I hope Star Trek gives Uhura's actor her crossover wish

I hope Star Trek gives Uhura's actor her crossover wish

I hope Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Celia Rose Gooding gets her wish for Ensign Nyota Uhura to meet Star Trek: Discoverys Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green). Star Trek: Discovery has completed its fifth and final season, wrapping up the stories of Captain Burnham and the USS Discovery. Meanwhile, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 is in post-production for an expected premiere in 2025 on Paramount+. Unless it's a big surprise, Strange New Worlds Season 3 has no crossover with Burnham either Star Trek: DiscoveryBut can Burnham meet Uhura in Strange New Worlds Season 4 or beyond?

Celia Rose Gooding inherited the role of a younger Uhura originated by Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek: The Original Series. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds gave Uhura more agency and character depth than TOS Or JJ Abrams Star Trek Movies, where Zoe Saldana played Uhura. Strange New Worlds delved into Uhura's tragic backstory, her relationships with the crew of the USS Enterprise, and proved how essential Uhura is to Strange New Worlds Like the communications officer who keeps the crew "Connected." However, Gooding hopes that Uhura can be further inspired by meeting another of Star Treks most iconic African-American heroines.

Celia Rose Gooding wants Uhura to meet Burnham and I hope it happens

Meeting Burnham would be epic for Uhura

Appearing in Terrificon with her Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Co-star Ethan Peck, Celia Rose Gooding said she has two big ones Crossover hopes for Uhura: meeting her older self played by the late Nichelle Nichols, which Celia knows can't happen, and Uhura meeting Captain Michael Burnham of Star Trek: Discovery. good explains "I think she would benefit from meeting Michael Burnham and seeing another black woman captain. I think that would be really good for her understanding of her place on the Enterprise." Check out Gooding and Peck at Terrificon in the video below:

I think Burnham meeting Uhura, as two of the most prominent African-American female characters in Star Trek on Paramount+, would be a historic and spectacular crossover. Of course, Uhura is the first prominent black woman and character as a member of Star Trek: The Original SeriesThrow. Burnham follows in the footsteps of Nichelle Nichols as Uhura. But The shoe would be on the other foot in a crossover between Strange New Worlds And Star Trek: Discovery. Burnham is the successful starship captain who saved the galaxy, and Uhura is gaining experience and wisdom day by day. The Inspiration Uhura could get from Captain Burnham cannot be quantified, and would recontextualize Nichelle Nichols' Uhura forward.

Could Captain Burnham appear in Star Trek: Brave New Worlds?

It would be Star Trek's most difficult crossover


As much as I would like to see Uhura meet Captain Burnham on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, A crossover would be very difficult to pull off. While Sonequa Martin-Green is reportedly open to reprising Burnham, the logistics of how to bring Michael back to the 23rd century, or Uhura to the 32nd, is daunting – but not impossible. A bigger issue is how to save Star Trek Canon. Burnham disappeared 930 years into the future on the USS Discovery, never to return. Lieutenant Spock (Ethan Peck) is never meant to see his foster sister again, making bringing Burnham aboard the USS Enterprise a difficult proposition.

Uhura meeting Burnham - and Celia Rose Gooding sharing the screen with Sonequa Martin-Green - would undoubtedly be cool.

Also, Uhura should not even know that Captain Burnham exists, or that she is Spock's adopted sister. And yet, there are still A number of sci-fi ways for Uhura to meet Michael BurnhamLike time travel, or a time crystal for Uhura to see Burnham in the future (or vice versa). Uhura meeting Burnham - and Celia Rose Gooding sharing the screen with Sonequa Martin-Green - would undoubtedly be cool and a major Star Trek Event. Can it happen in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4 or beyond is up in the air, but I agree with Celia Rose Gooding's wish that Uhura meets Burnham and all the good things that could come from that Star Trek: Discovery Crossover.