Notice! This post contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Republic Under Siege #4I'm a little worried about this Star Wars will end up dealing badly with the end of their new Battle of Jakku series. Composed of three parts consisting of four issues each, the third and final arc of this new and canonical comic series is about to begin. However, the Battle of Jakku it has not yet reached the desert world that gives it its name.
Coming from writer Alex Segura and a collection of famous artists, Battle of Jakku was a very interesting series, detailing the state of Star Wars galaxy shortly after the Battle of Endor. However, the real Battle of Jakku has not yet begun in this new Battle of Jakku series after the conclusion of the first two chapters. As such, this made me a little worried before the final arc, Last Stand, and how much time we'll actually have on Jakku itself during the definitive final battle that ended the Galactic Civil War.
Star Wars' New Battle of Jakku Is Being Built for Jakku
The year between ROTJ and the final conflict of the Galactic Civil War
Marvel Battle of Jakku started with the four editions Rise of Insurgencyrevealing the rise of Governor Adelhard as a self-styled Grand Moff who chooses to remain in a state of denial over the Empire's losses on Endor. Instead, he builds an "Iron Blockade" around the Anoat Sector rather than working with his fellow Imperial leaders. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker comes into conflict with the dark side cult known as the Acolytes of Beyond while searching for Jedi artifacts following Return of the Jediin hopes of one day bringing back the Jedi Order.
Luke Skywalker is also shown in conflict with Adelhard himself, who eventually allies with the Acolytes as seen in the second arc, Republic under siege. That said, Adelhard's plans to create a New Empire and undermine the New Republic end when he is betrayed by Reyna Oskure of the Acolytes.. Reyna takes command of Adelhard's forces before sending him and his few remaining loyalists to die in a decommissioned escape pod on a remote planet.
At the same time, both arcs referenced other novels and Star Wars media set during the same post-Endor period. This includes appearances by Imperials such as Palpatine's secret protégé Gallius Rax, who remains loyal to the Emperor's posthumous wishes, such as Operation Cinder and the remnants of the Imperial Navy gathering their forces upon the desert world of Jakku. That being said, Jakku and the New Republic's concerns about the Shattered Empire were only mentioned a few times, while the rogue Adelhard and the Acolytes took a prominent place in these first two chapters.
I'm worried that the Battle of Jakku title is misleading
How much time will the series actually spend on Jakku?
Essentially, all of these events mentioned in the first two arcs are happening during the year between Endor and Jakku, rather than covering the Battle of Jakku itself.. That leaves the final arc Last Stand to cover the conflict, although the previews worry me that it will be more limited than I expected for a series with this particular title. After all, the preview for Last position #1 reveals Adelhard's survival, as well as the Acolytes' attacks on the New Republic hub world of Chandrila.
“There is a lot that has not been revealed about the Battle of Jakku, such as the specific roles of Luke, Leia and Han Solo…”
This leads me to believe that this first question (and maybe even the second) will just be elaborated further, leaving only 1 or 2 questions remaining. Last Stand for the battle itself. While I have my doubts, my fingers are crossed that the Battle of Jakku itself will be satisfying.revealing new aspects of the ultimate battle that has only been portrayed outside of films and shows. After all, there's a lot that hasn't been revealed about the Battle of Jakku, like the specific roles of Luke, Leia, and Han Solo.
Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Last Stand #1 goes on sale December 25th.