Warning: contains spoilers NYX #5!!
The Krakoan may call itself as X-Men's new Magnetobut the Master of Magnetism had a healthy and free mind when he made his choices. It has become quite clear to me as a reader that Hellion cannot act of his own free will, and he is not the villain causing the real threat - instead, Empath is calling all the orders.and his involvement with the Purifiers solidified this.
NYX #5 – written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, with art by Francesco Moratino – Sophie Cuckoo reveals Empath's plan, and while it's as heinous as expected, I can't get rid of one detail that convinced me of Julian Keller's innocence. Manuel intends to force the mutants to create a new Krakoa, and the Purifiers (or Truth Seekers) are an integral domino, but I refuse to believe that Hellion would work freely with them.
The Purifiers were responsible for one of the most brutal attacks in X-Men history, which took the life of Julian Keller's best friend. The Krakoan would never accept them as allies.
I'm pretty sure Empath is the real X-Men villain - and his plan with the Truthseekers proves it
NYX #5 – Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing; Art by Francesco Mortarino; Color By Raul Angulo; Lyrics by Elisabetta D'Amico
Manuel de la Rocha, also known as Empath, has the ability to manipulate emotions, and of course, emotions were already running high after the fall of Krakoa. I've always been drawn to Julian Keller for his passionate and vocal defense of mutant rights, but this deep feeling makes him the perfect target for Empath. It would take little effort for Manuel to turn Julian's anger into fury and use it to guide him toward things he would never do alone. Still, I gave NYX a few questions to make the case for the unfortunate possibility of Julian naturally progressing to becoming an X-Men villain.
From my point of view, the Purifiers' involvement eliminated that possibility; the Krakoan is not acting of its own volition, proving that the Empath is the true mastermind in this scenario. At best, Julian Keller is a hammer that Empath wields. It's still not the fate I wanted to see for Hellion, but it's a relief to realize that Manuel is the one giving the sick orders. NYX. Working with the Purifiers, after what he and his friends endured at their hands, would be so antithetical to Julian Keller's character that I honestly refuse to accept the idea.
I will never accept the Krakoan siding with the Purifiers after what they did to him and the mutants
Must read the backstory: New X-Men #23 – Written by Craig Kyle and Chris Yost; Art by Mark Brooks; Released in February 2006.
Julian Keller and the rest of his "Academy X" classmates spent their formative years enduring the greatest tragedies in X-Men history. All mutants suffered after M-Day, but the students at Academy X suffered worse. In New X-Men #23, the recently depowered students (including Hellion's best friend Tag) boarded a bus to leave campus. Before they could leave, William Stryker's Purifiers set off a massive explosion, killing the children on board. As a longtime fan of the X-Men, I found this heartbreaking on a level I can only compare to the Genoshan Massacre – and it forever changed the lives of the surviving students.
The idea that Hellion would set all of this aside and open a path for them to cause more pain and potentially take more mutant lives is, as far as I'm concerned, not possible for any faithful interpretation of his character and history.
This Purifier attack is the exact reason I can't accept the Krakoan as anything more than a puppet of the Empath. Julian saw his best friend and many of his other classmates die at their hands. The experience was utterly frightening and illustrated the depravity of which the Purifiers are capable. The idea that Hellion would set all of this aside and open a path for them to cause more pain and potentially take more mutant lives is, as far as I'm concerned, not possible for any faithful interpretation of his character and history. Even Julian's worst anger wouldn't get him this far.
Empath's plan goes far beyond the Krakoan's worst impulses
Julian is a distraction; Defeating Manuel de la Rocha is key
If Manuel's plan is completely successful and the mutants create a new nation with Empath as their leader, the Krakoan will have helped him through all the suffering that paves that path. I won't deny that Julian harbors anger and resentment toward some of his fellow mutants, as many of the X-Men abandoned him at a time when he needed guidance most, but Empath's plan goes beyond Hellion's deepest anger. . I don't believe that even at his lowest point, Julian would willingly ensure that his fellow mutants suffered under the command of known assassins, even if it meant leading to mutant supremacy.
Krakoan can be presented as X-Men's next Magneto, but I'm convinced that Empath is the only true villain now.
I'm not the only person who assumes that Empath is behind everything that happens in NYXwhile he blatantly flaunts his power, but Sophie Cuckoo's outline of his plan is all the proof I need. Marvel, Prodigy, Laura Kinney and all their allies can only hope to succeed if they cut things off at the source and put all their power into taking down Empath. Julian is a distraction tactic, designed to withstand the pressure that should be applied entirely to Manuel; the Krakoan can be presented as X-Men's next Magnetobut I'm convinced that Empath is the only true villain now.
NYX #5 is now available from Marvel Comics.