The Star Wars Skywalker Saga featured a lot of important characters that had an impact on the franchise. Anakin Skywalker is the prophesied chosen one who falls to the dark side after the Clone Wars. His son, Luke, helps him return to the light side of the force after destroying the Galactic Empire's Death Star. These two characters have great significance to the franchise and lead the family of their own saga; However, one character connected to both Luke and Anakin is the true key to Star Wars Skywalker Saga.
Padmé Amidala is a character who doesn't get enough recognition for the pivotal part she plays in the prequel trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone WarsAnd the franchise as a whole. The former Naboo queen, who became a senator, was involved in many issues during her reign as queen and senator. She would also fall in love with the coveted chosen one and give birth to their children right before her tragic death. She played a role in many significant events that had an impact long after her passing and deserves much more credit for the role she played.
The entire Skywalker saga hinges on Padmé Amidala
Her character, directly and indirectly, had a great effect.
Padmé's impact begins early Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceWhen her planet was blockaded and invaded by the Trade Federation. With her planet under attack, the Queen of Naboo would escape and travel to Tatooine, where she and Qui-Gon Jinn would meet a young Anakin Skywalker. They formed an instant bond that would eventually develop into a romantic relationship. Before that could happen, Padmé changed the course of the Galactic Senate by forcing a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum's leadership, paving the way for Palpatine to take control of the Senate.
As indicated by Nabeary, Padme's character both influenced politics during the Clone Wars and began the most important relationship in the Star Wars Franchise. The love between her and Anakin would be the primary catalyst for his turn to the dark side, resulting in Darth Vader. She would also give birth to their children, Luke and Leia. The twins would become the prominent protagonists of the original trilogy. Leia would become a prominent figure in the Rebel Alliance, while Luke would follow in his father's footsteps, become a Jedi, and bring his father back to the light.
Star Wars needs to start treating Padmé with her proper value
She is a top-tier character and deserves more respect for the role she played
Padmé's influence is seen throughout the entire Skywalker saga. She fell in love with Anakin, a Clone Wars hero who would turn evil in a self-fulfilling prophecy to save her from dying, only to die after giving birth to the franchise's most important set of twins. Padmé's character is often overlooked, and her relationship with Anakin is often mocked for its poor dialogue in the prequel movies. Her growth in The Clone Wars This series is extremely important to recognize because of this. Padmé's value as a character in Star Wars Is, in a simple term, awesome.
Padmé Amidala is a character that fans love, and several calls have been made to get Natalie Portman to reprise the role for the franchise. She and Katherine Taber, who provided her voice the clone wars, Gave incredible life to a courageous and wise political leader. She always sought to see the morally right thing done with her compassion, while her bravery allowed her to get through brutal scrapes that required blasting, or as She would call it, "Aggressive negotiations“I wish you real value in Star Wars was recognized more often.