One original character returned to Gray’s Anatomy was highly emphasized before the release of season 21, but I fear that their return after 17 years may be disappointing. Gray’s Anatomy Season 20’s cliffhanger ending created chaotic circumstances for those at Gray Sloan Memorial, ensuring season 21 will have plenty of fires to put out. Among the various issues, the mass firings of the 20th season guaranteed key doctors will not work at Gray Sloan in Gray’s Anatomy Season 21. The need for new doctors may make the character’s return decisive considering the state of Gray Sloan Memorial, but that won’t necessarily make it successful story-wise.
Last Gray’s Anatomy Seasons attempted to integrate key characters returning to visit Gray Sloan Memorial into the show’s main storylines. Addison comes back Gray’s Anatomy Season 18 for a uterine transplant and her groundbreaking research study perfectly embedded her in the hospital drama with Meredith and her job offer from Hamilton, and her work in reproductive care did the same in season 19. Arizona’s return in Gray’s Anatomy Season 20 saw Bailey’s return to the magic of surgery, and the character’s return after 17 seasons could have a similar arc in Gray’s Anatomy Season 21.
Grey’s Anatomy season 21 may be overhyping Sydney’s return
Sydney Never had a key role in Grey’s Anatomy Seasons 2, 3 and 4
Since the news of Kali Rocha’s return as Sidney Heron came out, A lot of the coverage for Gray’s Anatomy Season 21 focused on how exciting it is for a character who was part of the medical drama’s beginning to return. Although it’s undeniably impressive for an original character to return after so long, especially considering the hostile relationship between Bailey and Heron that could make things interesting in Gray’s Anatomy Season 21, I’m worried that all the anticipation about it could lead to Sidney Heron’s return to Gray’s AnatomyIt turns out to be disappointing in the end.
[Helping Izzie after Denny’s death] was one of Sidney’s few contributions.
Indeed, Sidney’s role was never central Gray’s Anatomy Seasons 2, 3 and 4. Her arc in season 3 made Sydney useful to Izzie when she tried to get back to the surgical residency after Denny’s death, leading to Izzie opening up to her despite the interns not warming up to Sydney. Still, this was one of Sidney’s few contributions, in addition to her rivalry with Bailey for the chief resident position. Sydney never had a key role before could make her return in Gray’s Anatomy Season 21 ultimately feels underwhelming If it repeats the same patterns.
How Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 can make sure that Sydney’s return does not disappoint
Sydney’s return may be worthwhile if her contribution is meaningful
Sidney Heron is key to fixing things between Meredith and Catherine would give her too big a role that wouldn’t fit as her character was introduced earlier in Gray’s Anatomy. yet, Her return could avoid disappointment if Sydney’s contribution is meaningfulEven if it did not move heaven and earth to solve the main problems set up by Gray’s Anatomy Season 20’s finale. Indeed, According to what happened to Izzie when she was her peer counselor, Sydney could become instrumental in helping the interns.And especially Lucas, after their standoff with Katherine in season 20’s finale.
Sidney’s return could also create interesting dynamics with characters like Meredith and Bailey, who always felt a distance between their approach and Sidney. I, for one, can’t wait to see what else Sydney’s presence can do to Bailey in addition to what can already be seen in Gray’s Anatomy Season 21’s trailer. Her return could be even more impressive if Sydney, despite their differences, can finally convince Bailey and Meredith of the value of her approach After you arc in Gray’s Anatomy Season 21, which could really make her brief return impressive.
Gray’s Anatomy Season 21 premieres on Thursday, September 26 at 10pm ET on ABC.