With Tom Holland's Spider-Man 4 Going forward, I hope that Zendaya's MJ is not in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie for a very simple story reason. MJ's role in Holland's Spider-Man movies is very important. The character was more closed Spider-Man: HomecomingWhile the next two Spider-Man movies slowly saw her and Holland's Peter Parker fall in love and enter a relationship. I enjoyed how the romance between the two played out and think MJ is The second-best romantic Spider-Man interest in live-actionBehind Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy from Andrew Garfield's The Amazing Spider-Man Movie franchise.
However, I am convinced that it is time for the MCU Spider-Man franchise to move in a different direction. After a long time with few updates due to delays caused by the Hollywood strikes of 2023, the MCU Spider-Man 4 is finally ahead. The project is reportedly aiming to go before cameras in early 2025That would put the next Spider-Man movie to arrive in 2026, five years from now Spider-Man: No Way Home. The film set up a possible new chapter of the franchise Spider-Man 4 Director Destin Daniel Cretton to explore, and I don't think Zendaya's MJ fits with it.
Zendaya is reportedly coming back as MJ
No Spider-Man 4 story details have been revealed
until now, Spider-Man 4The cast has yet to be announced. Since the plan is for the movie to begin filming in early 2025, casting reports are expected to arrive between now and the end of the year. One of the film's featured stars should be Zendaya, returning to the MCU franchise as MJ. When reporting on Destin Daniel Cretton was chosen to row Spider-Man 4, Term revealed that Deals have been closed for Tom Holland to return as Spider-Man and Zendaya to return as MJ. According to TermBoth stars have been part of Spider-Man 4s development process.
The star has shown in multiple roles that she's the real deal, with Euphoria and Dune: Part Two being great examples of Zendaya's range.
Based on this report, The announcement that Zendaya's MJ will be in Spider-Man 4 Seems like only a matter of time. Although I've enjoyed her role in the MCU so far, I don't think the star returning for this new chapter of the Spider-Man franchise is the best choice. The idea has nothing to do with Zendaya's acting ability. The star has shown in multiple roles that she is the real deal Euphoria And Dunn: Part Two Being great examples of Zendaya's chain. I just don't want to see MJ come back in Spider-Man 4 For story reasons.
I believe that Zendaya's return hurts Spider-Man: No Way Home's ending
The movie sets up a new version of the Spider-Man franchise
The main reason I don't think Zendaya should come back as MJ in Spider-Man 4 Is because it would go against Spider-Man: No Way HomeTerrible ending. This movie has one of the most tragic endings of all Spider-Man movies and the MCU alike. Doctor Strange's spell made everyone who knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man go back to their respective universes, making All the characters forget who Peter Parker was. I was devastated to see Holland's Peter alone, with Zendaya's MJ, Jacob Batalon's Ned Leeds, and Jon Favreau's Happy Hogan not remembering him.
Peter told MJ that he will reveal everything to her after Doctor Strange's spell and make her remember him. However, when she saw her happy with her life and noticed that she had a bruise of Spider-Man: No Way Homes final battle, the hero decides not to tell her or Ned in order to keep them safe. This is the most Spider-Man-like choice I believe Peter Parker could have made in this situation. Go in Spider-Man 4Aunt May is dead, no one remembers who he is, and Peter lives alone in a small apartment, being At its lowest in the MCU.
However, Zendaya's return as MJ in Spider-Man 4 would undo that. I want to see the MCU fully explore what the new reality might look like for Peter Parker. With MJ there, Peter wouldn't be able to move on, and neither would the franchise itself. Spider-Man: No Way HomeThe ending was so emotionally charged in large part because it seemed to put an end to this version of the franchise. Peter made an extremely difficult sacrifice by letting MJ goBut it doesn't seem like the MCU is ready to make the same decision.
I want to see the MCU adopt other Spider-Man love interests
There are many characters who deserve their time to shine
I thought Spider-Man: No Way Home Set up the perfect opportunity for the MCU to explore some ofthe other romances Peter Parker has had in his Marvel Comics history. After learning from Gwen Stacy through Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, the character would be an interesting one to see pop up in Spider-Man 4. after all, Gwen and Peter first met in college in the comicsWhich could be how they come together in the MCU. Another major love interest Spider-Man 4 Could use is Black Cat, which I think would be perfect for this film.
The reason for this has to do with Peter's decision not to tell MJ about their past. He didn't do it because he wanted her to be safe. well, Black Cat lives the same dangerous life that Spider-Man And it goes well. As such, I think Felicia Hardy might be the love interest that best matches Peter Parker in his current situation. With the X-Men's MCU reboot looming, Kitty Pryde could debut in Spider-Man 4Striking a romance with Peter and confirming her future adventures. Characters like Silk and Silver Sable would also be interesting.
I think Zendaya's return as MJ should happen later in the MCU
The character just needs a leave of absence
Although I don't think MJ is in Spider-Man 4 Is a great choice, I would love to see Zendaya's character come back to the franchise. I don't have any problems with MJ, like The MCU has built a beautiful relationship between her and Peter Parker. However, the impact of Spider-Man: No Way Home's big decision about the relationship needs to be felt, and only MJ's absence can make sure it works out the best it can. After leaving the fallout of Spider-Man: No Way HomeThe ending plays its role, Zendaya's MJ may return later in the franchise.
I think Peter and MJ are getting back into each other's lives Spider-Man 5 And Slowly found their way back together in Spider-Man 6 Would be the ideal continuation of their romance if Tom Holland gets another Spider-Man trilogy. As it stands, I hope Zendaya returns as MJ in Spider-Man 4 Will be in a smaller role, perhaps with Peter making another trip to the donut shop she was last seen working at or the two meeting in another situation.
Spider-Man 4 is the first sequel to the MCU's Spider-Man trilogy starring Tom Holland as the titular wall-crawler. After wiping his identity from public memory in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Peter Parker continues his crime-fighting adventures without the help of Iron Man technology or the support of his former allies.
All announced upcoming MCU movies