For more than two decades, Ketchum Gray was the beloved protagonist of the world-famous Pokemon anime series. His incredible journey to becoming the best coach in the world has brought joy to countless children and adults, including me. On November 11, 2022, his dream of being world champion came true in one of the most acclaimed episodes of the series, ending his stint as the main character.
While his departure from the series was undoubtedly divisive, as he spent decades entertaining fans, time has proven that it was the right choice to make. Although Ash will forever be one of PokemonAlthough he was one of the best coaches and the face of the franchise for many, his adventure was not as meaningful to younger audiences. The new anime show, Pokémon Horizonsit still maintains the same charms as the original, welcoming a new generation of fans to this precious anime.
Ash's ending was perfect for his character
The protagonist achieved his life's dream
When the original Pokemon anime began airing in April 1997, Ash was introduced to the world as an aspiring trainer who wanted to be the best. Although he initially lacked many of the skills necessary to achieve success, his determination and love for his teammates helped him reach the top faster than anyone else. His journey has taken him all over the world, meeting amazing friends and capturing some of the franchise's most iconic Pokémon. Along with his inseparable friend Pikachu, Ash challenged the most powerful trainers and learned from them.
After an adventure that fans followed with enthusiasm for more than two decades, the protagonist became the world champion of the Coronation Series after fighting fiercely against the world's elite warriors. The end of Pokémon Ultimate Journey: The Seriesone of the most beloved seasons of the franchise, it provided fans with a satisfying and emotional ending. It was the perfect time for the series to end, allowing Ash to achieve his dreams after decades of hard work. Extending the series beyond that point would have lessened the impact of its achievements up to that point.
It wouldn't make sense to have Ash reach the final of the world tournament only for him to lose to Leon. The protagonist proved throughout the Journey series that he had nothing left to learn about being a coachand the series strongly hinted that it would be the finale. As such, giving Ash the opportunity to end his story as the best trainer in the world seemed like an appropriate place to say goodbye.
A new series for a new generation
Younger Pokémon fans didn't feel as attached to Ash
Ash is without a doubt one of the most iconic anime characters out there, as his adventures have been part of the lives of millions of fans. Older Pokemon fans fondly remember the first episodes of Indigo League season, following the heroes as they explored the world. However, as the series progressed, younger fans started to like Ash less and lessas many were not yet born when the series began. Younger fans grew to enjoy the series primarily for its incredibly complex and intense battles, as well as the incredible new creature designs.
Finishing Ash's story opened the door for a new series that could entice younger audiences to try out the franchise, while also giving them newer heroes they can identify with. Liko and Roythe protagonists of the recent Pokémon: Horizons anime, will become the face of this beloved series, just as Ash was for older audiences. This should not be seen as something negative, as anime must adapt to the interests and needs of younger audiences. The latest Pokemon the anime was not created with the original fans in mind as it is time for new trainers to join the fandom.
Liko and Roy embody Ash's best qualities
Both are passionate and promising coaches
How the Pokémon: Horizons As the anime progressed, fans had the chance to get to know the new protagonists in depth. Liko and Roy have proven themselves to be capable trainers who share Ash's ideals and passion. None of them are trying to replace the iconic original protagonist, as both have completely different motivations and goals. Liko is a young woman searching for her calling in life, working alongside her Pokémon and learning from them during battle. Roy is a born adventurer, courageous and selfless.
They may not bring the same energy that Ash did for older fans, but they have become an iconic part of the franchise for new followers. Best of all, Liko and Roy are keeping the spirit of Ketchum alive by teaching the new generation what it means to be a true Pokémon master. The series also made it clear that his purpose is much more complex than Ash's. Liko, for example, was introduced as a central character in the story, destined to protect a special pendant that ended up becoming the legendary Terápagos. This proves that Pokémon Horizons it also has a strong, overarching plot, something the original series lacked but that today's fans will appreciate.
Ash is still adventuring somewhere in the world
The original series' ending left its future ambiguous
Ash may no longer be the protagonist of the Pokemon anime, but that doesn't mean he'll never return. During episode #147 of Journeys series, Ketchum and his Pikachu were last seen heading towards an unknown new adventure. What his next steps as world champion were, the anime never explained, leaving fans wondering if he would be seen again. Until now, the Pokémon Horizons anime has not indicated that Ash will be introduced soon.
This decision was likely made to allow the new protagonists their time in the spotlight without any interference from previous seasons. However, the possibility of Liko and Roy finding Ash somewhere along their journey cannot be ruled out. The protagonist could return to the anime on a special occasion, be it a birthday or another entry in the long and memorable list of Pokemon films. Even if this doesn't happen, Ash's adventure will never be forgotten, as he remained the face of the franchise for many decades.
Saying goodbye to a character who has accompanied them for over twenty years is, understandably, not easy for us Pokemon fans. Still, it's time for a new generation to take over, as younger coaches prepare to follow Liko and Roy on their adventure. Fortunately, one thing that will never change is the love and appreciation that we as fans have for the franchise, something that will continue for years to come.