Immersive Starfield mod turns NPCs into real characters with unique lives

Immersive Starfield mod turns NPCs into real characters with unique lives

As far as Starfield has come in the year since its launch, The game's community is still going out of its way to make it even better With some incredible mods that bring important NPCs to life. A problem that is present in almost every Bethesda RPG, non-playable characters tend to have a lack of personality, only moving around the world and serving as signposts for various quests. One dedicated fan decided to fix this issue their way by implementing a mod that gives key figures more to do than simply stand around.

Over on Nexus Mods, Creators Flipping eggs Shared their appropriately titled "NPCs Have Routines And Stores Have Schedules" mod that does what it says on the tin, bringing 36 named characters to life with more variety than ever before. The mod provides key NPCs with their own daily schedules, making the universe feel more realistic and alive As players are forced to learn characters' behaviors rather than just follow a marker on a map. This addition also makes a critical change to vendors that may seem insignificant but goes a long way to creating a more immersive experience.

Make Starfield's stores better

It's just a simple NPC tweak

A minor issue that managed to upset many Starfield Players is the fact that the game stores are open 24/7 with the person behind the counter simply never sleeping or closing for the day. FlippingEggs corrected this problem with a simple but ingenious fix: Their mod adds robots that run shops after hours, giving owners and human employees a chance to rest. It's a small change but one that fits in the world of Starfield And makes the game feel more grounded in its own reality rather than just an empty simulation.

Perhaps the most interesting are the 57 new data slates the mod adds to Starfield That either reveal insight into a business hour or give a glimpse into the personal lives of various NPCs. It's certainly a nice touch, as the base game has a lot of discoverable data slates that offer similar information, but many focus on characters that aren't all that important. The entire mod is built with custom AI packages created from scratch by FlippingEggs, which only shows the modder's dedication to improving. Starfield.


Screen Rant's Name: Starfield's NPCs need some life

They are all just a little boring


Like many other people, I find Starfield To be a painfully boring experience, one that is exacerbated by its NPCs. without life and character, It is easy to see a version of the game where all the letters are replaced by wooden signs Simply point to the next objective. I'll happily take any mod capable of improving this lackluster aspect, so the creation of FlippingEggs feels almost essential.

Source: Flipping Eggs/Nexus Mods


PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S


September 6, 2023


M for Mature 17+ Due to gore, suggestive themes, use of drugs, strong language, violence