I think Superman & Lois finally confirmed my biggest season 4 story theory in the saddest way possible

I think Superman & Lois finally confirmed my biggest season 4 story theory in the saddest way possible

Superman and Lois is in its final season, and recent events worry me that the DC Universe series finale could be kicked off with another emotional and surprising moment of closure for its most popular character. Superman and Lois Season 4 Episode 8 made some dramatic contributions to the series, further examining Clark's recent unmasking. With Superman's identity being revealed to the world, and with him now living with Sam's heart in his chest, I believe there are some huge implications to the story that will take away from the series finale.

In DC media, Superman has died multiple times, and each of those deaths has had important and varied effects on the universe. What I find consistent in these stories, however, is how they created other heroes to take on Superman's job. The comics saw heroes like Steel appear in "Reign of the Supermen", while films like Zack Snyder's Justice League saw the starting team form. Although this Clark has already been brought back to life, I believe that Superman's death will have even more repercussions in the last chapters of Superman and Lois.

Superman's children are even more likely to replace him now that Clark's powers are fading

Superman will soon be powerless in the CW series

Recent episodes of Superman and Lois I saw the hero being brought back to life with Sam Lane's heart, and that heart now seems to be fading, preparing for a future where Superman's children will have to take up the hero's mantle. After Superman's unmasking to the world, I believe the series is heading towards a unique and unprecedented ending to this Superman story. With Superman's powers now slowly decreasing in potency, it seems likely that the hero will be no more by the end of the series or will be in a position where he will have to consider retirement.

Retiring could be a happy ending for Clark. With many different enemies appearing throughout the show, it seems like There will always be major threats in the world, and as long as Superman can combat them, I'm sure he'll probably always feel responsible for doing so. Upon losing his powers, however, Superman will be forced to give up his mantle as a hero. This could allow him to lead a peaceful life until the end of his days as just a father and husband, without the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Superman and Lois have already destroyed the one thing about being a hero that Jonathan and Jordan seemed insecure about

Secret identities in this world have become a thing of the past

Dealing with a secret identity is a complex part of many superhero stories, and seeing the dynamic of that removed in Superman and Lois It was already an interesting choice. Although Jordan and Jonathan seemed to struggle with the idea of ​​hiding part of themselves and the sadness Superman felt as a result, much of that tension has now been eliminated. With Superman's identity shared with the world at large, Superman and Lois In Season 4, Episode 7, every detail of the entire family is now on display, making hiding a now impossible task.

This is certainly a difficult thing to face, but I'm excited to see Jordan and Jonathan now able to truly embody heroic roles in the future without that hesitation.. It seems likely that the series is gearing up for them - as well as characters like Steel and his daughter - to take on important roles protecting the world. As circumstances align for a world without Superman, the proliferation of heroes makes this easier to face.

I'm desperately hoping that Superman and Lois don't give Clark a very sad ending

A Fading Heart Could Bring the Series to a Heartbreaking End

I'll say this even though I don't want to: it is possible that Superman and Lois will end with Superman dying forever. I don't believe this will happen, but I worry. Superman went through a lot alone in Season 4, and the entire series worked hard to bring closure to the character. With Steel's technology telling him that Sam Lane's heart is starting to disappear and that Superman's powers will soon disappear, the character could actually become deadly. This could lead to his death at the end of the series.

What I believe to be more likely, fortunately, is that Instead, Superman will be forced to retire at the end of the show. I hope a happy ending awaits the hero, although that is far from guaranteed. With many terrible villains in this world, despite his weakened heart, Superman is sure to go through a lot in the final episodes of the series. I can only hope that the series allows it to have a happy ending, although I admit that an ending with a dark meaning could also be a satisfying closure for the show.

I'm sad to say this Superman and Lois will end very soon, and a new status quo in this corner of the DC Universe seems likely to be established by then. Fortunately, Clark's role in the series was not just to be a hero, but also to inspire others to be heroes as well, and that could have a huge payoff if he actually gets the series finale. Jordan, Jonathan and other established heroes will be able to continue Superman's work no matter what happens to Clark. I just hope that Superman and Lois allows Clark and Lois to live their long lives together off-screen, in the eternal future.

Superman and Loisthe Arrowverse's seventh spinoff series, will take the titular characters from Metropolis to Smallville. The CW series is set after the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover, which saw the collapse of the multiverse and the merging of worlds on what is now Earth Prime. Superman and Lois sees Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch) and Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin) dealing with all the pressures of their jobs, as well as being parents to two teenage children. Lois and Clark are no strangers to the Arrowverse, with Hoechlin's Superman having been introduced way back when. Supergirl season 2. Meanwhile, Tulloch's Lois made her debut in 2018's “Elseworlds” crossover. The pair are joined by a growing cast of characters that includes a new iteration of Lana Lang.

Release date

February 23, 2021

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