Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Freedom reached a new level of immersive gaming for me. As it was my first foray into the title since its disastrous launch in December 2020, I was one of the rare people who experienced the game for the first time in a much updated and improved state. From the first trip with Dex Deshawn to the cyberpsycho infested streets of Dogtown, CDPR has done a standout job of creating what feels like a living, breathing world.
In my opinion, there's one clear sign that an open-world RPG is a good game, and that's how much I want to do the side quests. For this title, I spent a lot of time investigating random side quests, and after spending so much time building and customizing my V, I felt too invested in the world to leave the random quests behind. With all that said, there is one aspect of the game that has always bothered me, and I hope CDPR is considering it in the sequel, codename Orion.
Adding Cyberware visual mods would greatly improve immersion
I want to be fully chrome
One of most disappointing things about Cyberpunk is the inability to actually modify V's appearance via Cyberware when visiting resident Ripperdoc. While there are certain ways in the vanilla game to appear more cybernetic, it's impossible to reach Adam Smasher or David Martinez levels of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. By the end of the campaign, I was fully equipped with S-tier mods, but the only real thing that changed visually were my arms, depending on whether I used Monowire or Gorilla Arms.
That's not the case for a number of cool-looking NPCs in the game, like Lizzy Wizzy, the all-chrome pop star from Dogtown. There is a huge diversity of different cybernetic cosmetic options available, but for some reason, they have been left out of the game as ways to modify your character. Posting different Vs on Reddit and social media is one thing, and opening up to variations would allow fans to really customize the character however we want.
Going even one step further, It is not beyond CDPR's abilities to include unique and specific dialogue choices or random lines that might hint at my slow evolution into becoming Human 2.0. Perhaps interactions like this are too much to ask, but it's not out of the realm of possibility for the company to add such interactions, considering the excellent work they've done on the base game and expansion. This small detail can go even further to make Night City even more alive and real.
A third-person perspective can be cool
So you can actually display your Chrome
There are passionate arguments against a third-person point of view in Cyberpunkbut having the option to swap would be an incredible addition to the sequel, in addition to the new cosmetic modifications. It's well known in the community that there is a way to view the game in third person, but it looks terrible because the game wasn't designed to run in this perspective. While being stuck in first person didn't bother me much (and may have even helped with immersion) throughout the game, I don't think it would be a bad thing to add the option.
Ultimately, this is just a small feature inclusion that I hope they put in the sequel, but it certainly wouldn't be a problem for me if they decided not to add it.
For one, for For those who like to utilize the up-close-and-personal method of slashing and dicing, a third-person perspective can make the game better. I think CDPR managed to handle first-person melee combat masterfully, but adding a third-person mode would help people see more of what's around them and would probably be a decent way to improve gameplay for those who like to use blades exclusively.
One of the coolest things about QV in Cyberpunk 2077 it's the ability to change your cosmetic outfits but still maintain higher-tier gear stats via the Transmog feature, and I think the same could happen with Cyberware. Maybe certain things, like the aforementioned Gorilla Arms, should be immutable depending on functionality, but the rest make sense to be included like that as well. Being able to look at V while dispatching enemy hordes could be a cool addition to the game, since I've already spent a lot of time choosing my outfit.
Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot of cool cosmetic mods
Fans will do what CDPR won't
As it turns out, I'm certainly not alone in my belief that CDPR should add more cosmetic options, as there is a vast catalog of more than 1,000 Cyberpunk 2077 fashion in the "Appearance" tab in Nexus modifications. While some mods add more cosmetic options, new outfits and slots, others, like Cyber Weaponsadd a series of cool new skins that people can use to fully transform V into an android. Other options like Ceres faces cyberware allowing V to change his face to look more like some NPCs encountered throughout the game.
Other notable mods include Xposed Cyberneticswho can completely remove V's organic jaw and replace it with Cyberware to create a terrifying monstrosity, and Head of CyberwareIt does exactly what it says on the tin. There are a number of cool mods made with a lot of effort and passion from the community, but I can't help but think that just putting these options in the base game couldn't be too difficult and would be a great addition even if I don't look at my character very often .
Ultimately, this is just a small feature inclusion that I hope they put in the sequel, but it certainly wouldn't be a problem for me if they decided not to add it. One big thing that defines Cyberpunk 2077 in addition to another main CDPR title, The wizardis that the sci-fi title encourages people to dive in and become V. While Geralt has his own developed personality, it's up to players to create their characters' personalities in the game, which is one of the reasons it's become one of my go-to games. favorites of all time.