If JJBA is ready to make a Steel Ball Run anime, it must do 6 things to be successful

If JJBA is ready to make a Steel Ball Run anime, it must do 6 things to be successful

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Race getting an anime has been a hot topic since the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime premiered for the first time. Steel Ball Race is one of the most popular parts of the manga, if not the most popular, and once the anime started to take off, most people started hoping it would last long enough to Steel Ball Race to finally get excited.

Fans wanted one Steel Ball Race anime for years, and it seems to be on the horizon. A special JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime event called “JoJo Day” has been announced for 2025, where the past and future of anime will be discussed and, in all likelihood, the Steel Ball Race the anime will likely be announced at the JoJo Day event in 2025. There has never been so much hope for a Steel Ball Race anime, and if it is released, there are a few things the anime needs to do right to be successful.


The Steel Ball Run anime needs to get Gyro's cheese song right

Steel Ball Run's most iconic scene explained

One of the most emblematic scenes Steel Ball Race it's not a fight or a dramatic death, but a comedic moment between Johnny and Gyro. While competing in the Steel Ball Run Race in a scene that almost bordered on non-sequitur Gyro asked Johnny to listen to a song he wrote that was just him saying the words “pizza” and “mozzarella” over and over again.. Johnny was silent for a moment before talking about how much he loved it, and whether he was being serious or sarcastic, it worked as a great bit of comedy for the series.

Not only is Gyro's Cheese Song hilariously absurd, but the scene perfectly showcases Johnny and Gyro's different personalities and how great their chemistry is, something that has always been a major selling point of Steel Ball Race. The animation and dubbing of the Steel Ball Race anime needs to perfectly sell the comedy of Canção do Queijoboth in the song itself and in the way Johnny and Gyro react to it, as anything less would be a disservice to one of the most iconic scenes in Steel Ball Race and JoJo's Bizarre Adventureas a whole.


The Steel Ball Run anime needs to sell Johnny and Diego's rivalry better

JoJo's biggest rivalry needs more attention in Steel Ball Run

Many of the conflicts in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure arise from the conflict between the Joestar family and Dio Brando, and Steel Ball Race is no different. Node Steel Ball Race universe, Johnny Joestar and Diego Brando were rival jockeys who took their rivalry into the Steel Ball Run Race, the two constantly fighting whenever the story allowed. The final battle of Steel Ball Race it was even between Johnny and an alternate version of Diego with The World, so Steel Ball Race perfectly illustrates how fundamental the conflict with Dio is to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

As important as the rivalry between Johnny and Diego is Steel Ball RaceAs incredible as it may seem, it didn't start like that. In Johnny and Diego's earliest interactions, the story never describes them as having a personal relationship, which is especially strange with the eventual revelation that Johnny's inability to beat Diego in a race helped trigger one of the biggest moments in Johnny's history. Johnny. Hirohiko Araki probably didn't have Johnny and Diego's dynamic fully planned out from the beginning, but regardless, the Steel Ball Race the anime would do well to give Johnny and Diego's rivalry more setup than the manga.


The Steel Ball Run anime needs to make the Valentine's Day position less confusing

The Power of Dirty Deeds Done on the Cheap Explained

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, commonly abbreviated to D4C, is the Stand of Funny Valentine, the main villain of Steel Ball Race. In terms of pure physical strength, D4C is weaker than many other Stands of great heroes and villains, but what makes Valentine stand out, however, is the power of his Stand, as Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap allows Valentine to travel between dimensions, transfer his Stand into other versions of himself, and destroy anything when he comes into contact with an alternate version of himself.providing some of the most unique and creative fights in the entire franchise.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap has a simple but effective ability, but it wasn't always that way. In the first fight with D4C, his power revolved around a rather complicated ability to merge alternate realities, something made even worse by the way this power is never blatantly used again after the first fight. As such, the Steel Ball Race anime should rewrite the first fight with Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap to keep his powers more consistent with later appearancesas this would make the story flow better and, more importantly, make things a lot less confusing for the viewers as well.


Funny boyfriends can't seem nice in the anime Steel Ball Run

Steel Ball Run's main villain fails to look like a hero

In addition to how unique his Stand is, Funny Valentine himself was written exclusively for a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure villain. Although Valentine is undeniably a villain, he is often depicted as quite honorable and sympathetic, even Johnny considers him virtuous after learning about his plans for the Corpse Saint and being willing to work with him because of it. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven went so far as to have Valentine work with the heroes to defeat heaven-reached DIOso the idea of ​​it being the most reasonable JoJo Villain doesn't come out of nowhere.

That being said, Valentine is anything but a hero. Although Valentine considers his actions to be noble and righteous, his plans for the Corpse Saint were to use him to protect America, passing all the misfortunes onto the rest of the world, and everything he said to Johnny to invoke sympathy was meant to kill Johnny. when he let his guard down. Valentine is often considered more heroic than he actually is and as such, the Steel Ball Race anime can't do anything that would frame Valentine as being anything other than a villain.


Steel Ball Run needs to use as little CGI as possible

Steel Ball Run can't get bogged down in bad art and animation

Anime has integrated CGI more and more in recent years with consistently mixed results and, unfortunately, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure was no exception. Although the series has largely avoided CGI since its early days JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean used poor quality CGI to render Stands and characters in some sceneswith its use for Whitesnake being blatant and wildly inconsistent as well. CGI became less frequent towards the end of the series, but it was still a major turnoff for fans new and old.

CGI was a big problem for Stone Oceanbut it can't be one for Steel Ball Race. Steel Ball Race is often considered the most visually unique and beautiful story of all time. JoJo's Bizarre Adventureand as such, the Steel Ball Race the anime needs to use as little CGI as possible to fully capture the stunning nature of the manga's art. This can be difficult to achieve when so much of the action revolves around horse riding, as horses are notoriously difficult to animate, but I hope David Production finds a way to make this work.


Steel Ball Run anime needs to be released weekly

Steel Ball Run needs a proper release schedule to be a success

While Stone Ocean was just as fun to watch as the installments that came before it, but it failed to generate anywhere near the same level of enthusiasm as its predecessors. It was one thing for the series to be exclusive to Netflix, but whenever new episodes were released, Netflix would release them all at once, rather than weekly, as had been the norm for the series up until then. Netflix Bondage Stone Ocean to a batch release system made it impossible to generate enthusiasmand the anime still suffers for it years after the fact.

A hypothesis Steel Ball Race the anime would likely be exclusive to Netflix, and if that happens, then Netflix needs to launch Steel Ball Race weekly to generate the hype for a series as it deserves; Netflix has gotten into the habit of doing weekly anime releases in recent years, so there's precedent for seeing something like this happen. Whatever the case, this is the biggest thing that JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Race the anime would have to do to be successful, and hopefully, when the anime finally releases, it will do just that.