When Emperor Palpatine was killed during the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedithe forces that served under his command understandably refused to admit defeat to the Rebel Alliance. But one Imperial in particular is taking extreme measures to ensure the galaxy doesn't learn the full extent of the Rebels' victory. Then Who is Grand Moff Ubrik Adelhard, Marvel's new big bad Star Wars universe?
Moff Adelhard is already Marvel's main antagonist Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku - Rise of the Insurgency. But in Ewoks #1the Grand Moff argues with General Koyatta, the administrator of a buried weapons depot on Endor, about returning to the moon to retrieve weapons for the Empire. So if other Imperial officials are now answering to Adelhard, he may have greater influence than I initially thought. Could this be a successor to Emperor Palpatine himself?
Grand Moff Ubrik Adelhard is already one of the rebellion's deadliest threats
Even after the death of the emperor, the fight continues
Ubrik Adelhard was first mentioned in Star Wars Consequences by Chuck Wendig, and later made his first full appearance in the mobile game Star Wars: Uprising. Moff Adelhard recently made an appearance on The Battle of Jakku - Rise of the Insurgency #1, where he made it very clear that anyone peddling misinformation about the Emperor's death will answer to him and face a severe death penalty. He opens a sector channel and sends a message to the entire Anoat sector (containing Bespin, Hoth and more worlds) claiming that the Rebellion was defeated, not the Empire, and that the Emperor is still alive.
Moff Adelhard is best known for the developing plan known as 'The Iron Blockade', formed immediately after news of Emperor Palpatine's death reached the officer. With immediate effect, Adelhard locks down the entire Anoat sector, isolating its citizens from the rest of the galaxy. He claims it is to keep his citizens safe, but in reality it is to prevent any information about the continuation of the war and the Emperor's death from spreading further. In Rise of the Insurgency #1, It is established that the victorious rebels are massing outside the borders drawn by Adelhard, and I believe that the Iron Blockade will soon be seen in full force.
Grant Moff Adelhard has the potential to be a true successor to Palpatine
Adelhard took a different path after the Battle of Endor.
For obvious reasons, the Iron Blockade also triggers an uprising of fighters, as not only does it cause a shortage of food and supplies in the Anoat sector, but the Anoat sector is a major supplier of Tibanna gas to the galaxy, which means a widespread fuel shortages. . But the new revelation that Adelhard's influence extends to other Imperials means that he is commanding more of the Imperial Remnant outside of the Anoat sector, making it highly likely that he is capable of causing trouble for heroes other than the trilogy's original family.
After Emperor Palpatine's death, pre-recorded messages describing Operation: Cinder were delivered to the Emperor's top commanders. A contingency plan to destroy enemy planets and send the surviving leaders of the Empire into the Unknown Regions (to eventually become the First Order). And while Adelhard's plan goes against Palpatine's own intentions, leaning more towards preserving the Empire. And it is precisely because of this distinction that demonstrates his superior and unbreakable dedication to the Empire.
Moff Adelhard's growing role could mean a cameo in The Mandalorian and Grogu
The period of Star Wars saga following the Return of the Jedi is being explored deeper and deeper, with The Battle of Jakku being a major turning point. The Iron Blockade has been broken, the Imperials are discovering the truth about the Emperor's death and surrendering to the Rebel Alliance. But looking elsewhere on the current list of Star Wars stories added to the canon, none stand out more than The Shadow Council introduced in The Mandalorian.
Bringing together people like Moff Gideon, Brendol Hux, Gilad Pallaeon and all led by Grand Admiral Thrawn, the alliance has already caused a lot of trouble for Din Djarin, with hints of much more significant plans and impacts that will emerge across the galaxy.
With upcoming films like The Mandalorian and Groguand Dave Filoni's film focused on the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakensfans can expect the Imperial Shadow Council to pose threats to heroes like Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and the rest of the Rebels and the New Republic. If Moff Adelhard becomes popular enough with fans during this new era of comics, I don't see why he wouldn't join the Shadow Council in live action media.
Allying himself with Grand Admiral Thrawn, he returned to the main galaxy via AhsokaAdelhard's unwavering devotion to the Empire would make the group even more unstoppable, but we'll have to wait and see. First comes Ewoks and Rise of Insurgencywhich will hopefully execute the Iron Block story to its full potential and see Adelhard survive (if not thrive) long enough to unite with other Imperial Remnants.
Grand Moff Adelhard It's already more influential than I imagined it could be, and its live-action appearance seems more and more inevitable by the day. Fans can follow along by reading all Star Wars stories being published by Marvel Comics.