If Harry Potter took a chance on this novel, it would have fixed an important character arc

If Harry Potter took a chance on this novel, it would have fixed an important character arc

By following a group of children through their formative years, The Harry Potter the series saw its characters develop various friendships and dynamics, with many evolving greatly as the story progressed. Soon, couples began to form between some of the most beloved characters, not all pairs were as well received as the next. However, the series missed a perfect opportunity for a romance that subverts expectations, although the Harry Potter remake could resolve many long-standing complaints.

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were never romantically involved in the Harry Potter books; Rowling stayed away from this couple and instead placed Hermoine with the most expected and safe love interest, Ron Weasley. However, the context of the books suggests that pairing Hermoine with Draco instead of Ron Weasley would have created a much more interesting and dynamic romance plot.

Harry Potter should have risked a romance between Hermione and Draco

This risk would have been worth it in the end

Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy with other Harry Potter students holding brooms.

Hermione Granger was an iconic heroine when these books were released for her bold, intelligent, courageous and determined personality. With an ambition matched by almost no one, Hermione is a strong character in her own right; seeing Hermione paired with a character who doesn't seem to match her abilities is just disappointing. Yes, Ron is a sweet character, but he lacks the drive, ambition, courage, and courage that Hermione and Draco possess. Rowling could have written a romance between Granger and Malfoy, a pair that would push each other and create so many possibilities for the future plot.

Ron never compared to Hermione in terms of intelligence, bravery or magical ability. However, Draco and Hermione's dynamic would have been competitive and exciting to read due to the tension of a push and pull between them. A slow-burn romance plot between enemies and lovers would have made both characters more complex and three-dimensional, while introducing very natural conflicts into the story. This romance may have been shocking at first, but that's what would make it work; these two characters could have defied all odds and fought to be together. If Rowling had included this pairing, the entire series would have had a more intense tone.

Draco and Hermione have surprisingly complementary personalities

The similarities between the two are always overlooked

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter copy

If the couple were explored in the text, the series' canonical evidence would show that they were in fact compatible. Although not mentioned often, it is stated in the story that Hermione and Draco are the brightest first and second students at Hogwarts. This shows how closely aligned their personalities must really be. Both characters are incredibly bold and ambitious, and suggest that they could accomplish great things together if their romance took off. Draco even detests Harry for his lack of intelligence, suggesting his own.

"He's not even that good, it's just because he's famous... famous for having a stupid scar on his forehead... everyone thinks he's so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick... "

Furthermore, Hermione and Draco were strangers at Hogwarts in their own way, probably feeling rather alone or excluded at times. Hermione was Muggle-born, leading her to explore the magical world without parental guidance. Likewise, Draco (although he was of pure magical descent) had evil parents who only led him down dark paths. Both students came to Hogwarts without the security of parental guidance. This could have given them reason to come together and lean on each other for inspiration. Instead, the complementary aspects of her motivation, intelligence, and backstory were never explored by Rowling.

This novel could have resolved glaring issues with Draco Harry Potter Bow

This redemption arc should have been much more anticipated

Always a character torn between the light side and the dark side, Draco Malfoy finally made the right choice in the Battle of Hogwarts when he sided with Harry Potter. However, Draco's character arc could have been much better if it took longer. If his internal struggle was a bigger problem throughout the series, and Draco truly seemed torn between his good side and his bad side, his character arc would be much more satisfying. The possibility of his romance with Granger could have been the storyline that made Draco question the Death Eaters much earlier.

With no romance or tangible connections to the main trio (Harry, Ron, Hermione), the moment of Draco's redemption arc in The Deathly Hallows falls to the floor.

A romance between Draco and Hermione would have encouraged his change of heart over the course of several books, and built to an epic reveal when he finally sided with Harry Potter and Hogwarts. Without romance or tangible connections to the main trio (Harry, Ron, Hermione), Draco's redemption arc moment in The Deathly Hallows falls flat. There's not much that makes Draco question his loyalty to Voldemort without a reason to want to be good. Hermione could have been that reason. Building this romance would have had an extremely positive effect on Draco and given Hermione more emotional depth.

The conclusion of the film franchise based on the popular novel series Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 focuses on Harry and his allies as they prepare for the final battle against Lord Voldemort. The film follows Harry, Hermoine and Ron as they continue to track down and destroy Horcruxes to destroy Voldemort, while the dark wizard approaches Hogwarts with his army of followers.