In just 6 episodes, Daryl Dixon's second season had three separate main villains

In just 6 episodes, Daryl Dixon's second season had three separate main villains

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Daryl Dixon Season 2, Episode 5.

The franchise isn't known for keeping characters around for long, but The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon achieved the impressive feat of destroying three separate villains in just the second season. Most seasons of UndeadThe main series would have been around 16 episodes, but since season 12 plans have been replaced with a series of Undead spinoff shows, the standard has been six episodes per season for Daryl Dixon, Dead Cityand Those who live.

Naturally, the truncated length of each season limited each spinoff's ability to update its villains with the same regularity. Undead it used to be. The main villain throughout Daryl Dixon the first season was Genet, Dead City Season 1 had the Croatian (who was revealed to be a follower of the more powerful Dama, but only at the end), and the big bad of Those who live was Terry O'Quinn's Major General Beale. Daryl Dixon the second season ignores this format, achieving an impressive average of one villain every two episodes.

Daryl Dixon Season 2 Switched from Genet as Main Villain to Losang

Switch Villain 1: Genet To Losang

Season 2 started out a lot like Daryl Dixon season 1 ended, with Pouvoir Du Vivant leader Genet shooting Daryl and his allies at the Nest. The spinoff initially committed to keeping Genet as its main villainrevealing her backstory through a series of pre-outbreak flashbacks and bringing more depth to her character through enlightening conversations with Carol that explained her motivations and psychology more fully.

The fact that Joel de la Fuente's character is the only main villain when the credits roll in episode 4 is not an outcome many would have predicted.

In a surprise twist, Genet served only as Daryl Dixon main villain of season 2 in the first four episodescourtesy of Carol and a well-placed dart of variant serum. That Genet would die at some point could have been predicted in advance, especially after confirmation that Daryl Dixon Season 3 will head to Spain, but Genet dying two full episodes before the end of Season 2 was the real shock. As the story's all-encompassing source of wine-flavored evil, Genet seemed destined to at least stick around until Daryl left France.

Instead, the final scene of Daryl Dixon the fourth episode of season 2 promoted Losang to the vacant role of main antagonist. The seeds for change had already been planted - Losang openly criticized Daryl's attitude in episode 1, and his plot to use Laurent as a ceremonial sacrifice was a pretty clear sign of his growing evil in episode 3. At first, Daryl Dixon seemed to be teasing Losang as Genet's new best friend in the hunt for Laurent, so Joel de la Fuente's character as the sole main villain when the credits rolled in episode 4 was not the outcome many would have predicted.

It looks like Jacinta will be the true final villain of Daryl Dixon's second season

Switch 2 Villain: Losang to Jacinta

Jacinta (Nassima Benchicou) and Laurent (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi) ready for the ritual in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.

Switching from Genet to Losang at the end of episode 4 was surprising, but Daryl Dixon season 2 sends more shockwaves by switching from Losang to an entirely different character at the end of episode 5. After Daryl repeatedly hits him with a human skull, Losang is probably deadand if not, he won't be moving his team around anytime soon. The final moments of Daryl Dixon The penultimate episode of Season 2 sees Jacinta, Losang's second-in-command, cautiously regain consciousness after Codron chivalrously decides not to finish her off.

Jacinta was influencing Losang from the shadows and whispering venom in his ear.

The scene where Jacinta is agitated gives a very strong indication that she is now Daryl Dixon the third and presumably last major villain of season 2. With one more episode still to come in season 2, Daryl Dixon it still needs an enemy threat - the finale would be a pretty uneventful 50 minutes if Daryl's biggest problem was figuring out how to fit four passengers on Ash's plane. Jacinta must therefore be elevated to the position of main villain, once again empty at the beginning of Daryl Dixon final episode of season 2, consolidating her as the third major villain in just six episodes.

As shocking as this may be, Jacinta's rapid rise from minor nuisance to supervillain certainly didn't come out of nowhere. Long before the Union betrayed Daryl Dixon, it became clear that Jacinta was influencing Losang from the shadows and whispering poison in his ear. Dark but cunning, Jacinta considered Daryl a bad influence, encouraged Losang to go through with Laurent's ritual, and even went behind her leader's back in an attempt to assassinate Daryl and his allies.

What Jacinta Coming Out Means for Daryl Dixon's Season 2 Finale

There are pros and cons to Daryl Dixon's final, final, season 2 villain

Jacinta (Nassima Benchicou) sitting in a library in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.

From one perspective, Jacinta was always destined to become Daryl Dixon season 2 final boss. The downside is that the public knows virtually nothing about her. Daryl Dixon dug deep into Genet's past to give Anne Charrier's character a more detailed backstory, while the second season spent enough time exploring Losang's conflicted and deteriorating morals to make the Union's corrupted leader compelling. Jacinta, however, remains a mystery, and Daryl Dixon the season 2 finale may not have enough time to change that. There's a real risk that, without any real understanding of why she's doing what she's doing, Jacinta will feel empty as the ultimate villain.

Jacinta seems much more likely to follow Genet and Losang in UndeadThe hall of deceased villains.

In terms of Jacinta's next fate, Losang's death does little to change her mission. Despite Daryl and Codron's best efforts, many soldiers from the Pouvoir-Union alliance remain, including Genet's former lieutenant. However, it is unlikely that Jacinta changed her objective of capturing Laurent. The Union still seems convinced that the prodigal teenager is some kind of messiah, and Pouvoir, for reasons that are not entirely clear, agrees with this idea. Losang and Genet may be dead, but As long as Laurent remains on French soil, any villain still breathing will pursue him..

If AMC hadn't already confirmed this Daryl Dixon will be moving from France to Spain in season 3, it can be assumed that Jacinta was being groomed for a bigger role in the next series of episodes - the season 2 finale was just the beginning of a bigger journey for her. With Spain confirmed as Daryl and Carol's next stop, Jacinta seems much more likely to follow Genet and Losang UndeadThe hall of deceased villains.

The fact that Daryl DixonFrench's is quickly coming to an end storyline makes Losang's death in episode 5 all the more surprising. Sticking with the familiar face - the one the audience is most invested in - would perhaps have created a more meaningful last opponent for Daryl. Instead, it seems Undead: Daryl Dixon The season 2 finale will give weight to a character who has barely appeared thus far and will almost certainly be absent when season 3's Spanish adventure begins.


Release date

"La Gentillesse des Étrangers"

September 29

"Red Moulin"

October 6

"The Invisible"

October 13

"La Paradis Pour Toi"

October 20th

"Vouloir, C'est Pouvoir"

October 27th

"Au Revoir les Enfants"

November 3