Is a day and a half worth watching? As the 2023 thriller stacks up

Is a day and a half worth watching? As the 2023 thriller stacks up

The Swedish thriller, A day and a half Premieres on Netflix in 2023, so is it worth watching or not? in A day and a halfA film based on a true story that filmmaker and star Fares Fares read years before he wrote the film, a police officer is placed in an unbelievable situation. At the beginning of the movie, a man named Artan (Alexej Manvalov) walks into a doctor's office and demands to see his ex-wife, Louise (Alma Pöysti), a nurse. His tone is a little more than threatening and when he whips out a gun, there's no doubt he's not a big guy.

Artan, taking his wife hostage, demanded a car and a driver. The Swedish police send in the only hostage negotiator they have on staff, Lukas, played by Fares Fares, whom American audiences will know as Ishmael in The Wheel of Time Series. Artan demands that Lucas drive him and Louise to their daughter's house, mentioning that he plans to get "them" out. What he has in store is not immediately clear, but as the unlikely trio drive across the country, They, and the audience, come to learn unexpected things about one another.

Does a day and a half of "true story inspiration" help or hurt the movie?

Fares Fares based his movie on an article in 2008

A day and a half is loosely based on a true story that Fares Fares read in 2008 that reported that a man walked into his ex-wife's doctor's office with a pistol and demanded to know where his child was (via Vogue Scandinavia). It wasn't much more than that, however Pares mentions that where some saw a violent attack, he saw a love story. The beginning of A day and a half Plays out much like that article and then develops from there. It's a true kidnapping thriller, but low stakes keep it from worrying until the end.

But Fares really didn't need it, and A day and a half Arguably nothing is gained from "being based on a true story".

The beginning of A day and a half Starts with a title card that mentions the story that inspired the film. But Fares really didn't need it, and A day and a half Arguably nothing is gained from "being based on a true story". In fact, as the movie goes on, events become much more theatrical and melodramatic. It becomes clear that most of A day and a half was invented, which would not have been a problem if Pares had not made an attempt to connect it with a half-connected story. As it is, the audience just ends up feeling duped.

A day and a half is not worth watching

Too little happens in a day and a half for it to be worthwhile

Lucas (Pares Pares) gets out of a police car in a day and a half.

A creative premise for a hostage movie is not enough to keep the film interesting. Fares itself is great and some of the best parts of A day and a half Come from him explain more about his history, simply come to realizations of his own as he does so. Manvalov is also capable in his role, and Arlan's nervous neat energy played against Lucas' sad calm makes for an enjoyable, and at times humorous, dichotomy. The third person in the car, however, Louise, is treated as nothing more than a respectable figure for most of the film.

There is a realness to this movie that makes it engaging on several levelsBut at the same time, removes the tension. Even when something funny is supposed to happen, it doesn't feel quite funny enough and is quickly forgotten. Frequent shifts in tone and mood also make it difficult for the audience to get a grasp on what kind of movie it is A day and a half is supposed to be. Brief nudges to real life politics are momentarily illuminating, but they never last long. A day and a half Is just not worth the watch if there is something better available.