90 Day Fiancé: Up to 90 Days There's a whole new character on the list of controversial actors and I think... Tigerlily Taylor will be the next person to be cancelled.. Tigerlily and her husband Adnan Abdelfattah star in the seventh season. Tigerlily of Frisco, Texas is a single mother of two who took a leap of faith and followed her heart, which led her to Jordan. Tigerlily met Adnan from Amman on social media and dated him for four months. Tigerlily planned to marry Adnan as soon as she got off the plane and saw him in person.
To me, it sounded like a train wreck waiting to happen, and six episodes in, Tigerlily and Adnan's storyline was exactly what I expected. Cultural differences and age differences aside, it is Tigerlily who raises the red flags in this relationship. If her two failed marriages aren't a sign, then that's all I've listed below. Tigerlily and Adnan may have celebrated their first anniversary together in September 2024, but the relationship won't last long and the reason is Kourtney Kardashian's lookalike.
Tigerlily wanted a man 19 years younger than her
Tigerlily prayed to God for a young husband
Among other things that make Tigerlily problematic, I find the age difference between her and Adnan to be one of the most disturbing. Tigerlily was 41 years old when she came across Adnan's Instagram profile. It probably didn't take her long to find out that he was only 22 years old. which makes him closer in age to her children than to her. However, this did not stop Tigerlily from trying to become romantically involved with him. She also didn't think it was a problem when they planned to get married the first day they met.
Adnan may have been immature due to his age, but Tigerlily had already been married twice. She should have known that Adnan's worldview would be limited since he had never dated anyone before and was not familiar with American culture. Adnan also wanted to have five children, but Tigerlily did not tell him that this was impossible due to her age. I recently came across Tigerlily's story where she justified the age difference. She was inspired by a podcaster who also married a man 19 years her junior. Tigerlily wrote that her "prayers were definitely answered" when she met Adnan.
Tigerlily makes shocking accusations against her ex-husband Darren
Tigerlily insists Adnan is not in control
I definitely felt like Tigerlily was looking for sympathy in her debut episode. She had a sob story to tell the audience that would make her seem more likable, and it said that her husband was controlling her. When Tigerlily met Adnan, it was revealed that he was a real controlling person who asked her what to wear and who to talk to. However, Tiger Lily recently told a fan that Adnan has no control over anything at all, and that she “knows» controlling. Tigerlily's ex-husband may never be able to tell his side of the story on the show, and she took advantage of that.
Darren - Tigerlily's second ex-husband
Tigerlily never mentioned Adam Azoulay in the series
When Tigerlily told her story about how she had to marry her baby daddy when she got pregnant at 31, she conveniently didn't mention that Darren was her second husband. According to IntouchTigerlily filed for divorce from Adam Azoulay in June 2011. She never spoke about this man or why her marriage ended. I suppose she would have done so if the problem in the marriage had been her first husband and not her, since she seemed interested in getting as much sympathy as possible. Tigerlily hides many secrets and I feel they are quite dangerous.
Tigerlily is careless with her finances
Tigerlily didn't even sign a prenuptial agreement
Tigerlily has flaunted her wealth from the very beginning. She went into a jewelry store, introduced herself, and bought an expensive watch just because it was exclusive. Tiger Lily wanted to make a great impression on the audience. I really think she wanted to look likethe richest" cast that the franchise has ever known. She didn't have to do her hair on a plane or before visiting a famous archaeological site where she planned to keep her hair covered. All she wanted to do was show off, but it ended up looking like she was being frivolous.
Tigerlily manipulates her service providers by calling them her "friends"
Why doesn't Tigerlily have any real friends?
When Tigerlily had a bachelorette party in the US before flying to Jordan to marry Adnan, she revealed that her ex-husband wouldn't let her have friends. She claimed that her service providers such as personal trainer, hairdresser, beautician, etc. became her friends. In that case, what stopped Tigerlily from making new friends after her divorce? I think that in four months it would be easier to find a friend than a husband. Tigerlily's personality will be such that she won't make a good friend.
However, she knows how to pay people to become her friends. Since she calls them her friends, Tigerlily is able to make them dance to her tunes. She brought a hairdresser and beautician with her on the trip as her glam team, but she also I took them with me on my honeymoon, where they were not needed at all. I think she was planning on blaming the glam team for her tardiness when Adnan called her out for spending four hours on her hair. She could have easily told him later that it was the glam squad that caused the delay, not her.
Tigerlily makes Adnan a villain
Is Adnan really the bad guy here?
Tigerlily acts like she doesn't know about the rules of Islam because her source, Adnan, didn't tell her about them. If I were Tigerlily, I would just We googled the laws and customs that affect women in Jordan. just so I can prepare for my first visit to the country - all I need is an internet connection! However, Tigerlily wanted Adnan to look like the bad guy when he told her to cover up or wear loose clothes. These were not Adnan's rules, but what was expected according to local and cultural norms.
Tigerlily accused of fraud
Tigerlily flaunts her wealth on the show, but refuses to reveal exactly how she makes her income. She laughs off rumors that she received compensation after her divorce in Texas. She also claims to make money through her smart investments. However, Tigerlily has a very sketchy Instagram page called: "Earn money with Tiger" where she wants followers like me to buy a course where she will teach them how to start making money using just their phone. It doesn't surprise me she has comments like “keep deceiving the girl» from piperlorene on duty.
New profitable project Tigerlily is strange
Tigerlily thinks she's already a reality TV superstar
If the shady looking money making job wasn't enough, Tiger Lily contacted Adnan for the second. She owns a clothing brand and has been trying to promote it since she started her reality TV career. I came across their stories where they encouraged their followers buy groceries at the store so they can get "handwritten card» from the couple for all October orders. Tigerlily already seems to have a superiority complex and thinks she's an A-list star even though she's only a few episodes into the reality TV universe.
90 Day Fiancé: Up to 90 Days airs Sundays at 8:00 pm ET on TLC.
Source: Intouch, Tigerlily Taylor/Instagram, 90 Day Fiancé/YouTube, Earn money with TigerInstagram, piperlorene/Instagram
A more in-depth look into the lives of couples created on 90 Day Fiancé, 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days is a reality show/documentary series that follows a potential spouse from a foreign country and their preparation for traveling to America. The show documents the early days of a relationship overseas and the process of obtaining the K-1 visa required for a spouse to live in a new country. Couples struggle with culture shock, language barriers and the opinions of friends and families as they prepare to take the plunge.
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August 6, 2017
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