"I didn't do the heavy lifting"


Showrunner Mike McMahan discusses "Barashir" becoming canon after the couple's delightfully unexpected appearance in Star Trek: Lower Decks. Lower decks Season 5, Episode 9, "Fissure Quest" made many fans' dreams come true by revealing the holographic Bashir and the Cardassian Garak as a couple, and McMahan recently discussed finally consecrating the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine the duo's relationship in canon (via Collider):

“Well, what's so funny to me is that I always thought Garashir was kind of canon. sense when the show happens, and I really don't like messing with what Ira [Steven Behr] did, do you know what I mean? I'm very, very careful about what I do with other people's characters. I think for me, doing a multiversal story really helped with being able to tell the story without having to add asterisks to it."

“I love the Doctor from Voyager, so making a hologram for Bashir was a pleasure for me. And then say, 'Yes, Garak is one step away from being a surgeon and then a tailor.' It kind of involves sewing things, you know what I mean? Being able to add that texture more than anything else that has been talked about with these characters and, on top of that, having them do it. we've been in… It's not a new relationship for them, you're entering a relationship where they have a pattern. I wanted fans who love that dynamic to feel like they were getting the feeling of, 'We're entering the. in the middle of it, and they're happy, and that's fun.'"

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