Warning! Spoilers for Netflix Ugly and Scott Westerfeld nice And specials ahead!
Netflix Ugly Made a pretty bold move, killing off a character who survived to the end of the book series. The sci-fi film is based on the first book by author Scott Westerfeld Ugly series, which was all the rage in my teenage years. I was among those who loved to read Ugly, niceAnd Special (Followed by Extras) and have been eager for a movie adaptation ever since. Although I was satisfied with Netflix's version of Tally Youngblood's story, the death of a particular character in Ugly left me a little disappointed.
I never expected a movie like that Ugly Aligning perfectly with Westerfeld's books. Talley's internal dialogue is imperative to the nuanced themes of the Ugly series, and I assumed Netflix's movie would need to water things down a bit to make everything work on screen. My main concern was that McG's Ugly The movie would make fundamental changes to the plot, and I was glad to see that the director mostly resisted the urge to do so—except with Paris. Tally's best friend was transformed into a special before seemingly falling to his deathWhich absolutely never happened in the Ugly book.
Paris definitely didn't die in the ugly books
The fate of Paris was a major change in Netflix's ugliness
Although Paris was the primary reason Tally was so eager to become a handsome in Ugly, He wasn't a particularly important character from chapter to chapter. The story begins after he has already been made handsome, and the only scenes in which he is actually present in the book are Tally's pig-mask adventure in New Beautiful Town and Paris's efforts to convince his ugly friend to cooperate with D. R. Cable. After Tally left town for the smoke, Paris continued to be someone she thought about often, but he did not appear again until the Ugly continue, nice.
This is the reason I was shocked to see so many changes about his character in Netflix Ugly. It started with additional scenes with Tully and Paris' friendship, which was an excellent touch. however, The moment Dr. Cable said to make Paris "especially,"I was speechless. The fact that he went on to murder David's father, that, before he fell to his death from the mountain of a dam, saddened me even more, especially as it completely contradicts Perse's role in Talis' subsequent story.
Paris becoming a special defeated the purpose of his character
Paris specifically doesn't qualify to be a special in the Uglies Book series
As I mentioned, Paris was basically MIA for the majority of UglyBut he was around a bit longer during Westerfeld's sequel novel, nice. After Tally surrendered to the city, she was reunited with her best friend in New Beautiful City. However, while Tally fought for clarity against the lesions placed in her brain during the beautiful operation, Paris was perfectly happy to be a docile blowhead. Eventually, Tally freed her mind to make a great escape from the city, and while Paris was supposed to go with her, he backed out at the last minute, deciding to stay in New Beautiful Town instead.
The dissolution of Tully and Paris' friendship in Uglies was meant to drive home the idea that some people are actually happier to be controlled
The dissolution of Tully and Paris' friendship in Ugly Was meant to drive home the idea that some people are actually happier by being controlled. Later in the thirties SpecialTally becomes an agent of special circumstances—a special one—because of her ability to think her way past the government's mind control. It is clearly noted that Shane, Dassal Paris could never have become a special. Of course, Netflix Ugly threw that right out the window and, in doing so, completely eliminated what the character was supposed to represent in the story.
Could Peris return for a possible Uglyes sequel?
Peris returning for a "Pretties" movie would mean even more changes
It is still unclear whether Netflix will continue with these Ugly continue, beautiful Still, the first movie certainly left the door open. Tally is seen as newly beautiful, looking at the scar commemorating her friendship with Paris, indicating that she has already begun her journey of fighting through the beautiful-head lesions. A nice Movie would surely take this further, however The change to Paris' character in the first movie means that things are unlikely to go the same way in a sequel movie as in the book. If Paris is really dead, he can't be among Tully's beautiful friends.
Still, Paris' death was left ambiguous, and I have to think that was on purpose. In the books, Specials are nearly indestructible, and while it may have taken some time to heal, Periskools survived a fall like that thanks to his reinforced skeleton and enhanced reflexes and abilities. The possibility of special Paris return for Anne Ugly Movie sequel has me worried However. There would be no way to do this without more inconvenient changes, which would take even longer if Netflix adapts Special. Of course, only time will tell.