Notice! This article contains spoilers for Superman & Lois Season 4, Episode 6.
Lex Luthor seems more and more disturbed with each episode of Superman and Lois
Season 4, but I think he could actually win in a dark turn for the show, but maybe not how you'd expect. Superman and Lois has been an incredible exploration of the later life of a mature Superman and his efforts to move his family away from the noise and chaos of Metropolis without the distractions of the wider world. UDC
. However, since Clark and the rest of the Kents have returned to Smallville, it seems their lives have only gotten more complicated.
And now, in Season 4, with Lex Luthor looming with his terrifying presence around every corner, it looks like the series is on a dark path toward a finale that will have incredibly intense twists and turns. Clark has already died, been brought back, and has now had a brutal fight with Luthor, but it looks like Luthor has something up his sleeve that could end things with force. If, like me, you were totally captivated by this final season of Superman and LoisI think it's worth giving one take a closer look at what Lex Luthor could be planning for the series finale.
Lex Luthor's increasingly unhinged actions suggest he has a terrible plan for his final showdown with Superman.
Lex Luthor has an incredible plan to take down Superman
In Superman and Loisseason 4, episode 6, Clark and Lex fight on the streets of Smallville. Despite Clark being weakened from containing the heart of his father-in-law, General Lane, and Luthor unleashing a series of red lights from the sun to weaken Superman, Clark still manages to beat up the terrible villain who has nothing left to lose. But even as Lex was getting his ass kicked, he laughed in Clark's face and made him feel like a monster for falling to his level.
And actually, I think that's exactly what Luthor wants. Luthor is a cruel and calculating enemy who has become completely obsessed with turning Lois Lane and Clark Kent's lives upside down. He failed to kill Superman, but now, armed with the knowledge of his secret identity, it appears that Luthor is intentionally trying to bring him down to his level, no matter what the cost. Luthor wants to destroy the image and symbol of Superman, and it seems clear that he wants that more than anything in his life.
Lex Luthor “winning” against Clark and Lois still feels like it could ruin your life
Superman is a symbol of hope and justice
The point is that this obsession that is feeding Luthor pressured him to become the most erratic and terrifying version of himself possible. He couldn't take his mind off revenge, not even to mend his relationship with his daughter and get the chance to meet her son. In his desperation, he moved to a tiny, dingy room in Smallville, despite having vast wealth and luxurious properties where he could enjoy the finer things in life. Heck, he's even trying to burn through his money by offering utterly ridiculous numbers to the residents of Smallville in an effort to get close to Lois and Clark.
So with all of this in mind, it no longer seems like Luthor is looking out for his own interests beyond the destruction of Lois' reputation and Superman's status as a hero. Since he is ready and willing to give up family, money, comfort, and any other earthly comfort, it seems that he may be willing to go so far as to give up his life in a way effort to pursue this delusional mission. And considering the damage he's done so far, he might win.
I think Lex Luthor's secret plan for Superman and Lois being real would make the final season even stronger
This may be the best Superman story on TV
It might be a stretch to think that Luthor is willing to go this far, sacrificing himself just to win, but it would truly be a crowning moment for the series that started in parallel and is now the last non-DCU show on TV. . Superman and Lois grew up and became one of the most incredible and compelling live-action Superman storiesand his version of Luthor seems to be the most cruel and monstrous ever seen.
So, with the show now ready to play its swan song, it makes sense for them to be as dark, intense, and dramatic as possible. And ultimately, it appears that Luthor will stop at nothing to get what he wants, which is an incredible contrast if Superman continues to embody his ideals of truth, justice, mercy, and hope. If Luthor tries to force Clark's hand, Superman can still win by showing mercy, but it appears Luthor isn't holding anything back. Superman and Lois' final output.
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