the coming books, but instead he was saved by Elain and is now free from her prediction after Hybern was killed in his place.

This theory concludes that Elain had a vision of Cassian appearing helpless before Hybern and, in her dazed state, she tried to warn him that he would find himself in a very compromised position. He would be easy to kill. However, after this was not taken seriously by the Inner Circle, she made plans to save him once and for all; she saved him. Cassiano should not fear imminent death, as it has come and gone thanks to the main character of the next edition of A Court of Thorns and Roses series.

Based on Cutting thorns and roses fantasy novel series, A Court of Thorns and Roses is a television adaptation that follows Feyre Archeron, a young woman drawn into the world of fairies after killing one of her kind. The series will follow his journey through the lands of Prythian and his relationship with one of his lords, Tamlin.