Invincible boasts a variety of heroes and villains, with emotional depth beyond mere physical powers.
Season 3 is set to introduce more characters, bringing both depth and brutality to the show.
Damien Darkblood could return, despite his limited comic book role, adding intrigue and value to the series.
Invincible has one of the most impressive rosters of characters on television, and while season 3 will inevitably get more big additions, I hope the franchise's most underrated character returns. Although the series only ran for two seasons, there was no shortage of fantastic heroes and villains that helped make the story so engaging. While InvincibleThe most powerful characters help drive the high-stakes action, the show is full of emotional drama that often stems from Mark's family and friends, who don't have any physical powers but are still pivotal in the overall story.
As much as I enjoy the epic action scenes and brutal violence, it's hard not to quote InvincibleIt's fantastic characters are the show's biggest attribute, but it can often be difficult to make room for everyone. Invincible has already teased several villains for season 3, and with the story focusing on very large plotlines, it will be difficult to give smaller characters substantial screen time. despite this, The series did a great job of utilizing their large roster in the first two installmentsMaking me optimistic that season 3 could include one highly underrated character.
I hope Damien Darkblood plays a role in Invincible season 3
Damien Darkblood deserves another chance to shine in Invincible
After Damien Darkblood's captivating role in season 1, I'm desperate to see the demon return in Invincibles third installment. Damien wasn't a major part of the first season, but he helped investigate the murder of the Guardians of the Globe, using his unique abilities. He was able to see small glimpses of what happened simply by touching evidence, and although he never quite solved the case, Damien suspected Omni-Man's involvement. Unfortunately, this caused the GDA to send him back to Hell, and he hasn't been seen since, making his status on the show mostly unknown.
Invincible projects |
Rotten Tomatoes Score (Critics) |
Rotten Tomatoes Score (Official) |
Invincible Season 1 |
98% |
93% |
Invincible: Atom IV |
N/A |
86% |
Invincible Season 2 |
100% |
87% |
While Invincible's ongoing story doesn't really set up his return, I'd still love to see him back in some capacity as there's still so much more to explore. Finding out more about his abilities and why he chooses to be a detective would be fascinating, and despite their strained relationship, Damien could be a valuable asset to the GDA by potentially helping explore the Wildrumites along with their weaknesses. Given Clancy Brown will already appear in Invincible Season 3 as General Craig, reprising his role as Damien shouldn't be a problem, and I hope we see him return.
Invincible has already announced several characteristics of season 1
Robert Kirkman confirmed that Titan and Battle Beast will appear in Season 3
Although Damien's return may feel a little ambitious, Invincible It has already been announced that two characters from season 1 will return. After their impressive appearances in "That Actually Hurts", Robert Kirkman confirmed that Battle Beast and Titan will participate in Invincible Season 3 proved that the show hasn't forgotten about its previous favorites. Battle Beast is easily one of Invincibles strongest letters As he wiped the floor with Mark and several members of the Guardians of the Globe, while Titan was one of the most complex antagonists of the show, meaning their returns will add a lot of depth and brutality to season 3.
Both characters managed to make a big impression despite their limited screen time and certainly a lot in the upcoming season, which means that similar characters can do the same. Therefore, Damien's return seems more likely after this announcement, and I would like to see him interact with other heroes. with Invincible Season 3 is likely to introduce many exciting new characters, I'm glad the show will have some of the previous additions alongside them as it will bring some completely new dynamics to the series, and adding Damien to the mix would help to Shake things up even more. .
Is a Damien Darkblood return possible in Season 3?
The Invincible comics are a bad sign for Damien's return
with Invincible Announcing other key scenes, Damien featuring in season 3 is possible, but the comic books don't suggest the demon will be back anytime soon. Despite its memorable design and unique powers, Damien didn't play a big role in the comics and was really treated more like a runner.. Instead, he dedicated most of his time to working on the Guardians of the Globe case, but was ridiculed as Omni-Man had already confessed when he figured it out. Although this may be a funny moment in the TV show, I think he deserves better.
Damien has an aura about him that makes even Cecil a little wary, and that shouldn't be wasted on a simple gag.
Damien has an aura about him that makes even Cecil a little wary, and that shouldn't be wasted on a simple gag. Invincible has already shown that while it followed the source material, it is willing to expand certain characters and give them bigger roles, which could still happen with Damien. Therefore, a season 3 appearance is not completely out of the question, and although the demon will not suddenly be thrown into the main storyline, he could add more value to the TV show, making it difficult to say exactly when Damien Darkblood will next feature in Invincible.