One of the greatest battles I've ever seen Iron Man and the Avengers was when they fought Bob Reynolds, aka the Sentinel. At this point in the comics, the Sentry was taken over by his evil alter ego, the Void, who wielded all the power necessary to end the world. This scenario may seem like an incredible climactic fight, but I've seen some fans confused about how it actually ended.
The battle against the Void in Siege #4 by Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel is huge and bloody. While characters like Captain America, Thor, Luke Cage, and Captain Marvel are all heavy hitters, they pale in comparison to the Void, which is why I think some fans find it strange how Void was defeated so quickly. But after reading the topic myself, it really wasn't quick or easy.
The fight ends with Iron Man essentially crashing a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier into the top of the Void, which pretty much ends the fight. While essentially dropping a giant battleship on a creature that could literally destroy the Earth might seem a little simple, it was actually a lot more complicated than that, and I think some fans are ignoring how much was spent on that last stand.
The Avengers gave everything they had in this final attack on the Sentry
Siege #4 by Brian Michael Bendis, Olivier Coipel, Danny Miki, Mark Morales, Laura Martin and Chris Eliopoulos
The Avengers have a long and exhausting fight against the Void and are easily defeated. Only when Loki appears and uses his Norn Stones do the Avengers catch their breath. With their new Norn Stone Empowered abilities, the Avengers make their last stand against the Void and land some good hits. Thor summons his lightning and Captain America uses his enhanced shield to deal pretty decent damage. While launching a helicarrier at the Void may seem like a weak move in comparison, was just the final blow in a long list of them.
The Avengers had already landed their blows and the damage was done.
Norn Stones are no joke: they have the ability to distort reality and essentially grant wishes. Norn Stones are the reason why Daredevil's twin brother Mike was able to become a real person. Being enhanced by the Norn Stones meant that everyone on the team, even Captain America with his shield, is capable of doing real damage to the Void. Although the Void found and apparently killed Loki, the Avengers had already landed their blows and the damage was done. Tony dropping the helicarrier on top of the Void was just the final blow, and probably the biggest blow of all.
The Helicarrier was the most powerful attack the Avengers had and it came after a brutal battle
The Helicarrier almost destroyed everything
SHIELD helicarriers have great firepower on board and To say that Tony Stark simply “dropped one” into the top of the Void to defeat him is a huge understatement. I think fans tend to forget that SHIELD is one of the most advanced military organizations on the planet, and the organization's helicarriers are some of the most armored and armed vehicles that exist in the Marvel Universe. A medium helicarrier is loaded with several nuclear warheads, as confirmed by Wolverine in Fear Itself: Wolverine plot. With nuclear weapons on board, no wonder the resulting explosion is so exaggerated.
But even so, after being hit by Thor's thunder and several Norn Stone-powered Avengers, the Void still manages to survive having several nuclear weapons thrown at him. It wasn't the helicarrier that ended the fight; is that Bob Reynolds has finally managed to regain control over his body. Bob and Void are in a constant battle to see who controls his super-powered body. These final blows from the Avengers were enough to give Bob the window he needed to regain control of the Void, and that's how the fight truly ends.
The Void took everything the Avengers had and technically still survived
The team only won because Bob gave them the window
After Bob Reynolds manages to regain control and return to his human form, he begs the Avengers to kill him. They are initially hesitant, wanting Bob to stand trial for his crimes. Unable to accept this, the Void begins to regain control and Bob attacks with the power of the Void. Thor, mourning Loki's death, immediately summons another bolt of lightning, killing Bob once and for all.
While some fans were disappointed with the final turn of events, I think it was a perfect ending to the fight. The Avengers struck the Void with everything they had, were empowered by reality-warping stones, had Iron Man dropped several nuclear weapons on him, all before the team hit him at his most vulnerable point, destroying the Sentinel with a final blow. I honestly don't think there was a better way for this battle to have ended.
Siege #4 is now available from Marvel Comics!