I finally understand Megatron thanks to Transformers one

I finally understand Megatron thanks to Transformers one

Transformers one Brings the franchise back to its roots, telling the story of Optimus Prime and Megatron before they were enemies, when they were best friends, known as Orion Pax and D-16. Transformers one has received rave reviews since its release, and despite knowing where the movie has to end, the journey to get there is still extremely engaging. I certainly would Transformers one As the best film in the series, and a lot of that has to do with the characterization of one of the film's leads, Megatron.

As someone who has not looked so much in extended Transformers Media Outside of the live-action movies and the original G1 cartoon, a character that always stood out as missing for me was Megatron himself. I know many comics and other animated shows look deeper into the character, but these Mainstream depictions of the franchise's most prominent villain use him as nothing more than a nuisance For the heroes to get. Transformers one Changes that, give Megatron a much-needed origin story that turns him into a villain worthy of his iconic status.

Megatron's Turn to Evil is finally explained in Transformers One

His story is equal parts fascinating and heartbreaking

in Transformers one, D-16 is initially depicted as someone who just wants to keep his head downWork hard, and make your way up Cyberton's societal ladder to get the best life for yourself. Transformers one Shows a surprisingly realistic look at systems that keep the lowest class bots like D-16 pinned down by not letting most Transformers actually transform, while the rich continue to live their lives in luxury. The metaphor isn't direct, of course, but it's a powerful and relatable story that allows us to see D-16's transformation into Megatron as the true tragedy that it is.

Transformers one Differs from the live-action movies and finally gives the character a real start, allowing Megatron to become something more than just the bad guy.

Relative is the keyword. In the Michael Bay movies, and even in the original cartoon, Megatron is really nothing more than an evil guy who wants to do evil things because he's evil. Transformers one Differs from the live-action movies and finally gives the character a true beginning, allowing Megatron to become something more than just the bad guy. While his actions were evil, I now know what caused Megatron to become this wayAnd it's something that I can realistically see happening to anyone.

It ties right into Megatron's Journey

Megatron, from the classic G1 continuity of Transformers.

For a long time, I thought the Decepticon logo was just a slightly cooler and more sinister version of the Autobot logo. however, Transformers oneBeing the excellent film that it is, it leaves no stone unturned. The Decepticon logo is actually the face of Megatronus PrimeOne of the 13 senior primes of the Transformers Universe. Megatronus Prime isn't just one of the Primes though. He was the hero of D-16, the Transformer he looked up to the most, and the one he would probably want to emulate when he became a Transformer himself.


While Megatronus Prime differs in Transformers one Like the rest of the Transformers Canon, he still serves as one of the catalysts for Megatron. Megatronus Prime was supposedly the strongest Prime. In taking his name and symbol, Megatron is trying to take his strength for himself. Show the origins of Megatron's name and the Decepticon symbol in Transformers one Gives the universe even more flavor. The names and insignia of the robots are not just because they are cool, they have a real, satisfying explanation, which I always find more interesting.

Transformers One explains the broken friendship of Megatron and Optimus Prime

Deepening their connection makes their conflict more interesting

D-16/Megatron and Orion Pax/Optimus Prime become enemies in Transformers One
Image by Paramount Pictures

before to Transformers oneI knew that Megatron and Optimus had some sort of previous relationship that eventually resulted in the destruction of Cybertron. However, it never really felt that way. The live-action Megatron would call Optimus his "old friend" Or talk about when they were once allies, however Their connection never went further than that kind of little lip service. Transformers one Showing the beginning of Optimus and Megatron makes their antagonistic relationship more interesting to watch.

Their fractured relationship is also made even better because, while Megatron clearly ends up being the evil one, Optimus isn't completely guilt-free. At the end of Transformers oneOrion Pax's actions led to the emancipation of all Cybertronians, but he had no way of knowing that in the beginning. Orion dragged D-16 along with his plans, without regard to what he really wanted, which ultimately led to his rebirth as Megatron. Transformers ones showcase of Optimus and Megatron's fractured friendship Deepened my understanding of both characters And makes the whole franchise better.