The most controversial element Indiana Jones and the Great Circle it's actually one of its biggest strengths, even if players don't realize it at first. The decision to make the game in first-person was met with skepticism upon release, as many felt that third-person was clearly better suited to the adventure genre. MachineGames has more experience in first-person development, but The Great CircleGameplay is not just a product of habit. Players may realize that this controversy wasn't a problem after all, with the perspective fitting perfectly into what The Great Circle want to be.
The Great Circle occurs between the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade. This is also the first time Indiana Jones has been on modern consoles since the release of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings in 2009 for Wii, Nintendo DS, PS2 and PSP. Such a familiar character returning would certainly be a hit with many, but it initially restricted the character to moderate first-person expectations. Regardless of your preference on the matter, there's no denying what this simple choice does to strengthen the game.
Indiana Jones and The Great Circle are great in first person
Players will fully become Indiana Jones in the new game
The Great Circle It is justified because it is from a first-person perspective, something that surprised players when the gameplay footage was released. Nowadays, Adventure games tend to be from a third-person perspective where players see the character. This familiarity with over-the-shoulder gameplay made The Great Circle a surprising exception, but the game proves its choice as an appropriate fit for the classic character's modern return to the gaming landscape. The Great Circle creates a first-hand experience as players can feel like they have become Indiana Jones, discovering a new ancient mystery (without the annoying tendency for puzzle hints to appear automatically) and an original story.
While we see the game briefly switching to third-person in the platforming sections to interact more with the world, most place the player directly from Indiana Jones' point of view and create a more immersive experience. Exploring ancient tombs and discovering the mystery directly is simple, but also establishes itself in its own series. Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine in 1999 he worked to follow in the footsteps of Tomb raiderbut The Great Circle is unique even within its own franchise with the new choice of perspective.
The first person highlights the strengths of the Great Circle
Greater controversy actually makes the big circle better
Unexpectedly, playing in the first person greatly highlights the adventure experience and chooses what makes it The Great Circle special. The outlook is perfect for a game where players hope to discover ancient artifacts and explore ancient ruins. In fact, it looks more similar to Dishonoredwhere investigating each level is usually the ideal strategy, with The Great Circle boasting some light and engaging elements. There's also something fun about the cartoonish combat (like hitting a Blackshirt with a violin) seen in the first person, making the game feel reminiscent of the physical comedy of the movies.
The first-person perspective also has smaller advantages on more technical levels, which players may not even realize. There is the fact that First person creates smoother transitions between cutscenes and gameplay. It seems less strange when players stop being Indiana Jones and start watching him. If the game were from a third-person perspective, these transitions would seem a little strange. Even though players should be used to this, it risks taking the player out of the immersion for a second. This is not seen in The Great Circledisplaying their lesser successes in an overall great game.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Shouldn't Be an Unknown Clone
Perspective separates the great circle from the unknown series
Being in first person separates the game from another well-known series within the adventure genre. THE Unknown series was destined to be games that The Great Circle would be compared, and the the first person works to separate the two from being too similar. The historical and archaeological adventure theme is popular, but only a select few titles dominate the genre's gaming scene. Unknown is probably the first one many will think of, known for its third-person perspective. Other games in the genre share this, such as Tomb raider.
The over-the-shoulder experience of playing Nathan Drake seems appropriate since he, as a character, was introduced in those games. Bringing the famous Indiana Jones character, who players actually saw on the big screen, into a game the opportunity to see everything from a new perspective. Instead of watching a Indiana Jones movie, players are directly becoming him in this way. It's a first-hand adventure that becomes a unique experience in the adventure genre, delivering a new point of view for a classic character without feeling like one. Unknown clone.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle proves itself within the modern adventure genre as a unique installment with its first-person perspective. Despite not being what players are used to, the game that fully embraces this perspective highlights the best it has to offer, justifying the breaking of some records due to its Metacritic score. From becoming Indiana Jones to standing out among the games it's been compared to, the newest take on the classic adventurer shows how there shouldn't even be controversy surrounding the choice of perspective in the first place.