Netflix's new romantic comedy Nobody wants that Needs a season 2 if the show hopes to fix its worst storyline. Nobody wants that Kristen Bell stars as Joan, a sex and relationship podcast host, and Adam Brody as Rabbi Noah in an unlikely relationship that experiences many ups and downs over the show's 10 episodes. The main arc focuses on the couple's various obstacles, although there are a number of characters in it Nobody wants thatMany of which also have significant plotlines.
Two characters, Joan's sister Morgan and Noah's brother Sasha, played major roles in the show. unfortunately, A key aspect of their roles was the weird dynamic between the two, which was minimally explained and ended up being a major sore point of season 1.. Although there is no confirmation that Nobody wants that Season 2 is in the works or even officially happening, the show needs another season to address and hopefully improve the issues with this relationship.
Sasha and Morgan have no sense in nobody wants this
From the moment Sasha and Morgan met, it seemed as if the show implied that their relationship had romantic undertones. Sasha immediately began to pester Morgan, and the two quickly developed a fling that, in most romantic comedies, would have signaled that a romance was blossoming between the two. When Sasha's wife, Esther, showed up and started to calm him and Noah down (which unfortunately was pretty much the only personality her character showed), the dynamic between Morgan and Sasha became a lot more confusing.
From the moment Sasha and Morgan met, it seemed as if the show implied that their relationship had romantic undertones.
Sasha is clearly married and has a child, and he doesn't seem to really intend to cheat on his wife. even so, His behavior was consistent with someone having an affair. He saw Morgan without telling Esther, kept his conversations with Morgan from his wife, and seemed much happier in Morgan's company than in Esther's. Morgan also seemed clearly attracted to Sasha, in that classic rom-com way that saw her get so bored with him that she ended up loving him.
Season 1 ended without drawing any clear conclusions about their relationship, though. Based on what was shown on the screen, the two never crossed a line, at least in terms of a physical relationship. Sasha's cheating was certainly a major problem in his marriage, but it's not clear to what extent this reflects an actual affair or just bad behavior on his part. In the end, Season 1 concluding without more clearly defining the relationship between Sasha and Morgan was just weird — and it would be so much worse if it was the end of the show.
Sasha and Morgan's relationship made both characters worse
On their own, Sasha and Morgan aren't terrible characters. Morgan was an antagonistic sister at times, and her insistence that Noah was wrong for Joan from the start was at best a little selfish and at worst intentionally destructive (though she was framed when it came to falsely accusing Noah of cheating). Sasha also had his faults; It was more cute than charming that he was tall and helping his pre-teen daughter pursue the boy she had a crush on. Neither character was unpleasant or necessarily unlikable, though.
Their weird, borderline adulterous behavior changed that. Sasha went from a somewhat unhelpful husband and father to someone who potentially betrayed his wife and threatened his family to flirt with and trust a woman he barely knew. Morgan also spent time with Esther, but continued to continue with Sasha, because he did not tell his wife about their relationship. This would have been troubling behavior either way, but her willingness to do it while continuing to see Esther at events made it that much worse.
Nobody Wants Season 2 Must End Sasha and Morgan's Weird Story
The end of Nobody wants that Didn't bring any clarity to the situation, adding to the complexity of Morgan and Sasha's dynamic, with Esther learning about Sasha's lies and secrecy but without resolution. If this is truly the end of the story, it was an entertaining storyline that seemed to do nothing but make two of the show's main characters look worse. hope, Nobody wants that Will return for a second season and address this problem.
It would be interesting to see how Nobody wants that Season 2 would solve this. Meanwhile, Sasha and Morgan having a real affair seems just as likely as the two confirm that they are just friends. The latter would require some real apologies from both of them to Esther, but that would at least mean they weren't preoccupied with any sadness. Even if season 2 revealed that Sasha and Morgan had an affair, however, it would be preferable to Nobody wants that Finished with the relationships of the characters is remaining an uneasy mystery.