I'm 99% sure that DC's new version of Batman is the iconic Gotham villain

I'm 99% sure that DC's new version of Batman is the iconic Gotham villain

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for DC VS. VAMPIRES: WORLD WAR V #3!DC recently introduced a new Batman In the sequel to the Other worlds Series DC vs VampiresAnd for two months, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what it could be, especially with most of Bruce Wayne's male heirs dead. However, with the last clue revealed, I think I have finally solved the mystery of who's behind the tile.

DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3 by Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt The intense three-way war between the vampires, the human resistance, and Damian Wayne's vampire guerilla fighters continues, with tensions rising after Damian's murder of vampire queen Barbara Gordon in issue #1.

DC vs Vampires World War V #3 Robin and Batman 1

In issue #2, the vampires began their revenge as a vampiric Wonder Woman tracked down and killed Talia al Ghul, nearly killing Alfred Pennyworth as well. Now, in issue #3, Black Adam, Wonder Girl and Raven - loyalists of the fallen queen - are closing in on Damien. Fortunately for the Boy Wonder, the new Batman arrives just in time to offer help, and I'm 99% sure the man behind the tile is Damian's grandfather, Ra's al Ghul.


Fans Think The New Batman Is Ghost Maker Or Azrael (I Know They're Wrong)

Khoa Khan is a vampire operative and Jean-Paul Valley is dead

DC vs Vampires World War V #3 Robin and Batman 2

The newest Batman from Earth-63 has been teased for months, first through variant covers before officially debuting in DC vs. Vampires: World War V #2. Despite his appearance in the previous issue, there are almost no clues as to his identity, especially since his mask covered his entire face. The only detail I gathered was that he was male. With most of Bruce Wayne's male heirs dead, this helped narrow down the possibilities. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and Duke Thomas have all been ruled out, as they died in earlier issues of the series.

After the new Batman's debut in issue #2, I wrote an article speculating about his identity and was surprised that most fans guessed either Khoa "Ghost Maker" Khan or Jean-Paul "Ezrael" Valley. What shocked me was that Azrael was already shown dying DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #5, and Ghost-Maker is established as a vampire ally (he's even seen hunting Big Barda and Mister Miracle's child in the last issue). So, if Azrael has miraculously returned from the dead (again) or Ghost-Maker is working as a double agent, these theories seem unlikely.

I thought Luke Fox was the new Batman - but DC just killed that theory

I'm 99% sure that the New Dark Knight of Earth-63 is Ra's al Ghul

DC vs Vampires World War V #3 Robin and Batman 3

While I initially suspected that Luke Fox was the new Batman, the clues in issue #3 made it clear that I was wrong For two main reasons. First, we get a partial face reveal, and the new Batman's skin tone is noticeably lighter, which doesn't match Luke. Second, Batman speaks to Damian with noticeable familiarity, and as far as I know, Luke and Damian have had minimal interaction, making it unlikely for Luke to engage with the youngest Robin in such a familiar way. But why do I now believe that the new Batman is Ra's al Ghul?

One of the biggest clues comes from how the character speaks. Not only does the new Batman address Damian with a sense of familiarity, but he also speaks in a distinctly higher tone.Even referring to Damian as "Child." This is very characteristic of Ra's al Ghul, and it also suggests that the individual is older, which also aligns with my theory. True, Ra's' signature goatee is missing in the partial face reveal, and this Batman uses contractions, which is not typical of Ra's speech patterns. Despite the inconsistencies, however, this is the final clue that finally convinces me that Batman is Damian's grandfather.


"I trained you better than that, kid": DC's new Batman drops major identity clue

Who do you think the New Batman is?

DC vs Vampires World War II #3 Batman cover feature

The clue that ultimately led me to suspect Earth-63's new Batman is Ra's al Ghul is a single line: "I trained you better than that, kid." This line stood out because it confirms that the new Batman has a personal connection with Damian and even trained him. With both Nightwing and Batman dead, it eliminates the two most obvious candidates who trained Damian. Alfred Pennyworth is also not running, having recently become DC's last Green Lantern. This leaves Damian's grandfather, Ra's al Ghul, as the most likely choice. With this idea and Ra's al Ghul's Lacking the story so far, it makes sense that he could be DC's newest Batman.

DC Vs. Vampires: World War V #3 Available now from DC Comics!