I'm convinced heartbreaker Gary Turner wants Theresa Nest to leave

I'm convinced heartbreaker Gary Turner wants Theresa Nest to leave

After going through a painful public divorce, I am convinced The golden guyGary Turner is rooting for his ex-wife, Theresa Nist, to leave. To some extent, I can't blame the 73-year-old Gary for harboring bitterness and resentment against his 71-year-old ex-wife. Although the two were equally to blame for the objective failure of their short-lived marriage, Gary got the brunt of the blame. Fans who were already suspicious of Gary for his past behavior were quick to take Teresa's side in the break-up, although Teresa appeared to hold no hard feelings towards Gary.

Before joining the cast of The golden guy season 1, Gary and Theresa were widowed. Teresa was married to her high school sweetheart, William Nest, for 43 years until he died in 2014. Gary was married to his beloved late wife, Toni Turner, for 43 years before she died in 2017 after a short illness. . Despite high hopes that septuagenarian newlyweds would live happily ever after, Gary and Theresa announced their split just three months later. Since the split, Theresa has walked away unscathed, and I'm sure Gary wishes things hadn't gone so well for his ex-wife.

Gary tried to forget Theresa

He cannot escape the past

The Golden Bachelor - Gary Turner at a college football game
Gary Turner/Instagram

Gary and Theresa cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their divorce. Over their short-lived marriage, The Golden Bachelor Season 1 stars never lived under the same roof or even in the same state. Gary lived in a dream house in Indiana that he built with his late wife, while Teresa lived in New Jersey near her daughter and grandchildren. Neither of them was ready to give up their lives to be togetherAnd I blame them directly for the break-up.


Since the split, Gary has tried to forget Theresa by staying busy and focusing on living his life to the fullest. Gary Recently posted Instagram photos taken during his trip to Madison, Wisconsin. Some of the photos are of Gerry attending a big college football game, while other photos are of Gerry hanging out with his friends. The Golden Bachelor The Season 1 star appeared to be having a great time in all of the photos, and is Doing everything in his power to get over what happened between him and Theresa.

Gary was probably hurt by the break-up

He feels like a complete failure

Judging by Gerry's recent relative silence on social media, The Golden Bachelor Season 1 star probably wishes he could go back to a time before he married Theresa. The bottom line is that the couple rushed the wedding, and I strongly believe they should have Waited before the rivers in the deep end. Gary probably feels like a failure because his first marriage lasted for 43 years, while his second marriage lasted another three months. Since the split, Bachelor Folk fans who once loved Gary turned on him, and I'm sure it hurts Gary to know that so many people are angry with him.

Theresa is living her life

She is enjoying her success

Since announcing her split from The Golden BachelorTeresa has been having a great time, and I'm sure it drives Gary crazy. While Gary's reputation has taken a big hit since the divorce, Theresa seems to have moved on with her good name intact. Before appearing on the show, Theresa had a full-time career as a successful day trader, and she returned to work shortly after the cameras stopped rolling.

Since returning to One Life, Theresa has leaned on her family and friends, and she's spent time digging her hands in her beautiful garden.

Although Teresa She continues to work a full-time job, she recently helped her daughter at work and posted it on Instagram. In the photos, Theresa Helping her daughter Jen run a photo booth at a wedding And seems to be having a fabulous time doing it. With her family and her career keeping her busy, The golden guy Co-stars don't have time to be weighed down by regrets. I'm convinced that Gary sees how well she's doing, and wishes he was the one to move on first.

Gary Turner

73 years old


August 7, 1951

Zodiac sign


First marriage

Tony Turner, 43 years

Second marriage

Theresa Nest, 2 months

Sources: Gary Turner/ Instagram, Teresa doesn't/ Instagram