I know what new devil is coming to The Chainsaw Man, and the series will never be the same

I know what new devil is coming to The Chainsaw Man, and the series will never be the same

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Chainsaw Man Chapter #177!

Chainsaw Man has always maintained a bold streak in his storytelling, combining cutthroat plot developments with recurring, scathing political commentary. I loved the series for pushing the envelope, showing controversial developments along the lives of Denji and Asa as they adapt to their powers and set themselves in a world inundated with the influence of devils. But one striking possibility, born of the consistent stream of new devils based on everything from hunger to the concept of the mouth, makes me wonder about A freedom devil appears in future chapters of Chainsaw Man.

The beauty of Chainsaw Man Devils is that so many of them conceptually work because of even subtle fears attached to them, with a Freedom Devil concept being no exception. The current chaotic arc is underway, devolving into a gory whirlwind as Pochita's original Chainsaw Devil form emerges again. In a bid to subdue her bitter adversary, Yoru deploys her war-themed powers, but in doing so, cracks the facade of a lasting symbol of freedom; This noteworthy event prompted me to look further into the idea of ​​a freedom devil Chainsaw Man.

The Freedom Devil of the Chainsaw Man could be a reasonable possibility

Far from the most outlandish Devil concept

The final panels of Chainsaw Man Chapter #177 shows Yoru preparing a devastating assault on Pochita, arming her right gun gauntlet while striking a pose to match the Statue of Liberty. After she collects enough of a sacrifice from the United States, she pulls the trigger, which causes the face of the statue to burst when the chapter ends. Given the nature of the sacrifice, namely, cutting off the trigger fingers of 400,000 members of the "National Pistol Association," a group parodying the NRA, prizing the freedom to bear arms, This sudden loss could provoke a hypothetical freedom devil's response.


The concept of a freedom devil is not as appealing, at least to me, as the other fears represented in Chainsaw Man. However, it can still manifest through natural extremes, such as anarchy, freedom from consequences or lawlessness. The sacrifice of 11.4% of the index finger of the NPA membership may anticipate a response from surviving members who fear losing the ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights. It could potentially galvanize the membership and thus empower a hypothetical freedom devil. Given the twisted images used by other devils in man of chains, It would be unsurprising if a complex freedom devil Exists.

Who can lead the freedom devil in chainsaw man

An ironic choice lies ahead

While I confirm this as speculation, Yoru, Asa's inhabiting war fiend, would be The strongest candidate to immediately lead a freedom devil's powerEspecially with the parallel to the Statue of Liberty's pose of Chainsaw Man Chapter #177. Furthermore, she consistently refers to the Gun and Tank Devils as her children, which she can freely mention in chapter #176. While attributing freedom as the driving motivation for countries going to war from the 20th century to the present is far from the only answer, a common public perception is that freedom is obtained or secured through war.

Another issue is whether Yoru will be the only user or if it is divided into the rest of the free world in Chainsaw Man. The series has shown several times that the power of a devil can be shared by many people, meaning that perhaps a Freedom Devil could play an even bigger role in the story.

Speak no evil

Chainsaw Man Has always used striking visuals to convey commentary. One moment from chapter #173 is particularly upsetting with a panel featuring Chainsaw Man The older devil, sitting on top of two young individuals with severed hands, symbolizes the older generation comforting at the expense of the younger generation. This point is driven home in Chainsaw Man Chapter #174 When the aging devil demands the death of 10,000 children in front of mirrors.

The upsetting part about the demands of the aging devil is that Chainsaw Man Former finance minister, Tadashi Hasegawa, is an elderly man who is willing to comply with the demands of the younger devil, because doing so would cause the devil to let the Chainsaw Man devour him, erasing aging. Hasegawa's crude irony is in the following quote from Chainsaw Man Chapter #174, "Ten thousand lives is a small price to pay for the future of Japan." Ten thousand lives of children, synonymous with the future, being offered as a sacrifice A damning critique of the Japanese age pyramid and declining birth rates.

With the various devils in Chainsaw ManThere are many other forms of commentary, including on particular social fears. Microcosms of which some places fear above others begin to show, directly correlating to their power depending on current fear levels. One notable case is Yoru's War Devil powers increase along with the fear of war in the Chainsaw Man Church Arc. Primal Devils are embodied by fear of everything from falling to death due to how old their corresponding concepts are. I firmly believe that a freedom devil can easily exist in Chainsaw Man If a Tomato Devil exists.

What a freedom devil can do for the chainsaw man plot

One character yearns for freedom more than others

Freedom as a concept was all over Chainsaw Man Since the beginning, especially when the main antagonist of part 1 was always the Control Devil.

Denji, the longtime protagonist of Chainsaw manCraved freedom in many forms, such as the ability to embrace his old self as referenced in a memorable chapter #93 quote or, more strikingly, his wish for an ordinary life. Yoru attributes Denji's lack of freedom to the Black Chainsaw Man, aka Pochita's true form, And so believes that by killing Pochita, she can free Denji. Freedom as a concept was all over Chainsaw Man Since the beginning, especially when the main antagonist of part 1 was always the Control Devil.

A freedom devil would inject a particularly evil edge Chainsaw Man Plot by corrupting or complicating an otherwise noble virtue much of the world upholds. It's still all speculation, but it would be a compelling comment, with the risk of splitting the fan base depending on how it's viewed. But now is as good a time as any for a Freedom devil To manifest, with one of its most iconic symbols, the Statue of Liberty, sustaining damage in Chainsaw Man.