Superman and Lois told an incredible story, but the final season of the DC Universe series was apparently impacted by some cast departures, one of which left me very confused. After the events of Superman and Lois season 4, episode 7, it looks like a glaring omission in the story won't be addressed in the series. With everything that's happened to Clark and Lois' family, including fundamental changes to Superman's history and several major character deaths, it remains to be seen whether an important family member has been forgotten entirely.
The importance of family has perhaps been the most recurring theme in Superman and Lois. The titular characters' children and their burgeoning powers have been hugely important to the series, and the impact on the family's bonds will undoubtedly be a central part of the series' final episodes. After that, it seems even stranger that a significant member of the Superman family and the series as a whole hasn't been mentioned in a while.
Lois Lane's sister is notably missing from Superman & Lois Season 4
Lucy's absence from season 4 raises a number of questions
Lucy Lane, a character who has already assumed the mantle of Superwoman in the comics, did not appear as part of the Superman and Lois season 4 cast. Although Lucy made few appearances in the second season of the series, the fact is that she is still part of Superman and Lois' family. As a result, I think not recognizing her place in their lives is weird. As Superman reveals his identity to the world, the implications of this event for Lucy appear to be an essential part of the story.
Jenna Dewan as Lucy was one of the few characters who wasn't recast for the series in previous Arrowverse appearances, and perhaps this indicates that there are no major plans for the character. While an entire arc could have been built around Lucy, it seems she was only destined to be part of a brief story about the Inverse Society. With this story at the end, Lucy is now living her own life in a way that I feel is completely disconnected. Superman and Lois.
Sam Lane's Superman and Lois Death Makes Lucy Lane's Missing Story Stranger
Lucy Lane's reaction to the loss of her father is a surprising omission
This omission becomes even stranger when recognizing that Sam Lane's death would have deeply impacted Lucy. As one of Superman and Lois'lasting deaths, the repercussions of this loss were enormous. Sam's death involves a long speech he recorded for Lois before his death that does not mention his other daughter.and he he still left the titular characters an important legacy, influencing their position with the Smallville Gazette. However, none of these events in the series seem to have anything to do with Lucy, which makes me wonder if the producers have forgotten her.
It would make sense that this inheritance and the loss of Sam would involve Lucy Lane to some degree. Instead of, the character wasn't even mentioned directly in season 4. These plot details make it seem like the series chose to ignore it for the rest of its run. While this is more than likely due to scheduling or budget issues, it seems like a notable omission to not even discuss Lucy in the show's final episodes. Fortunately, there is still room for this to happen.
Superman & Lois Season 4 Finale Is Last Chance To Balance Its Weird Missing Character History
The Season 4 Finale Should Feature the Entire DC Cast
There is still some hope that Superman and Lois'The ending could bring a conclusion to Lucy's story, as well as the other more focal characters. Comments were previously made about the return of the entire cast in Superman end, and it would make sense to include Lucy in this culmination. Her role was important to the Arrowverse as a whole, and featuring her in the final scenes of this series in some capacity, especially in a series where family is so important, would be fitting.
At the very least, Superman and Lois should address the character's whereabouts. It's not imperative that Jenna Dewan reappears on the show, but even an offhand comment about Lucy and what she's doing would go a long way toward making her omission feel more natural. With Superman's unmasking and the loss of his father seem glaring to not even take the time to acknowledge how important this all would have been for Lois' sister.
Superman and Lois will end very soon, and I believe there is a lot the series will need to do to make this ending feel earned. Fortunately, I'd say the show has worked hard to give its characters a satisfying conclusion, and there's reason to have faith that this will be effective. As Superman and Lois ends, it's good to know the paths that all the characters in the series will follow in the future. Hopefully Lucy Lane can get a little piece of that ending.
Superman and Loisthe Arrowverse's seventh spinoff series, will take the titular characters from Metropolis to Smallville. The CW series is set after the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover, which saw the collapse of the multiverse and the merging of worlds on what is now Earth Prime. Superman and Lois sees Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch) and Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin) dealing with all the pressures of their jobs, as well as being parents to two teenage children. Lois and Clark are no strangers to the Arrowverse, with Hoechlin's Superman having been introduced way back when. Supergirl season 2. Meanwhile, Tulloch's Lois made her debut in 2018's “Elseworlds” crossover. The pair are joined by a growing cast of characters that includes a new iteration of Lana Lang.
- Release date
February 23, 2021
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