I'm convinced that Colin Macrae will never return to the yacht Below Deck (he may be gone for good)

I'm convinced that Colin Macrae will never return to the yacht Below Deck (he may be gone for good)

Colin Macrae is not starring Sailing yacht below deck Season 5, and I'm convinced he's done with reality TV for good. The chief engineer was known for his affable personality, professionalism and friendship with First Officer Gary King. However, his reputation crumbled when he developed a boat with Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher, resulting in a love triangle between Colin, Daisy and Gary. There are signs that Colin could return Sailing yacht below deckBut I don't think he'll come back.

After Colin began showing interest in Daisy, his friendship with Gary was never the same. The troubled first officer began to show signs of jealousy, trying to thwart his boat at every turn. After they broke up, Daisy yelled at Gary for not being there for her after her heartbreak, and Gary is still dealing with his unresolved feelings for Daisy in Sailing yacht below deck season 5. Colin was a beloved character on the Bravo spinoff, but I don't think he'll return to the series, and here's why.

Colin is not a clout seeker

He doesn't care about reality TV fame

The Biggest Reason I Think Colin Will Never Come Back Sailing yacht below deck It's because he's not a clout seeker. Many people go on reality TV shows to later find online fame or additional shows, but Colin was on Sailing yacht below deck for the love of yachting. Colin had been working on boats long before he was hired on Parsifal III by Captain Glenn Shephard and the Bravo production team.

Originally from New Zealand, Colin spent most of his early years traveling and working in the marine industry, gaining extensive experience as an engineer on a number of yachts and superyachts. Interestingly, Colin also holds a Y4 engineering license, which qualifies him to work on large motor and sailing yachts, and his skills have made him highly qualified to serve on the sailing yacht alongside Captain Glenn, Gary and Daisy.

Colin's unique skill set allowed him to be an easy-going member of the cast Sailing yacht below deck seasons 2 to 4. Although there were sometimes complicated situations on board, Colin used his training and experience to resolve the issues and ensure the safety of everyone on board. Colin was always on the show to do the work he loved, and it was obvious he couldn't care less if he became famous for doing it. Since it wasn't fun being in the public eye, Colin quit.

Colin managed to use his fame to start his YouTube channel

He repaired a damaged catamaran

Colin used his influence to Sailing yacht below deck to start her own YouTube channel about sailing since leaving the show. Node Revival of the Sail Parlay channel, Colin shares his travels on a hurricane-damaged catamaran that he repaired. His last travels took him to Fiji, where he sailed with several friends and yachting companions. More recently, Colin returned to Tonga, where he had to leave his dogs while he sailed to New Zealand and Fiji to visit friends and explore. This shows another side of Colin, and he has amassed 332,000 followers on the popular YouTube channel.

Colin's YouTube channel proves he's changed since Below Deck Sailing Yacht.

I don't think Colin minds going back to Sailing yacht below deck because of the success of his travels and YouTube channel. He gained enough followers from the Bravo series to build an engaging YouTube channel while staying out of the drama. Colin managed to avoid high-stress personal situations for two seasons in a row Sailing yacht below deckbut after becoming the focal point of season 4, I think Colin discovered the dark side of fame. He is no longer interested in engaging with negativity in the future.

Colin may want to distance himself from Gary

They used to be good friends

Colin probably wants to distance himself from Gary after the events of Sailing yacht below deck Season 4 and its nasty behind-the-scenes accusations. The former chief engineer always wanted to stay out of the drama, and when Gary kept inserting himself into Colin's relationship with Daisy, he was understandably uncomfortable. Gary and Colin were also good friendsplaying together and having fun during and after charters. Unfortunately, they allowed a relationship to tear them apart, but this is due to Gary's immaturity.

Also, I think Colin wants to distance himself from Gary because of his allegations of sexual misconduct. According to former Bravo makeup artist Samantha Suarez, Gary behaved inappropriately toward her when she accompanied him back to his room after filming confessions on the show. Although she managed to escape, his drunken behavior undoubtedly threatened her safety and made her uncomfortable. Bravo did almost nothing to punish Gary, other than uninviting him from BravoCon in 2023. Gary is still on the main cast of Sailing yacht below deck season 5.

Colin will not return for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 6

There is no compelling reason for your return

Colin Macrae Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 in two poses with different moods and purple background question marks
Custom image by Cesar Garcia

Between the disdain for Daisy, Gary's disapproval, the aversion to drama, and a successful YouTube channel, I think it's pretty obvious Colin will not return to Sailing yacht below deck 6th season. He no longer needs the show – his YouTube subscribers speak for themselves. Furthermore, he is happy sailing the Pacific on his repaired catamaran, an accomplishment of which he is proud. Furthermore, now is not a good time to join the Sailing yacht below deck cast. Gary should have been fired much sooner Sailing yacht below deck Season 5, but he's still starring in a lead role.

Sailing yacht below deck

Colin Macrae






Titirangi, New Zealand

Colin is not someone who likes reality TV. It always seemed obvious that Colin didn't want to be involved in the entertainment side of things. Sailing yacht below deck. He just wanted to do his job as an engineer and enjoy life sailing the high seas. Although he was interested in Daisy, I wouldn't be surprised if he regretted going on a boat trip with the chief stew. This caused unnecessary heartbreak and drama. If Colin had never hooked up with Daisy, he would probably still be in the Sailing yacht below deck. Unfortunately, he cannot go back in time.

Source: Revival of the Sail Parlay/YouTube