I don't think 28 years later can ever top the original movie's most disturbing scene

I don't think 28 years later can ever top the original movie's most disturbing scene

This article contains references to sexual assault and violence.

The upcoming sequel, 28 years laterHas a tough job ahead to surpass the groundbreaking 28 days later. Although 28 years later will feature Cillian Murphy, who starred in the original, and has the same creative team, 28 years later Will probably not be able to shock audiences like the original movie. 28 days later Redefined the zombie genre even though it wasn't technically a zombie movie. 28 days laterThe zombies are not dead, but infected, and still terrifying today, even for someone as desensitized to zombies as I am. However, the uninfected humans in the film series are more terrifying.

The infected are living humans in 28 days later and are controlled by a virus that causes rage. Viewers watch a loving dad turn into an angry monster in less than a minute. Still, once the character became one of the infected, his death was predictable, as the infected are dangerous to the living, and the characters are near a military camp. But, when 28 days later Introducing the soldiers who killed him, the movie gives viewers a scene that is still one of the most disturbing twists ever seen in a zombie movie, and I don't mind 28 years later will manage to top it.

The military scene is even more disturbing than 28 days later infected

This scene is so terrifying for its realism and detail

Christopher Eccleston in 28 Days Later

The fast-looping flow of the infected, distorted voices, and spurting blood (which can pass the infection with just a drop) are more disturbing than many obviously dead zombies because there is still the tiny hope of a cure. However, when hope is exploited, 28 days later Gives audiences a scene more disturbing than any involving the infected. Major West, played by Christopher Eccleston, reveals that his broadcast promising "The response to infection"is a plot to attract desperate women to his military shelter, to become sex slaves for his men. The scene is incredibly disturbing for its realism.

If 28 years later Wanting to shock modern viewers, it must find a new way to investigate.

Chief West and his people are more of a threat than the infected. However, the slow build-up introduces comedy over a terrible dinner of rotten eggs, giving the viewer a false sense of security while showing the character's understandable lack of food. The reveal scene discusses the concept of PTSD, And Major West is a more believable villain than those in other zombie movies. The scene is terrifying for its desperation and discomfort, but it stands 28 days laterIt's surprisingly optimistic ending.

Christopher Eccleston's 28 Days Later twist is more of a shock than the ending

28 days later could have gone in any direction after Major West's discovery

Red eye zombie in 28 days later starts through rain with an open mouth

Two endings were filmed for 28 days laterBut either ending would have been relatively predictable, as the only unknown factor was whether Jim would live or die after being shot. On the other hand, when major west says "I moved us from the blockade, I set up the radio broadcast, and I promised them women," Christopher Eccleston's calm delivery of the line makes the reveal more of a shock And, like Jim, I had to take a second to understand that he said what I thought he said. 28 days later Could have gone in any direction after this discovery, as it changed the game.

Before 28 days laterMost older zombie movies relied on the zombies for the horror factor. After revealing that Major West and his men have also lost their humanity, 28 days later Could have taken the movie in a completely different direction, even reducing the threat of the infected to a backdrop for the real antagonists, as other zombie movies have done since. 28 days later Bringing a new level of creativity To the zombie movie genre, which other movies have built on, so it can be difficult for 28 years later To give an original twist.

28 Years Later will probably never top the military twist in 28 Days Later

The terrible revelation of Major West would have less impact on the audience today

The original scene was so well-acted and realistic that it's probably unbeatable, especially as 28 years later Has some catching up to do. Having a human antagonist rather than leave the horror to the zombies is now a regular zombie trope, and no longer shocking. 28 years later Could have a human villain, though The military was also an antagonist in 28 days later And 28 weeks later. Keep the military as villains 28 years later would make it impossible to beat the original movie's disturbing scene, as their betrayal would be expected.

The world has changed since then 28 days later, And viewers have now seen many betrayals and horrifying actions in zombie stories. The Walking Dead's end"Shrine"Was a human flesh processing plant, and in The last of usCommunity leader David promises safety before trying to rape Abby. The initial impact of The Betrayal of the Great West was another groundbreaking element to a genre-changing movie, but audiences have now seen similar twists. to 28 days later Military scene. If 28 years later Wanting to shock modern viewers, it must find a new way to investigate.