If Valinor is west of Middle-earth, what is to the east?

If Valinor is west of Middle-earth, what is to the east?

This article contains spoilers for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Taking the story all the way to the westernmost point of JRR Tolkien's world has raised questions about what is found on the opposite end of the Middle-earth map. The first episode of Amazon's live-action Lord of the Rings The show took Galadriel and a group of elves deep into the Thundering Seas, the ocean that borders Valinor. The thundering seas have to be crossed in order for someone to make their way into the heaven-like realm. Meanwhile, The rings of power Season 2 explored the eastern realm of Rhûn.

Although Middle-earth is the primary setting for Lord of the Rings Adventures, this is just one place in the fantasy world created by Tolkien. Middle-earth is a continent on an Earth-like planet called Arda. At the western edge of the map is Valinor, the sacred homeland of the elves and the place considered the final destination for every member of their kind. one of Rings of power Season 1's key storylines were set in the Thundering Seas, right on the western border of Middle-earth where the elves can cross into Valinor. With season 2 investigating Rhûn, other eastern lands may be next.

The land of the sun explained

The Sun of the Sun was a mysterious eastern continent

Second Age Arda by Karen Wynn Fonstad in The Atlas of Middle-earth.

With Valinor in the extreme west, lying on the other side of Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings is the body of water known as the East Sea. The sea separates Middle-earth from another large land mass - the Land of the Sun. The Land of the Sun is one of the most mysterious corners of Arda. This continent is discussed in Tolkien's work, But never had a significant role in Lord of the Rings Study. However, there are some details about its geography and what one would find if they crossed the eastern sea and ventured into the land of the sun.


The Sun has only one confirmed geographical area - the Walls of the Sun, a mountain range along the west coast of the continent. It exists as a counterpart to the Pelori mountain range in Amman, which is the continent where Valinor is located. The terrain found in the Land of the Sun is unclearAs it seems that no known Lord of the Rings Characters or historical figures have explored it. The lack of any major events happening there is a sign that the Land of the Sun is a barren place where few people (if any) live.

The Land of the Sun may appear in Rings of Power Season 3

Rings of Power show surprising locations

Since there is an expectation for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Keeping its story strictly to Sauron's documented Second Age rise to power, there's little reason to expect the franchise to delve into the Land of the Sun in any meaningful way anytime soon. But with Valinor explored in flashbacks, It may be an opportunity to glimpse the mysterious Far East in season 3. With the fall of Númenor teased in visions throughout seasons 1 and 2, it looks like Middle-earth's geography may be about to change.

Tolkienian age

event marking the beginning


Total length in solar years

for the time




Days before days

The Ainur entered the EA

1 - 3,500 Valian years


Pre-primary years of the trees (YT)

Yavana created the two trees

YT 1 - 1050


First Age (FA)

Eleven woke up in Koivien

IT 1050 - IT 1500, FA 1 - 590


Second Age (SA)

The War of Wrath has ended

SA 1 - 3441


Third Age (TA)

The Last Alliance defeated Sauron

Ta 1 - 3021


When Númenor sank, Middle-earth was restructured by the cataclysmic level of this geographical change. Amman was removed from the circles of the world At this point, creating new lands and seas. Tolkien never confirmed the exact changes that had taken place but suggested that the empty lands east of Middle-earth were ambiguously "Throw back."Although the enigma of this mysterious continent is expected to linger, changing lands after the fall of Númenor may be shown or spoken of in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 3.