Villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons have quirky personalities that can continue to surprise and delight players, even in cases that can end up being a little cruel for poor KK Slider. Every Saturday night, KK will come and give a concert on the island, after it has been unlocked by players, and a random assortment of villagers usually show up to hear him play. He very good-naturedly offers these musical experiences for free to everyone on the island, and even accepts player requests for certain songs.
In a hilarious group display of rudenessvillagers on island Reddit poster user999xx suddenly stood up and at the same time obviously walked away when KK was about to start his song. Only the player character remained to enjoy the music, although KK didn't miss a beat because of the rest of the crowd scattering.
The villagers in this cheerful life simulator are generally much kinder than some of them in previous games in the series, but in this case they can be a little passive-aggressive. Perhaps there were nasty rumors circulating about the naked singer, or the song in question has some hidden meaning that deserved everyone to come out as soon as it was announced. Whatever the reason, it's funny to witness this group's display of animosity.
KK Slider plays a small-time KK agent in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
The reasons why this could have happened to KK
Commenters on the post agree that this video is very funny to watch and hypothesize some reasons why this happens, including Heavenlyis that it's December, so they wanted the song KK Christmas instead of Agent KK Some, like AmberLuxraysuggested that perhaps it was the beginning of the hour and the AI triggered the NPCs to perform other tasks. Or this It could have been a coding erroras explained by Blue Wolf and AlexanderScott66.
Of course, it's much more fun to act out that the island's residents had some other mysterious reason for avoiding the KK Slider in this way. After all, the song Agent KK might not be this group's favorite, or maybe KK was playing it earlier in the night before user999xx's character got there.
Our Take: Animal Crossing Never Stops Making Fans Laugh
Whether glitches or features, the game includes silly surprises
Villagers in Animal crossing they often make choices that seem a little ridiculous to players, but that's part of what adds to the charm of the experience. Whether it's a glitch involving a villager getting stuck somewhere funny, or a feature like using the player's bathroom, the interactions and random occurrences are what make the game worth coming back to over and over again. New Horizons It's almost five years old and still many players not only continue to play daily, but still find new things to laugh about.
Animal crossingThe game's variety of villagers and NPCs is a big reason why the games are so beloved. The dialogue when they are talking to each other or the player, or just watching them interact with items in the environment can warm almost anyone's heart. His lovable nature makes it easy to excuse some passive-aggressive responses to Agent KK being played. However, Isabelle and Tom Nook's love for KK Slider could result in some stern warnings to their island neighbors if these types of rude behavior continue in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Source: user999x/Reddit, Celestier/Reddit, Bluuwolf/Reddit, AlexanderScott66/Reddit