I think I've solved what the new material from Genshin Impact is teasing

I think I've solved what the new material from Genshin Impact is teasing

One of the new materials from Genshin ImpactThe natlan area is oddly specific and I think I figured out why it might be teasing, even if very subtly. Version 5.0, which arrived in late August to HoYoverse's hit action RPG, brought the game's sixth major region called Natlan, also known as the Nation of Pyro. With the first few zones of Natlan introduced, several other components were added to the game, from brand new gameplay mechanics to enemy types and, of course, the first few Natlan characters in Genshin Impact 5.0, namely Mualani, Kachina and Kinich.

With the addition of a whole new nation, even if it is not finished yet, a lot of new material has been added to the game. This includes host materials, such as those dropped from the Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King and Goldflame Qucusaur Tyrant to the drops of several new enemy types across the Natlan area. This, of course, also includes local specialties, such as the sprayfeather gills in Genshin ImpactWhat are some of Mulani's Ascension materials. However, one group of​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​for​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ative- off.

Saurians occur an interesting material type in Genshin Impact's Natlan area

The sources of these items are oddly specific

Among the new enemy types, Saurians stand out as they are new creatures that can be opponents or serve as mounts through Saurian Indwelling. They drop materials that are needed in certain character ascension processes. When defeated, the Saurians can drop Juvenile Fangs, Seasoned Fangs, and Tyrant's Fangs. These are all part of the same number family. When checking how to get them in the game, I noticed that they all fall from "Natlan Saurians,"Which sounds oddly specific When the game could simply refer to their drop source as Saurians in Genshin ImpactWithout saying that they are from Natlon.

Natlan saurians may imply the existence of saurians in other genshin impact regions

Only six saurian types reside in the nation of Pyro

Genshin Impact's king poses next to a Yumkasaurus.
Custom image by Bruno Yonezawa

While Natlan Saurians are the enemy group to which the Saurians belong, it seems somewhat strange since Saurians are only confirmed to live in Natlan - and, as such, it is rather redundant to say so at this point. however, I'm led to believe that there may be more saurian types in the future of the game, possibly outside of Natlantoo. The mention of Natlan saurians seems to imply that there are saurians in other locations - so far, none of the previous nations (Mondstadt, Leiue, Inazuma, Sumeru and Fontaine) have saurians, so Snezhnaya leaves. Genshin Impact.

In version 5.0, players only have access to three saurian types: Teleptisaurus, Yumkasaurus, and Coholasaurus. These three creatures are respectively linked to the Geo, Dendro and Hydro elements. Although more saurian types have yet to be introduced in future updates, The game has already confirmed that there are six tribes in Natlan, meaning one element and possible saurian type does not reside in the nation of Pyro. The remaining elemental tribes in Natlan include one dedicated to Electro, another to Anemo and a final one focused on Pyro. Interestingly enough, Cryo was left out of the equation in Genshin Impact.


With the subtle doubts about the possibility of saurians existing outside of Natlan and cryo-aligned saurians being the only ones not present in the nation of Pyro, It feels like more than a coincidence to imagine that cryo-saurians could possibly inhabit SnezhnayaWhich is also known as the Nation of Krio. It should be a while until we get any confirmation or even leaks and rumors about this if it is true, to begin with, but the fang materials dropped by Natlan Saurians do imply that travelers may face Saurians in the seventh and final area of ​​Taivat. .

Snezhnaya may have saurians in genshin impact

Cryo Saurians could allow great gameplay beyond Natlan

Genshin Impact's fatoy harbingers gathered around La Signora's casket.

If the Cryo Saurians exist in Snezhnaya, we could be graced with one of the game's best mechanics, Saurian Indwelling, far beyond the end of the Natlan updates and story arc. So far, even with only three types of saurians, the indwelling system completely revolutionized the game mechanics in the region of Natlan. Genshin Impact 5.0 due to its creative application of increased mobility. Saurians in Natlan can move like no other character can and they are crucial to the area, its gameplay and its story.

Their addition to the game significantly improved exploration and puzzles. The movement of the Nation of Pyro is not only at a faster pace, but it is much more pleasant than managing the active character's stamina to climb walls and try to use special exploration skills. With Saurians, players can climb vertical walls, use grapple hooks to reach higher locations, and swim at a fast pace, even if not underwater like in Fontaine. The addition of three more saurian types in future updates also sounds promising, especially since the Iktomisaurus species in Genshin Impact is known for flying.

This particular gameplay style can simply end with Natlan, as a lot of game mechanics are contained in their own area, such as diving and stamina-free swimming in Fontaine. However, if there are saurians in Snezhnaya, the saurian indwelling mechanic may not die off prematurely, and players may have the opportunity to continue using the dragon-like creatures in their adventures outside of Natlan. It's hard to speculate how a Kryo saurian might be used in Snezhnaya, mainly because we still don't know how the nation of Kryo was designed in Genshin Impact.


However, the mere prospect of using Saurians in the game's future and outside Natlan seems extremely exciting. Of course, this is all speculation based on how weirdly specific the source for the various fang materials are in the game. The designation of Natlan Saurians may be a simple way of distinguishing this special enemy group from other types of enemies who are, in essence, also Saurians. The two world bosses in version 5.0 are special types of Saurians, for example, so specificity might be a way to avoid further confusion in Genshin Impact.