90 Day Fiance star Andrei Castravet rose to fame by attacking on screen, and although he tries to show his “perfect” life with Libby Potthast, I think he's hiding real problems in their marriage. Andrei just got his American citizenship, and the impetuous Moldovan seems to be extremely happy these days. However, it must be said that Andrei carries a lot of anger. He is hot-headed and often angry - in fact, Andrei tends to fly into a rage when he feels slighted. His explosive temper is the reason why Andrei is such an iconic villain in the franchise.
Andrei benefited greatly from his romance with Libby, whose family, including her scandal-prone father, Chuck Potthast, appears to be well-off. Libby seems to love Andrei very much - that's why she puts up with his tantrums, criticism, and more. These days, as a full-fledged American, Andrei seems to be living the life of his dreams. He spends a lot of time at the gym, vacations at the beach, and enjoys the meals Libby lovingly prepares for him. However, in my experience, a leopard does not change its spots.
Is Andrei still an angry man?
It may not be different now
Andrei is highly committed to making his romance with Libby feel like a “forever” marriage, and it may be, but that doesn't mean Libby is happy all the time. Andrei is very extra – Libby has been dealing with his outbursts for years. The sad truth is that he is often very rude to his wife.
Andrei sort of embodies the spirit of "old time" male chauvinism. Maybe he doesn't feel superior, but it often seems like he believes he's the “man of the house” and that he knows what's best. Libby is seemingly forced into a submissive role due to Andrei's strong personality.
An example is Andrei's constant swearing in Russian. It really unloads, and a Russian-speaking Redditor, while commenting on a r/90dayfianceuncensored topic, said that the words Andrei uses around his family are really offensive. This social media user stated:
I was watching the laundry folding scene, and those little “bla” or “blya” or “nah” (short for a really bad swear word), are all really vulgar and rude swear words. It's hilarious to hear that they drop the American swear words but leave out the vulgar Russian curses.
Now, he can swear, but not direct it at his wife. Many people swear. I've personally dropped a few F-bombs, sometimes for comedic effect, and other times just to heavily emphasize my, uh, feelings. However, Andrei went beyond profanity to get a reaction. He humiliated his long-suffering wife.
For example, he once shouted a rude command, telling Libby to:
listen double.
Everyone gets angry sometimes and that's okay. As it turns out, Andrei has had more than his fair share of aggressive moments. He once got into a physical fight while he was supposed to be having dinner with the Potthasts. Near the pool, Libby's brother, Charlie Potthast, offended Andrei, who took action: the two “alpha males” fought like wild animals in the jungle, ruining a burger party. Andrei even cursed Libby's sister. Watch the drama boil over 90 Day Fiance in the YouTube clip shown below:
The problems between Andrei and his family really reached critical mass back then, but nothing has changed, which is why I believe he and Libby are not completely happy. To US WeeklyAndrei described Libby's family as a "cult." It was framed as a joke, but he's likely to believe it.
Libby and Andrei are a troubled pair who only speak to a few Potthasts now. This kind of damage is probably Andrei's fault. His desire to obtain money and other perks from his in-laws, although he obviously disrespected them, was a shining example of a vulgar and mercenary attitude. Andrei should be more grateful for what he gave.
Trolls still take advantage of Andrei
He has difficulty dealing with criticism
Libby and Andrei get some shade. Fans don't always appreciate Andrei's lack of refinement. He seems to lower himself at times, giving in to the ugliest aspects of being a human being... the things we should try to avoid. However, Andrei still gets angry when he is challenged by 90DF fans, who clearly have a big problem with his antics. In the above Instagram post, he said that no one has ever been rude to him personally. He thinks they don't have the courage. In "8 years" of reality fame, they never said bad things to him in public.
8 years and no nasty comments in person yet. I think they only exist online #90dianoivo #realityproblems #explore #elizabethandrei #trolls #haters gonna hate
Is it cowardice to insult someone so brutally online but never confront them directly? Maybe, but most fans who are keyboard warriors operate this way. It's a lot easier to be mean when you're not looking someone in the eye - when they can't talk back. In a real-life confrontation, a troll may also receive some criticism. Although Andrei has responded to their criticism in the past, he and Libby seem to prefer joking about what these unhappy 90Df viewers get up to.
The issue here is that Andrei is not comfortable with what is happening. He's rude, sure, but surprisingly defensive considering how combative he is. It's possible that Libby needs to calm him down a lot. While some fans support the couple, those who don't are probably the ones Andrei thinks about.
A man who calls his wife's family "cult" and bullies your wife is probably not an ideal partner, no matter how much you try to create an idyllic image of your life on Instagram. Andrei has a lot of darkness inside him - perhaps having children helped calm the wild beast. I hope so, because Libby seems like a really nice person. THE 90 Day Fiance the star does not deserve to be emotionally abused by someone who is by her side every day and night.
Source: Libby Potthast/Instagram, 90 Day Fiance/YouTube, US Weekly