Lt. Spock's secret hijacking of the USS Enterprise adds an intriguing twist to his relationship with Lt. Kirk in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Kirk and Spock's Chief Engineers play crucial roles in their respective ship heists, highlighting the importance of teamwork in their adventures.
Will Kirk ever find out about Spock's criminal actions? Only time will tell if this revelation will inspire Kirk's own daring heist in Star Trek III.
I wonder if Lieut. James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) always finds out Lut. Spock (Ethan Peck) stole the U.S.S. Enterprise in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. One of the most exciting aspects of Strange New WorldsTo me, is Get to see the younger Kirk and Spock grow into the eternal best friends They are in Star Trek: The Original Series. Strange New Worlds Season 2, episode 6, "Lost in Translation," got the ball rolling when Ensign Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding) introduced Kirk to Spock.
Kirk and Spock's first meeting in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is satisfyingly subtle. Neither person knows what to make of the other, even though they are instantly fascinated by the other. Neither Kirk nor Spock are aware of who they will become or of their legendary voyage together on the Starship Enterprise that is yet to take place. However, Spock knows Kirk by reputation, as the ambitious new first officer of the US Navy. it's Farragut. In turn, Kirk can size up Spock as the overly serious half-Vulcan science officer. But Kirk would be surprised to learn Spock hijacked the Enterprise before they met.
Did Kirk Ever Find Spock Stole USS Enterprise in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds?
Spock actually hijacks the Enterprise twice
As of the end of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Lieutenant James T. Kirk doesn't know that L. Spock stole the USS Enterprise, and I'm curious if he'll ever find out. in Strange New Worlds In the Season 2 premiere, "The Broken Circle," Spock hijacks the Enterprise and takes it to Cajitar IV to answer a distress call from La'an Noonien-Singh (Christina Chong). Spock's rescue was successful, although there were hostilities with the Klingons who controlled Kajitar IV. Kirk may also be surprised to learn that Spock is drunk with the Klingons over blood wine.
Spock will steal the USS Enterprise again in Star Trek: The Original Series.
It is possible that Kirk may learn of Spock's criminal actions at some point Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 or 4, and maybe he'll be impressed and surprised. Little does Kirk know at this point in Star Treks timeline that Spock will steal the USS Enterprise again in Star Trek: The Original Series"The Menagerie." Spock (Leonard Nimoy) commits mutiny by hijacking the Enterprise To deliver the badly wounded fleet captain Christopher Pike (Sean Kenny) to Talos IV. Of course, Kirk commits the most famous (or infamous) act of stealing the starship Enterprise.
Kirk steals the USS. Enterprise to save Spock in Star Trek III
The most famous hijacking of the Starship Enterprise
Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) steals into the U.S.S Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Kirk and his crew risk their Starfleet careers to rescue Spock, who has been resurrected by the Genesis planet, and take him to Vulcan to reunite Spock with his katra, or Vulcan Soul. Kirk was expressly ordered by Admiral Morrow (Robert Hooks), the Commander in Chief of Starfleet, not to attempt to rescue Spock on Genesis, but Kirk decided to go anyway. The enterprise did not make it back, however, as Kirk destroyed his beloved starship Rather than let it fall into Klingon hands.
I really like how not Spock in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Or Kirk in Star Trek III could accomplish their theft of the USS Enterprise without the help of their chief engineers. Commander Pelia (Carol Kane) bargained for the position of chief engineer in exchange for guaranteeing Spock could escape Starbase One with the Enterprise. in Star Trek IIIScotty (James Doohan) was key to Kirk's uprising by automating the Enterprise and disabling the USS Excelsior's transwarp drive. I wouldn't be surprised if, at some point, Kirk learns Spock stole the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, And it inspired him to do the same in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.