I had no idea how big kaiju could get into Godzilla study - but one comic series with the King of Monsters has me eager to see more supermassive kaiju in the franchise. In addition to the pure visual spectacle of it, I love the idea of monsters even bigger than Godzilla because it offered a new perspective on the Godzilla character, one I would like to see explored further.
Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth #25 – written by Chris Mowry, with art by Matt Frank and Jeff Zornow – introduced Magita, a kaiju of absolutely astronomical size, with the fearsome disposition to match. When I first saw the full-page reveal of Magita towering over Godzilla, I was amazed at how it pushes the limits of what a great monster can really be.
It feels strange to even enter the word "tiny," in the context of talking about Godzilla's size, but this is actually how he appears when first confronted by Magira.
Magira was an "even bigger monster" than Godzilla, making the classic kaiju look minuscule
Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth #25 - Written by Chris Mowry; Art by Matt Frank & Jeff Zornow; Color by Priscilla Tramontano; Lettering by Sean Lee
Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth #25 was the finale of the ongoing Godzilla book, and it served up an appropriately gigantic climax. The final battle of the series pitted Godzilla and his allies, both kaiju and human, against the monumental Magita, a scorpion-like alien creature that was cured in the destruction of Earth. As a reader, I find the reveal of Magita's full form to be super effective; The difference in size between Magita and Godzilla does exactly what I believed it was intended to, which is to provide a moment with few equals in franchise history.
Of course, in many ways, Godzilla defines the concept of "big monster," and so To deliver an even bigger monster, one that redefines what is possible in Godzilla Lore, is huge win for Rulers of the Earth Creative team. Unfortunately, Magira's reveal is the clearest view of the antagonist we get as readers in issue #25, and the only panel in which the creature's unbelievable scope is depicted. In other words, Magira's introduction made me realize I had an itch, so to speak, but didn't exactly scratch it.
By defeating Magira, Godzilla made it clear that bigger does not mean bad in kaiju conflicts
The king of the monsters stays the king
I do not fault the creative team behind Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth For the limitations of Migara's appearance; I'm sure if you asked writer Chris Mowry, or artists Matt Frank and Jeff Zornow, they'd say they wish they'd been able to do more with their even bigger monster, their super-Kaiju. The final issue of the series needs an exciting action sequence and an enemy that would be a last legitimate test for Godzilla, and Magita fills both of these roles exceptionally.
The point of the final battle in Rulers of the Earth #25 was that Godzilla didn't need to be the greatest, to be the best.
As much as the battle against Magira I missed more, I think that the Super-Kaiju served its narrative purpose. The point of the final battle in Rulers of the Earth #25 was that Godzilla didn't need to be the greatest, to be the best. This is shown with Kaiju of comparable size to the King of Monsters, but Godzilla has never faced an opponent orders of magnitude larger than himself. When he prevails in the closing pages of the issue, it definitely strikes me as a satisfying blow to end the series.
As a fan, I want more "Super-Kaijus" in the Godzilla franchise
Give me more massive monsters
Godzilla's moment of triumph from Magira in Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth #25 is impressive precisely because of Magira's size; For me, as a fan of the franchise, it made me rethink what I love about Godzilla as more than just a monster, but as a hero. Godzilla's trajectory from an existential threat to humanity, to a savior and protector of the Earth, is one of my favorite redemption arcs in pop culture. Godzilla is as inhuman as a protagonist can get, but fans' love for the character has forced creators to always find ways to humanize him.
Even bigger monsters like Magira are the perfect way to tell stories in that GodzillaAs a protagonist, must fight from a position of disadvantage.
The appearance of Magira in Rulers of the Earth Last issue was a great way to achieve thisAnd it's one that I personally want more of in the future Godzilla Stories. Godzilla is rarely depicted as a true underdog, even when facing his most formidable opponents. Even bigger monsters like Magira are the perfect way to tell stories in that GodzillaAs a protagonist, must fight from a position of disadvantage, which would open a completely new type of storyline for the beloved franchise.