I'm glad we're getting Scrubs Season 10, but I'd love to see where the med school was headed

I'm glad we're getting Scrubs Season 10, but I'd love to see where the med school was headed

I am so excited that Scrubs is on the verge of a comeback, but I'm sure in another universe, a revival wouldn't even be necessary. The idea of ​​a Scrubs Revival warms my soul, as it is easily my favorite sitcom of all time. While the recent run of episodes isn't quite up to scratch, I still routinely watch and enjoy all nine seasons of Scrubs. The changes to the formula ahead of Scrubs Season 9 resulted in a very different version of ​​the show I'd grown to love. Still, I really think it was a fascinating experiment.

Showrunner Bill Lawrence's promise that he is "Definitely going to“Make more episodes of Scrubs Does not mean that the project was green. It didn't. However, the confidence with which Lawrence talks about the comeback of the sitcom makes me sure that it will happen sooner rather than later. Scrubs Season 10 gives the show its chance to redeem itself In the eyes of myself and so many other fans who don't rank Season 9 too highly when compared to the previous 8. Regardless, I find myself wondering what could have been if Scrubs: Med School Has been allowed to flourish beyond its 13 episodes.

Scrubs Season 9 could have been the start of something cool

The short era of med school held promise

I found the soft reboot Scrubs: Med School To be a little jarring right off the bat. Many elements were the same as the main run of the show, but the biggest changes were the new aesthetic of the sitcom and the gradual move away from focusing on the original cast, bringing a new batch of stars to the forefront. Scrubs Season 9 was originally intended as a spinoffBut ABC refused to market it as anything other than a direction continuation. If the studio had bought the premise, I think these episodes could have kickstarted a creative idea.

Although Zach Braff's John "JD" Dorian was present in many of these Med school Episodes, he eventually left in Scrubs Season 9, Episode 9, "Our Stuff Gets Real."

Although Zach Braff's John "JD" Dorian was present in many of these Med school Episodes, he eventually left in Scrubs Season 9, Episode 9, "Our Stuff Gets Real." While other members of the original cast stuck around, there is no guarantee that they would have continued as part of the spinoff of sorts if it had continued beyond its lone season. What I think was more likely was that Scrubs: Med School would have become a sitcom equivalent of shows like ER. Actors may have come and gone over the years, but the show itself would have remained constant.

The concept of a hospital sitcom/procedural hybrid with Scrubs' signature blend of zany comedy and heartbreaking drama is something I really wish I'd been allowed to develop.

I can't think of another sitcom that follows this formula. Admittedly, the format traditionally relies heavily on familiarity with its stars and their characters, however Med school Started well with old faces, as well as new ones To try and cross that original bridge. The concept of a hospital sitcom/procedural hybrid with Scrubs' signature blend of zany comedy and heartbreaking drama is something I really wish I'd been allowed to develop. Sure, it didn't work in Scrubs Season 9, but that doesn't necessarily mean it couldn't have found its footing as it went on.

Zach Braff's character should have stepped away much sooner

There is no denying that Scrubs Lives and breathes according to his ensemble cast. The show wouldn't have run as long as it did without the amazing chemistry between its various actors - no matter how famous they were on the sitcom. That said, it would also be naive to argue that Zach Braff isn't the sitcom's leading man. As such, his departure was always going to be a huge shock.

Scrubs Season 9 Top 5 Episodes on IMDB



With Zack Braff?

IMDb score

Our first day of school




Our drunk friend




Our history




Our stuff gets real




Our role models




Our white coats




While I did not want to see him leave - and I was aware that he was going to before Med school started - I understood that the new format of the show needed to prove that it could succeed without him. Unfortunately, it never really got that chance. Of the 13 episodes in Scrubs Season 9, Braff appeared in 6 of them. If the eventual intention was to make a show that didn't rely on members of the original cast, having the biggest one remain such a prominent character for so long seems against me.

Braff's comeback years down the line could have been a great Scrubs: Med School storyline

JD's comeback could have been something special

Zach Braff looks excited

I understand why Braff was part of the transition period between Scrubs Seasons 8 and 9, but I also believe that, at most, a single episode would have been enough. Bring JD back to Scrubs So soon after "My Finale" ruined its perfect ending, while also quietly hurting the potential future of the Med school Reboot. If the updated version of Scrubs has continued to be renewed over the years and has become a television standard as he and other medical shows, i would have found Zach Braff's eventual return so long after his departure to be incredibly rewarding.


The same would also be true of the other members of the original Scrubs cast, or even stars who only debuted in season 9, like Kerry Bishé and Drew Suffin. As long as there was an ongoing-yet-ever-changing core of characters, the comings and goings of various personnel could have easily become part of the formula rather than a weakness to be constantly accounted for. of course, Braff's comeback would probably be the biggest event in Med schoolBut other characters like Turk, Dr. Cox, and Elliot leaving and coming back would have made a huge splash as well.

Scrubs: Med school's continuation would have made a revival unnecessary

Bill Lawrence's last Scrubs season 10 plans would not have been required

Scrubs: Med School could conceivably have stood the test of time If the concept has already received a little better. If so, it may still be on the air today. Alternatively, it may just have ended. To use ER as an example again, it was on the air for 15 years. with Scrubs Season 9 15 years ago, a finale of the experimental sitcom could have recently been broadcast if the first Med school Episodes have hit the ground running. If so, the idea of ​​a Scrubs Season 10 would have long been realized.

actually, Scrubs Season 10 and beyond never happened, which is why it should be the next installment to come from the show.

In addition, I have no doubt said that theoretical finale would have been so full of cameos from the show's stars that a reunion would be superfluous. actually, Scrubs Season 10 and beyond never happened, which is why it should be the next installment to come from the show. I would be shocked if the coming revival is anything like this Med school Episodes - apart from the return to the new Sacred Heart - so I expect a resurgence of a much more recognizable version of Scrubs From the golden age of sitcoms.

Scrubs is a sitcom and medical comedy/drama created by Bill Lawrence that follows a group of medical students throughout their daily lives at the Sacred Heart Teaching Hospital. The series stars Zach Braff, Sarah Chalke, and Donald Faison as they work their way up from medical interns while juggling all sorts of hospital shenanigans.


John C. McGinley, Robert Maschio, Donald Faison, Christa Miller, Neil Flynn, Judy Reyes, Aloma Wright, Zach Braff, Sarah Chalke, Sam Lloyd, Ken Jenkins.

Release date

October 1, 2001




Bill Lawrence