Infamous Marvel villain RhinoA perpetual Spider-Man Rogue, has just received a major upgrade, one that makes him a strength on the level of D Juggernaut. In their previous brief encounters in Marvel canon, Rhino always ends up on the losing side, but now one surprising story may just show the plan that could finally give Rhino the win.
Spider-Gwen: The ghost-spider #4 - by Stephanie Phillips and Paolo Villanelli - reveals the surprising secret weapon that can even the playing field between Rhino and Juggernaut. In the story, the Chameleon's powers went out of control, and he is constantly shapeshifting into different Spider-Man villains, their powers included.
At one point, Chameleon Shapeshifts into the Rhino, displaying a never-before-seen design, which Boasting a very Juggernaut-esque helmet and significantly tougher armor over his body, the new armor might just be the key to Rhino finally overcoming his rivalry with the Juggernaut.
Marvel's latest Rhino redesign makes him a juggernaut powerhouse
Spider-Gwen: The ghost-spider #4 - Written by Stephanie Phillips, Paolo Villanelli, Matt Milla, & Ariana Maher
The Rhino redesign depicted in Spider-Gwen: The ghost-spider #4 is a hypothetical version of the character, but it offers fans some insight into how Marvel could improve the characterWhich has long been a prominent story in Spider-Man Study, but in many ways did Plato in terms of what writers found to do with the character beyond reckless rampaging through the streets of New York City. Both in-universe, and as a character, many people don't take Rhino seriously because he's not the brightest villain around.
When Juggernaut has his full power at his command, there is simply nothing Rhino can do against him, but this new armor would be just the key to change that.
True, I know that Alexei is a little dumb, but he always made up for it with his wild strength. Alexei's physical strength allowed him to do major feats, such as tearing through steel beams like they were paper, and he even knocked around major heavy hitters like the Hulk, the Thing, and Nova. With his enhanced strength, Alexi once threw Nova into outer space, his shock knocked the thing across the city, and he even knocked Gray Hulk off his feet.
These are no minor feats of strength, but when it comes to fighting the juggernaut, Rhino has never been able to match his might. Juggernaut's full strength allowed him to go up against the likes of a Celestial-enhanced Hulk, and even with Juggernaut's powers being drained by Cyttorak, Juggernaut was still able to toss Rhino around and defeat him easily. When Juggernaut has his full power at his command, there is simply nothing Rhino can do against him, but this new armor would be just the key to change that.
History has proven that Juggernaut is the stronger of the two massive Marvel characters
Invisible X-Men #435 - Written by Chuck Austen; Art by Ron Garney, Mark Morales, Pete Pantazis, & Rus Wooton
Despite his best attempts, Rhino's feats of strength cannot stand up against Juggernaut. Even without his powers, Juggernaut's power was enough to quickly defeat Rhino, but that doesn't mean Rhino has any hope of winning a future encounter, especially if he gets a critical upgrade. Notably, Rhino is he didn't get his powers from magic or even mutation; He got them from gamma radiation and gene therapy. He's undergone this experimental process twice, and increased his strength exponentially each time.
His original strength level was copied to lift twenty tons, but thanks to continued gamma ray treatments, he can now lift up to seventy tons. Further, Alexei's Rhino Armor is specifically made to enhance his already incredible strength. This means that if Rhino continued his gamma therapy treatments and Given a better, more high-tech version of his armor than the design Chameleon showed, his strength could increase further, making him a physical match for Juggernaut. In any case, it's already been shown that even though Rhino can't match Juggernaut's strength, he has weapons that can hurt Juggernaut.
Rhino's horn is capable of piercing the skin of Juggernaut under the right conditions
A rematch is highly anticipated
During their appearance in Invisible X-Men #435, Rhino demonstrates that his horns can absolutely pierce Juggernaut's skin. This is the only attack Rhino has shown that seems capable of hurting Juggernaut. While Juggernaut is able to pull the horns out and ultimately overpower Rhino, this shows that Rhino can really hurt Juggernaut if he only has the strength to match him. This match up is not nearly as one-sided as fans might think. The only thing holding Reno back is his inferior strength, but he has increased it in the past with his gamma radiation treatment.
If Rhino continues to evolve, then sometime soon, Rhino may finally be able to match the juggernaut.
As it stands now, Rhino has absolutely no hope of defeating Juggernaut. The strength and durability of the juggernaut is simply completely on a different level than Rhino, and this has been proven over and over. However, the main thing that Rhino has over Juggernaut is his surprising ability to evolve. While Rhino is often portrayed as an idiot, he has increased his intelligence, as seen in Spider-Man's Tangled Web #5. His strength also increased several times. If Rhino continues to evolve, then sometime soon, Spider-Man Villain Rhino May finally be able to match these Juggernaut.
Spider-Gwen: Ghost-spider #4 is now available from Marvel Comics!