There were many great characters in the sprawling ensemble of LostFrom lacquer to saw to seed, but one of the most interesting features of the research has completely disappeared. Although their ability to solve a mystery is called into question, for the most part, the writers of Lost Knew how to make a captivating character. They turned Jack Shepard from a normal protagonist into a saner version of Rick Grimes. They transformed Hurley from the brilliant comic relief to a deeply lovable tragic figure whose lottery win was the worst thing that happened to him.
But these Lost The writers did not add depth to all their characters. In some cases, they took a character with a lot of depth and promise and intrigue and reduced them to a one-note archetype. A perfect example of this is Kate Austen, played by Evangeline Lilly. when Lost Introducing Kate, she seemed to have a lot of potentialBut she is quickly reduced to a love interest for Jack and Sawyer. She didn't get enough of a role in the series, which totally wasted her promising backstory and Lily's talent (and left die-hard fans like me bitterly disappointed).
I'm still disappointed by how badly lost Kate's character was on the island
Kate is reduced to a romantic interest in a love triangle
when Lost began and his characters were introduced, Kate seemed to be one of the ones with the most potential. She was smart and courageous, and she helped Jack galvanize the survivors to think about long-term survival on the island. But as the series went on, the writers didn't know what to do with her. One of the toughest characters in the US Lost Cast is reduced to the objectified third member of a love triangle Between Jack and Sawyer. She could have been so much more than that, though The writers only thought of her as a romantic interest.
Kate's backstory made her one of the most interesting lost characters early on
Kate was a fugitive who had been on the run for months before the plane crash
Lost Famously used flashbacks to reveal his characters' backstories throughout the series, Kate has one of the most fascinating backstories on the show: She was raised in Iowa by her mother Diane and her abusive alcoholic stepfather Wayne. Disgusted by Wayne's treatment of her mother and devastated to learn that he was her biological father, Kate decides to kill Wayne. She confessed to her mother the murder before running away. A conflicted Diane decides to turn Kate over to the authorities and Kate was arrested by Edward Mars.
After escaping from duty, Kate fled to Miami and adopted the name "Monica." There, she married a police officer named Kevin Callis. Filled with guilt, Kate confesses who she really was to Kevin and drugs him with a sedative before going on the lam once again. After months of moving around the US it. Under various different aliases, Kate finds out that Diane has terminal cancer and risks everything to visit her. When Kate visited Diane, Diane screamed for help and alerted the police. During Kate's getaway, her high school sweetheart Tom is shot and killed.
Months after that, Kate staged a bank robbery in New Mexico to get into a safe deposit box. This is where Kate's backstory ties into the larger mystery of the series, as box 815—the flight number of the crashed plane—contained Tom's toy airplane. Kate ends up working on a farm in Australia, where her boss figures out her true identity and alerts Mars to her whereabouts. Mars captured Kate once again and got her on the doomed oceanic flight That would crash on the notorious island.
All in all, this was one of those Losts most compelling origin stories. It could have been a whole separate TV series of its own. Once all that was revealed, Kate became one of my favorite characters on the show. However, after confirming that Kate has such a storied past as a murderer and a fugitive, Lost Didn't do much with the character. She is shown to be tough and resourceful, but her past doesn't haunt her as much as her backstory suggests it would.
The ABC show fails to deliver Kate's potential
Evangeline Lilly's performance was completely scandalized
Between reducing her to a love interest and putting her in all of the show's most boring and inconsequential storylines, Lost Extremely scattered range as a character. She should have gotten more of the action, and her remorse should have been explored in more depth. Evangeline Lilly does an amazing job with the role, deftly balancing Kate's toughness with her underlying vulnerabilitySo it was doubly disappointing that the character was wasted. Given how dark and complicated her backstory is, Kate should have been one of the most compelling characters in LostBut her dramatic potential is ignored season after season.