Sailing yacht below deck Season 5 is well underway and I'm convinced that Danni Warren and Diana Cruz were hired by the producers specifically to ruin Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher's charter season. Daisy faced difficulties in her personal life in Sailing yacht below deck Season 4 due to its tumultuous love triangle with former chief engineer Colin Macrae and troubled first mate Gary King. She hooked up with Gary off-camera before the start of Season 4, and he started boating with Colin Rocky.
Although Gary and Daisy's friendship remains precarious in Sailing yacht below deck In Season 5, they seem poised to work well together during charter season. With Daisy's love interest's story resolved, her professional life aboard the Parsifal III could be the next target. I think Diana and Danni were hired to test Daisy's skills as a Chief Stew and potentially turn her into a villain. Sailing yacht below deck cast member. They are too sensitive and incompetent to have been the strongest choices for crew members on Captain Glenn Shephard's esteemed yacht.
Diana and Danni are incompetent
They don't know how to make cocktails
Danni and Diana seem to be underperforming from the start of Sailing yacht below deck Season 5, and I think it has to be because they are producing plants. How else would they have gotten this far in the casting process? Diana, in particular, has resisted the tasks delegated by Daisy.
In fact, I knew there would be problems when Daisy mentioned to Diana and Danni that they wouldn't classify the interior crew. Instead, everyone would take turns performing tasks. This has worked well in previous seasons, but Daisy has her work cut out for her with Danni and Diana. Your right and inability to complete basic tasks has no limits.
After the second charter, Diana began to fight with Daisy after abandoning a bartending class that Daisy organized to improve the service, leaving Danni alone. Diana's decision to abandon the task led to frustration, especially since she had previously struggled to make basic cocktails like margaritas. Her apparent lack of responsibility led Daisy to criticize her for being incapable.
Daisy was shocked by Danni and Diana's laziness, incompetence, and hypersensitivity.
Diana was later criticized by a guest on the third charter for failing to put the appropriate number of coffee beans in her espresso martini. She was moody with himbut luckily, the primary found her reaction funny. However, I'm sure this could have significantly impacted the crew's tip if she actually upset the guests with her unprofessional comments.
Danni, although not as overtly defiant, also became involved in the drama by siding with Diana in her resistance to Daisy's authority. Diana and Danni's reluctance to fully cooperate with their Chief Stew has caused tension within the internal team and may force Daisy to be the villain. However, Danni and Diana are also about to have problems with each other. Neither of them want to clean the cabins, preferring to perform service tasks. I've seen them argue about who has to do the dirtiest work and force Daisy to delegate, making them both unhappy.
Danni cares more about flirting than her job
She's hitting on Keith and Gary
Danni and Diana seem lazy and incompetent, but Danni added another layer to Daisy's problems this seasonleading me to believe that they are producing plants meant to stir up drama. Danni is constantly hitting on sailor Keith Allen, even when he seems disinterested or disconcerted. Keith just wants to do his job, and while he acknowledges that Danni is attractive, he has said in confessionals that he likes to meet people and form friendships before entering into romantic relationships with them.
When Danni didn't receive the attention she expected or wanted from Keith aboard the Parsifal III in Sailing yacht below deckEven though she flirted with him within earshot of the guests on the third charter, she drunkenly turned her attention to Gary. After Gary's allegations of sexual misconduct and years of alcohol-fueled problematic situations, there's no doubt that Gary's weak spot is women. Danni seemed to take advantage of this weakness by turning her attention to Gary, which upset Keith.
The relationship between Danni and Gary is still unfolding Sailing yacht below deck season 5.
It's unclear exactly what happened between Danni and Gary following the crew's alcohol-soaked night in the previous Sailing yacht below deck season 5 episode, but they at least kissed. Daisy was left with the task of comforting Keith, who may have liked Danni more than he let on. However, Danni would be smart to focus more on her work ethic and professional life than flirting with the men on board. As Daisy removed herself from the romantic equation this season, the producers brought in a flirtatious woman to stir the pot while keeping Daisy involved in the drama.
Will Danni and Diana ruin Daisy's charter season?
Daisy will always come out on top
Given their behavior so far this season, I really think Danni and Diana could ruin Daisy's charter season, but the experienced Chief Stew will always prevail. There's no way anyone, not even Danni and Diana, could turn Daisy into a villain. She is simply very friendly. Daisy is highly qualified, professional, objective and has a great sense of humor.
Danni and Diana are whiny, bossy, and bad at their jobs. Even the cocktail service for the crew after the second charter was designed to be fun, not to punish Danni and Diana for their lack of knowledge. Instead, they complained about the job.
Similarly, Daisy doesn't care if Danni gets Gary or not because she no longer has feelings for him. In fact, she exposed her vulnerabilities in the season premiere, criticizing Gary for his lack of friendship — he didn't want to bury the hatchet. I realized that Daisy just wants to be friends with Gary again and avoid any drama. In fact, Daisy will have to establish herself again aboard the Parsifal III to deal with Danni and Diana's bickering, but she won't be afraid to do so if necessary.
With Colin's departure in the rearview mirror, Daisy is a fan favorite in Sailing yacht below deck 5th season. I feel like Danni and Diana are unlikely to rise to her level in the fandom if they continue to complain and undermine her authority. Although Daisy may have a tough season ahead of her as Chief Stew, Danni and Diana won't be able to ruin her charter season. Daisy will emerge victorious.
Sailing yacht below deck Season 5 airs Mondays at 9pm ET on Bravo and streams the next day on Peacock.