I'm convinced I know how the Fantastic Four's battle against the MCU's Galactus gets "personal" and none of us are ready

I'm convinced I know how the Fantastic Four's battle against the MCU's Galactus gets

I'm pretty confident I know how The Fantastic Four: First Steps' the conflict with Galactus becomes “personal”. Set to debut a new version of Marvel's First Family, the next MCU film is set for release in 2025. To that end, the recently released synopsis revealed a key clue about the film's cosmic villain and his motivations that will likely go further. eating planets.

Coming from director Matt Shakman, 2025 The Fantastic Four: Getting Started is set to star Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards aka Mister Fantastic, Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm aka The Invisible Woman, Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm's The Thing and Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch. Likewise, Ralph Ineson will voice Galactus, while Julia Garner will play the Silver Surfer, Galactus' herald. That being said, The Fantastic Four the synopsis reveals that Galactus is coming to the world of the First Family for a much more personal reason, beyond cosmic hunger (and I think I know what that is).

Official Fantastic Four synopsis teases a “personal” twist with Galactus

Marvel's first family facing the devourer of worlds

The official synopsis of The Fantastic Four: First Steps was recently released by Marvel Studios. While most are quite expected and present what is already known about the cast, the final line confirms that Galactus wants more than just to consume a world:

“Forced to balance their roles as heroes with the strength of their familial bond, they must defend Earth from a ravenous space god named Galactus (Ralph Ineson) and his enigmatic Herald, Silver Surfer (Julia Garner). And if Galactus' plan to devour the entire planet and everyone on it wasn't bad enough, it suddenly gets very personal."

Taking place in an alternate reality beyond the main MCU, the Fantastic Four's battle with Galactus will be set in a futuristic 1960s setting where science and technology have seemingly progressed much more quickly. As such, the Fantastic Four will likely stand alone as a single team of heroes trying to save their world from Marvel's classic World Devourer. However, this provoked “personal” connection will likely make the coming conflict more dynamic and dimensional.

Along with the confirmation that Ineson's Galactus will look much more like his comic book counterpart as a giant, helmeted humanoid who dwarfs the planets he eats, this teased personal angle with Galactus should prove to be very effective in the upcoming MCU film. After all, 2007 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer it simply had Galactus as a voiceless space cloud threatening to destroy Earth. With that in mind, I know a darkly perfect way in which the stakes with Galactus can become extremely and "suddenly personal" in The Fantastic Four: First Steps.

Now I'm even more convinced that Galactus is coming to Franklin Richards (not just Earth)

Reed and Sue's son has the potential to be Galactus's adversary

Although it has not yet been confirmed, I'm pretty confident that Franklin Richards will make his live-action debut in Fantastic Four: Getting Startedespecially after the reveal of this synopsis. Son of Reed and Sue Richards, Franklin in the comics is one of the most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe. Also known as Powerhouse, Franklin can create entirely new worlds and realities on a whim even as a child, and as such, his power quickly gained the attention of some of Marvel's other most powerful cosmic beings, such as the Celestials, and notably Galactus himself. .

Likewise, an adult variant of Franklin Richards became so powerful that he once transformed Galactus into his own herald. Additionally, it has been suggested that Franklin and Galactus are opposites of each other, given the World Eater's capacity for massive destruction and the power at Franklin's disposal to construct and create inversely.. It's also worth noting that Franklin and his sister Valeria were instrumental in rebuilding the multiverse after its destruction in 2015. Secret Wars event following God Emperor Doom's defeat, featuring Franklin two years before the MCU Avengers: Secret Wars it makes sense.

"An even more likely possibility is that Reed and Sue's son could provide Galactus with an unlimited supply of worlds to consume..."

As far as the next MCU goes Fantastic Four As far as the film is concerned, Galactus may want to destroy Franklin as an important (and possibly his only) rival. However, an even more likely possibility is that Reed and Sue's child could provide Galactus with an unlimited supply of worlds to consume.whether it's taking the boy's power away or taking Franklin away from his parents and making him his servant to create new planets for him forever. Either way, the fact that Franklin was in danger would certainly make the stakes much more personal, as this official synopsis suggests.

“First steps” probably has more than one meaning

It's not just about space travel

Concept art of the first steps of the Fantastic Four

Theories about Franklin Richards' involvement in The Fantastic Four: Getting Started it already existed before the release of this new synopsis, and this was largely due to the subtitle “First Steps”. Although the connection to space travel seems like the most obvious meaning, there is probably more than one, especially if Franklin was born recently. To that end, perhaps the recent birth of Franklin Richards in the MCU is what draws Galactus to Earth's version of the First Family in the first place.. Either way, I'm really excited to see Franklin and his powers when he presumably debuts in the next MCU film.

The Fantastic Four: Getting Started is scheduled to be released on July 25, 2025.