Onyx storm will continue Rebecca Yarros' Empyrean series In January 2025, and I hope the next Fourth wing Sequel avoids an incredibly predictable romance twist. Violet and Xaden struggle with their relationship over iron flame, Because they have different opinions about what trusting your partner should look like. They make strides to resolve these issues later in the Fourth wing Sequel, however Iron flameThe ending throws another wrench into their romance.
With Violet and Xaden's future still up in the air, I'm worried Onyx Storm Will have a frustrating romance twist. Other moments of Iron flame Back this up, suggesting Yarros can introduce a common obstacle for The Empiric Series' Main pair to get. I would hate to see the author waste time on a predictable love triangle, especially when there are so many other interesting aspects of The Empyrean series' world to explore. However, after the events of iron flame, The story could easily go in that direction.
The end of Iron Flame sets up more relationship challenges for Violet and Xaden in Onyx Storm
Xaden being Venin will likely push them further apart
Iron flames ending twist reveals that Xaden is Venin, and This is sure to put another wedge between him and Violet Onyx storm. There's no telling what Xaden's experience of becoming Venin will look like, and it could drastically change his personality. But even if Xaden remains mostly the same, it's probably safe to assume that he'll push Violet away for her own safety. This can continue the couple's dynamic iron flame, Undoing the strides they made in the second installment.
Although it seems likely that Violet and Xaden will overcome their challenges later in Yarros' romance series, I can see them taking detours before reaching their happy ending.
Onyx stormThe title may even refer to the storm they will face together. And while it seems likely Violet and Xaden will overcome their challenges later in Yarros' romance series, I can see them taking detours before reaching their happy ending. Iron flame Introduces Xaden's ex, and has been another potential love interest for Violet since the series began. of course, Return to that possibility in Onyx storm would be pretty predictable. It would also be unlikely to go anywhere significant, as Violet and Xaden are clearly the end of the series.
I hope Onyx Storm doesn't deliver a predictable romance twist with Violet and Dain
Your redemption arc comes at a convenient time
With Violet and Xaden, there are likely to be more relationship challenges onyx storm, I'm worried that Yaros will see Violet and Dain's feelings for each other again. when Fourth wing Opens up, it seems like Dain could be a love interest for the heroine of the series. However, his overbearing behavior quickly backfired, pushing Violet into Xaden's arms instead. At the end of the day Fourth wing Seemingly puts an end to the possibility of a romance between him and Violet. in iron flame, It's doubtful they'll even be friends again — but the sequel eventually reopens the door.
Violet shows Dane what really happened in Atheban while she was being tortured, and he turns to Basgiat's vice commandant in order to help her. Dain also agrees to leave with Violet and the others when he learns the truth about Navarre's lies. These moments say that then a redemption will come Onyx storm and future sequels. If this happens, he is likely to mend his friendship with Violet. And if Violet and Xaden are struggling, Yarros could also revive the love triangle originally teased at Fourth wing.
The Fourth Wing has already proven that Violet and Dain should not be more than friends
Rebecca Yarros would have a hard time selling the relationship
With his Xaden twist and Dain's redemption, Iron flame sets the stage for the return of Fourth wings love triangle in the next book. However, I'm really hoping Yarros won't go that way with the characters, like Fourth wing Already proved that Violet and yours should not be more than friends. The first book barely explains why the two of them care about each other, and it sees Dan underestimating her and being a bad friend. Even if he overgrows onyx storm, It's going to be really hard to sell him as a legitimate love interest.
At this point, it's hard to imagine Violet ending up with anyone else The Empiric Series — and the readers certainly won't want her with you after everything he's done.
At this point, it's hard to imagine Violet ending up with anyone else The Empiric Series — and the readers certainly won't want her with you after what he did. In addition to being an unpopular pairing, it would also be too predictable. Fourth wing Subvert expectations when Violet barely participates in his blossoming love triangle. Reviving it wouldn't be a smart move, especially when it's unlikely Violet and Dain will actually wind up together in the end. There are better ways Onyx storm Can use its pages and capital letters.