How the launch of Infinite NikkiWith “Shooting Star Season” Update 1.1 on December 30 approaching, the update’s new five-star banner outfit is drawing backlash from some players, who call it “uninspired.” Initially released on December 5, 2024, Infinite NikkiThe combination of open world and quick-dress gameplay has proven to be a popular hit, attracting some players who may be outside the target audience of other open-world gacha games such as Genshin Impact or Howling Waves.
As the game approaches its first major update, however, some players complain about the five-star "Wings of Wishes" outfitwhich will be the focus of the first banner of 1.1. Some answers and quotes about the @InfinityNikkiEN post on X regarding the costume, they called it uninspired, directly comparing it to one of the game's five-star banner costumes at launch, "Blooming Dreams". Notably, both outfits are five-star skill outfits for the Floating skill and have somewhat similar silhouettes and aesthetics, although they differ in terms of color scheme and theme.
Infinity Nikki's First Post-Launch Update Draws Backlash
Infinity Nikki 1.1 attracts negativity to its five-star clothing banner
Although the reaction is relatively small, it is notable that Infinite NikkiThe first post-launch five-star banner is receiving a noticeable negative response from playerswith some even comparing the outfit unfavorably to the four-star offering on the same banner. Of course, not every costume can appeal to every type of player, but in this case, the negativity is likely amplified by the costume's similarities to the "Blooming Dreams" costume, especially considering the relatively small selection of five-star costumes currently on the market. game.
The reaction also motivated some fans, as in this Reddit threadto come to the group's defense, calling the reaction "overreaction" and pointing out that a fashion game will inevitably have some clothes that certain players don't like. In particular, some supporters have disputed criticism that the team is "lazy" or "uninspired", highlighting that it makes sense in the context of the update, which has shooting stars and wishes as its theme.
Infinity Nikki's reaction is mainly due to timing
Infinity Nikki's New Five-Star Outfit Is (Probably) a Victim of Bad Timing
As with any gacha game, there is, of course, also the upside that any banner a player might not like means more savings for the next banner - although Infinite Nikki It notably lacks the kind of leaks or teases of future content that players may be accustomed to in other gacha games such as Genshin. This means it can be more difficult for players to plan how they want to spend their currency, which, in turn, can make unwanted banner advertising a more frustrating problem than it would be otherwise.
In all likelihood, the negative response to the “Wings of Wishes” outfit was amplified by both its proximity to the “Bloom Dreams” outfit and high expectations for the game's first major update. As Infinity nikki continues to receive updates and banners with new costumes, we hope the game lives up to the kind of variety players expect and avoids this kind of negative reaction in the future.
Sources: @InfinityNikkiEN, LunaresPilot/Reddit
Open World
Dress up
- Franchise
- Released
December 5, 2024
- Developer(s)
Paper games, Infold games
- Editor(s)
Paper games