One of my favorite characters in Genshin Impact can finally get a skin, and I'm particularly excited about the prospect of finally seeing a skin in action regularly across most of my team compositions.. Skins, officially known as Character Outfits, have been in the game for some time. The first skins, for Barbara and Jean, were first released in version 1.6. Since then, developer HoYoverse has consistently released multiple outfits for many of its characters, allowing players to customize their units with unique fashion styles, such as the gorgeous Ganyu and Shenhe skins in Genshin Impact.
The developer usually releases multiple skins in a single patch. One of the skins is usually for 4-star characters, while the others are for 5-star units. During the update they are released, the 4-star character skin is available for free in the main event, while the character outfit for the 5-star unit is offered at a discount. After the update ends, the 4-star character skin can only be purchased in the store, and the 5-star unit skin returns to its normal full price in Genshin Impact store.
Yelan might finally get a skin in Genshin Impact 5.3
The 5-star character Hydro is rumored to be getting a new character outfit soon
Now, a new leak suggests the arrival of a long-awaited character costume. According to information from the leaker known as HXG, which was shared in a post flagged as “Suspect" about Reddit, Yelan may get a new skin in an upcoming patch. The leak doesn't provide any further details about what this supposed new Yelan skin will look like or any of the elements that may be present in the outfit, but it should give players who own Yelan a Genshin Impact to give the character an alternate appearance, if desired.
It's important to note that although the leak may seem unreliable from an initial standpoint, HXG is not the only leaker who has mentioned such a character costume. The leaker known as Flying Flame also mentioned that Yelan might get the skin Redditsustaining the previous leak. The leaker mentions that the skin will arrive in version 5.3. It's unknown exactly when the new batch of skins will actually be added to the game, but based on previous skin releases, it's possible to predict when players will be able to get the rumored Yelan skin. Genshin Impact.
So far, HoYoverse maintained a steady schedule of character skins released during two periods per year. The first batch arrives during the patches that host the annual Lantern Rite Festival, while the second group of skins are added to the game during the final patch, before the arrival of a new nation on the Teyvat map. This year, the developer released the Shenhe, Ganyu, and Qingqiu skins during the Lantern Rite patch in version 4.4, while the second batch of skins was released for Kirara and Nilou in Genshin Impact 4.8.
If HoYoverse maintains its regular pattern of skin releases, the next skins could arrive during the 2025 Lantern Rite Festival. It is unknown which patch the update will be released in, but it could occur in version 5.3, as speculated by Flying Flame, or in version 5.4. Version 5.3 is expected to be the final major patch in Natlan's story arc, so HoYoverse may choose not to release Lantern Rite during the same update. In this case, players can expect the next skins in version 5.4 instead of version 5.3 (which can see the release of Mavuika in Genshin Impact).
The Rumored Yelan Skin in Genshin Impact Is Personally Emotional
Previous character outfit releases didn't speak much to me
The prospect of Yelan receiving a skin in a future update is exciting to me because a skin for her could be the first one I receive consistently across multiple team compositions. The 5-star Hydro character is, without a doubt, the best sub-DPS in the game and one of my most used characters. I use Yelan on my Bloom, Hyperbloom, Vaporize, and Super-Conduct teams pretty consistently due to its great ability to spread Hydro and deal high Hydro DMG from outside the field in Genshin Impact. Although I have used the Barbara skin since its release, the same does not happen with other characters.
I picked up most of the skins for 4-star characters from the events where they were made available for free, but I didn't put them to good use. The only exception is Barbara, who I use regularly as a healer, but even then she is easily replaced by several other healers I have, and her Character Outfit is seen less and less with each passing day. The skins released for 5-star characters so far have not pleased me at all. They get paid cosmetics Genshin Impact characters I don't use and some of them I don't even have unlocked.
Yelan would be a different case for me. Since I use it in most of my team compositions, I would be able to put my purchase to good use with pride. Even as an off-field sub-DPS, I would swap her regularly to activate her ability and her Burst. Furthermore, I use Yelan for exploration thanks to the increased movement speed she gains from using her Elemental Skill. Yelan's supposed skin would be a pleasant surprise for me because it would be the first skin for a 5-star character in Genshin Impact I would make an investment in.
Even though there are multiple leakers reporting the same thing, rumors about Yelan's skin should be taken with extreme caution. The information they provide may be incorrect, incomplete or simply subject to change. The mention of a skin could be an alternative costume for a cutscene, for example, not available to players.
If true, its launch could even be postponed. Even though I'm wary of the current rumors, I can't help but be excited about the possibility of getting Yelan, one of my favorites. Genshin Impact characters, a new skin to use in and out of battle.