Infinity Nikki fans are ecstatic about the new title screen changes, as the previous one was apparently a bit much

Infinity Nikki fans are ecstatic about the new title screen changes, as the previous one was apparently a bit much

Since then Infinite NikkiLaunching in early December 2024, the cozy adventure game featured a glossy loading screen involving a full-length movie in trailer form and a catchy theme song, at least until a few days ago. This title screen was a wonderful showcase for the game, featuring animations of Nikki and Momo using several of Miraland's abilities in various locations, but it can also be difficult for systems to load effectively while performing updates. Unfortunately, this change to a new loading screen may only be temporary for the game's current event.

As part of the big Shooting Star Season event update in Infinite Nikkithere was a very noticeable change in the loading screen. As MrsMaiko recently shared on Reddit, the long maintenance period was worth it for the loading screen alone.

As MsMaiko also points out, although the previous theme song is fun and lively, it has such a loud song with lyrics played was a bit much for many players. Even more important, perhaps, was the game playing a graphically intense video set to music while trying to install updates and load the game, which could cause a lot of problems.

Shooting Star season loading screen causes much less lag

The title screen is much calmer than the original and many hope it remains

Infinite NikkiThe new game loading screen is much simpler and easier on the eyes, as well as technology-friendly. A simple image of Nikki standing under a night sky with shooting stars flying above is shown alongside peaceful, calming music.. This is in stark contrast to the previous loading screen, which had so much going on that it caused lag on many systems, especially mobile devices, as highlighted in a Reddit user comment. mean deviationpreventing people from entering the game.

This is one of the many changes that Infinite Nikki the developers recently did in response to player feedback, though many fear this new loading screen won't last. Because this new screen is so clearly themed to the current Shooting Star Season limited-time event, he can return to the old movie and music on January 23rd when the event comes to an end. Hopefully the developers are aware of the lag difference with the new screen style and will make a similar permanent update.

The original loading screen was more of a trailer than something to play during updates

Beautiful music and animation, but not in the right positioning

Still, there are many Infinite Nikki players who are I already miss Jessie J's theme song which was reproduced with the original title and loading screens, as Reddit user nomenomchezburgers showed in their meme tribute to the song. Fortunately, the song can still be found on Spotify and other music sites.

The music is fun and upbeat and can hopefully still be used in the game, but played with the same frequency may become a bit much for many people. Ultimately, the the video is what caused the most problems for manythat I wanted to be able to jump into the game and actually see the story, rather than watching what felt like another trailer to advertise the game.

When the Shooting Stars Season event ends on January 23rd, we expect the loading screen to remain as the current iteration or change to something equally less intense, both for the tech it's trying to load and for players who want a cozy, calm experience. . That said, I hope the song still appears somewhere Infinite Nikkiinstead of being relegated to my Spotify playlists.

Sources: MsMaiko/Reddit, mean deviation/Reddit, nomnomchezburgers/Reddit, Spotify