The love story between Invincible And Atom IV Becomes even more expensive than it was. One could argue that the union between Mark and Samantha is practically the heart of both the TV show and the original comic books. When they get together in the comics, it changes the foundation of the franchise, and just be completely adorable.
Gabriel Piccolo Instagram Page features fan art of How the relationship of Invincible and Atom IV can be even more expensive than it already is In the comics. As shown below, the art sequences focus on the two participating in mundane, normal, human activities outside the realm of superhero action.
Everyone loves the action that comes from the comics and even the show, but it's moments like these that reflect exactly what makes the romance between two superheroes even more endearing.
Atom IV and Invincible's romance goes secular
Fan art puts them in normal situations - and it's beautiful
in old age Fan art from 2021Piccolo portrays a Battered and bruised Invincible alongside Atom IV in a laundryWashing the blood off their superhero costumes after their final battle. They share laughs and Eve even takes a chance to put on Mark's invincible super costume. In the last post, Mark is in his college dorm room at Yale University enjoying an issue of Play Seance Dog - with another issue of Mars Attacks! Next to him - when Samantha comes in laughing with a seance dog action figure in her hand.
Moments like these are rarely seen on-board or onscreen, but audiences can assume they happen between scenes, like a calm before the storm.
Mark looks unused as a deeper look into the dorm exposes a Radiohead poster, Chicago Cubs memorabilia, and a bloody Invincible costume on the bed next to a first aid kit. These are the kind of moments that aren't usually found in the comics, and especially not in the TV show. Moments like these aren't really essential to the plot and may break too far away from the usual action. but still, They are moments that are usually appreciated by the masses because They are a break from the action.
Invincible and Atom IV share moments of calm before the storm
Beauty in the details
Moments like these are rarely seen on panel or on screen, but audiences can assume they happen between scenes—a calm before the storm. Subtle moments like these allow quiet time to showcase the real characters and their relationships. It doesn't necessarily show character development, but how they bond as people beyond what they do. Mark and can be accepted Atom IV Share moments like these often in their never-immortal love affair. Now, this Invincible Fan art actually shows fans how they bond outside of fighting monsters.
Invincible is now available in collected editions from Image Comics.