Start with Mafia 2 for a standalone story that introduces new characters and plot, followed by Mafia 3 for deeper themes.
Play Mafia 3 after Mafia 2 for better appreciation of character backstories and seamless gameplay progression.
Complete with Mafia: Definitive Edition for a prequel-like experience with enhanced references to Mafia 2 & 3, enriching the overall story.
For the most part, the three games in the Mafia Series do not form a singular, continuous narrative, thus Players are free to jump into any entry as a standalone and enjoy them in any order they want. However, it may be better to play some games before others. In order to fully appreciate each and all of the subtle references and nuances they hold, players would do well to carefully consider the order in which they play the games.
in MafiaPlayers take on the role of various criminals as they rise to high-ranking members of criminal organizations. Each game has its own story and narrative, which means that players can choose and place each one they want without spoiling anything for themselves, they are free to go about activities such as collecting. Mafias cigarette cards or take down rival families in each game to their hearts. however, There are references and nods to past games in later onesSo in order to fully enjoy them, players may want to start with Mafia 2.
Mafia 2 should be a good entry point for most players
The Story of Vito Scaletta could work as a standalone title
When picking up the series for the first time, Mafia 2 Should be played first because it can work as a standalone story without needing prior knowledge of the originalIntroducing a new protagonist in Vito Scaletta, and a new city to explore. MafiaThe secrets, including the many cars, do not rely on stories, so players do not miss anything by choosing the second first.
Playing the original Mafia is optional due to the release of Mafia: Definitive edition Making it a little outdated, which means that in order to fully understand every reference in the series, the second game should come first. Players will not miss anything critical and can enjoy the rest of the series while finding the callbacks that come later.
Players should play Mafia 3 Second
Get a better appreciation of Vito Scaletta's backstory
Mafia 3As the next game, should be played second. The themes introduced in the first two games are built uponEspecially those of loyalty and betrayal. Vito Scaletta is one of the three underbosses of protagonist Lincoln Clay, and many of the Mafia 2 References cannot be fully understood without playing it first, with players getting a better appreciation of Vito's dialogue and backstory as it fills in the gaps between the two titles.
Many of Mafia 2Its gameplay features have also been carried over Mafia 3So using all the similar features becomes more intuitive after experiencing Mafia 2. MafiaThe prohibition focus is best exemplified in Mafia: Definitive EditionHowever Mafia 3 Still calls back to it well. Although they are mostly self-contained narratives, Mafia 3's ending is the closest that the series has to a definite completionWhat happens Mafia: Definitive edition To take on a different role than it was originally.
Players should visit Mafia: Definitive Edition last
Some references to Mafia 2 & 3 have been added to the remake
by playing Mafia: Definitive Edition last, It feels more like a prequel than the first game in the series. See the world of organized crime as it once was still playing out Mafia 2 And Mafia 3 Becomes a whole new experience compared to playing it in chronological order. The themes of loyalty and betrayal come to a head in the ending, which becomes much more powerful and impressive after playing the rest of the series.
Since the game is remodeled and not remastered, there are also many references Mafia 2 And 3 in Definitive editionEspecially with a previously nondescript character model being replaced with Mafia 2s Vito Scaletta in a crucial scene for the sake of continuity, making the moment more intense than players would have experienced it already in Mafia 2 From Vito's perspective but will now see the impact it has on Mafias protagonist Tommy Angelo. With so many nods to the last games now carried over into the original story, this means that players who are new to Mafia Can't appreciate them as much without playing the games first.
Mafia: The Old Country will be the first proper prequel to the Mafia series
Takes place in 1900s Sicily
The long-rumored Mafia 4 - now officially titled as Mafia: The Old Country - was finally revealed at Gamescom 2024's Opening Night Live event with a cinematic teaser trailer. Although no gameplay has been shown, it has confirmed that The upcoming title would serve as the Mafia series' first proper prequelTaking place in 1900s Sicily, with Nick Baynes, president of Hangar 13, confirming after the discovery that Mafia: The Old Country will go"Back to the roots of what fans love about the Mafia franchise"with a"Deep linear narrative."
This discovery Follows leaks and rumors that the upcoming Mafia Title vault Focus on the family of Don Salieri in Sicily. It remains to be seen whether this would fit best after playing the previous one Mafia Titles and meeting Don Salieri through the stories, or if playing his backstory first will enrich the later interactions. Fortunately, players won't have to wait too much longer to see how it fits into the wider Mafia series, as the title is set to launch sometime in 2025.