I'm convinced Moria Plath's ex-boyfriend drama makes her more likable

I'm convinced Moria Plath's ex-boyfriend drama makes her more likable

Welcome to Platteville Star Moriah Plath has gotten a bad rap over the years, but her season 6 drama involving her ex-boyfriend has made her more lovable. Moria is the third-oldest Plath child and the second-oldest Plath daughter. The Plath family consists of parents, Barry and Kim Plath, and their 10 children (one deceased.) Eight of the Plath children, Ethan, Moriah, Micah, Lydia, Isaac, Amber, Kasia, and Mercy, all appear on the show. The show began with the ultra-conservative and strict family's lifestyle, but quickly changed its premise.

Barry and Kim lessened the rule over the kids, and then divorced, which rocked the Plath family. In season 5, Kim introduced her new boyfriend Ken, and in Welcome to Platteville Season 6, Kim and Barry are co-parenting and Ken is introduced to Barry. What's more, the show now follows the life and love journey of the older Plath kids, as well as Ethan's ex-wife Olivia Plath, who is no longer associated with the Plath family. Throughout the show, Moria has been a central figure in not always the best light, but season 6 changed that.

Moria was not a favorite cast member

Moriah behaved suspiciously

Moriah behaved in a problem with the years that were made Welcome to Platteville Fans feel some disdain for her. Especially the US TLCThe star's relationship with Olivia was troubled, and fans were not on her side. Olivia originally took teenage Moriah under her wing and showed her what life could be like without the rigidity she grew up in, and Moriah loved it. What made fans dislike Moria, is how She couldn't help but try to understand Olivia's point of view About the way the plates were brought, and did not appreciate all that Olivia had for her.

Additionally, Moriah accused Olivia of stealing her music, and later retracted the accusation. In season 6, Moriah met with Olivia to apologize, but Moriah seemed reluctant She was apologizing to calm down rather than apologizing for her actions Over the years affected Olivia. At one point, Moriah also left Ethan high and dry on rent when they lived together in Tampa, Florida. Apart from that, many fans felt that Moriah is a clue chaser who is on the show to further her music career.

While Moria talked about seeking self-growth in Welcome to Platteville, Other cast members have become more favorableLike Micah, Berry, and the three youngest daughters of Platt. Moriah seems to be the center of attention, and that doesn't translate well in a show about a family. Moria's fashion and makeup sense has also rubbed fans the wrong way, and her style has been a negative topic online.


Moria's ex-boyfriend drama explained

Moria was in a toxic relationship

While Welcome to Platteville Fans have already seen Moriah go through heartbreak once in season 3 with Max Kallschmidt, Moriah had her heart broken again in season 6. Moriah initially didn't give many details about her ex in early interviews, but the Plath family spilled the beans. Later on. Moriah was in a relationship with a man who was in a relationship and had a child with another woman. He is the person who drove Moriah to have problems with Ethan, and who isolated her from her family for a time.

"I found out he was the one in Moriah's ear that pretty much kept her from some of the family, but that's also why Moriah and I didn't really have a relationship for a little bit because he said You don't have to."

Mika's girlfriend, Veronica Peters, explains how He would make plans with Moriah and then ghost her And not treat her like she deserved to be treated. In the finale of season 6, Moria got back together with her ex after stating he explained his disadvantage, and they make sense. Her now-on-again mystery boyfriend also agrees to meet with Moriah's parents to explain himself. The season left off with Moria back entangled with her ex.

Moriah is now more relatable

Which makes viewers understand Moriah more

Welcome to Plathville's Moriah Plath, with montage of her siblings in the background

Moriah was more relatable after watching Moriah talk about being in a toxic relationship and getting the names of her family.

The whole murder-up situation made Moriah seem very vulnerable and like she needed support rather than criticism because she was in a delicate place with her ex.

Welcome to Platteville Viewers are rooting for Moria to see the error in her relationship and set a good example of expelling toxicity from her life.

Moria's bond with her family lifted her up

& showed how special the Plath family bond is

In which Moriah's situation with her ex-boyfriend TLCs Welcome to Platteville Season 6 also showed how deep the bond is between the Plath family members.

The whole family had strong reactions about how Moriah's ex treated her and then also about Moriah getting back with him, which showed how much they care.

The season ended with the Plaths coming together and being there for Moria, which helps push Moria into a positive light as she is raised by her family.

Welcome to Platteville Airs Tuesdays at 10pm EDT on TLC.

Source: TLC/ youtube, TLC/ YouTube