Outlander Season 7, part 2 will again see Jamie and Claire separated, and I'm not sure how much more of this same old conflict I can take. These two star-crossed lovers began their romance under impossible circumstances, and that same dynamic continued to follow them from beginning to end. Of course, every period that Claire and Jamie are apart is followed by a dramatic reunion, and these moments are what many watch. Outlander live for. While I enjoyed these dramatic ups and downs as much as the next romance fanatic, I'm worried about what another attempt at this will mean for Season 8.
Outlander Season 8 is confirmed to be the last in the series, which is a little disappointing since Diana Gabaldon's book series has not yet concluded. The first half of Outlander season 7 mainly follows the events of An echo in the bonewhich is the seventh of 10 planned books. Now, the plot details stars Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan have teased Outlander season 7, part 2 indicates that This next edition will continue to explore An echo in the boneClaire and Jaime's story, including Claire and Jaime's next big split.
Jamie & Claire's Outlander Season 7, Part 2 update has me worried about Season 8
Rehashing this storyline isn't a great way to set up a final season
Before November 22, 2024, premiere of Outlander In Season 7, Part 2, Balfe and Heughan joked that the Frasers' trip back to Scotland would be cut short when Claire was called back to America (alone) for some kind of medical emergency. During that time, she will come to believe that a devastating event has befallen her husbandwhich will only prolong Claire and Jamie's time apart. This lines up reasonably well with the events of An echo in the bonebut with such limited time before the end of OutlanderI'm a little frustrated because the series continues the "tragically separated" course.
Claire and Jamie have been separated for a long time Outlanderand each meeting was a little less exciting than the last. It's more or less the same story repeated over and over again. While this is also true in the books, the overall story is longer and filled with additional details that keep the story from feeling repetitive. In contrast, the ebb and flow of Claire and Jamie's relationship has been much more rocky in the TV format. Since Outlander you no longer have a choice but to separate your story from the books, It might have been better if the great separation of An echo in the bone stayed out.
My frustrations with this storyline being brought to light Outlander season 7 part 2 only increases my curiosity about how the series will handle season 8. Completing the story once the book series is underway will not be an easy task, and Claire and Jaime will need another major climactic conflict before everything is resolved. The problem is that the Frasers' next big reunion (as described in An echo in the bone) will be a tough act to follow.
Jamie and Claire's final reunion is set to be the series' most emotional yet
Reunion Outlander Season 7's Setup Might Not Be Enough
Jamie and Claire's reunions are always dramatic and passionate, but the latest example of this in Outlander needs to take this to a whole new level. It must seem like this is finally the last time these two will have to tolerate each other's absence until death do them part. As it stands, the reunion already written in An echo in the bone may not be the best fit. Claire comes to believe that Jamie was killedso she marries a certain someone for the sake of survival (similar to her story with Jamie at the beginning of Outlander). So instead of passion and romance, Jamie and Claire's next reunion will be chaotic and confusing.
There needs to be a high-impact final moment of romance in Outlander's final season, and while the series typically relies on breakups and reunions to achieve that effect, it needs to change this time.
This could make for an exciting story Outlander season 7, part 2 and season 8, which could see the duo fix what they believed was broken. However, as the series' last gasp, I fear this won't be enough. There needs to be a final moment of high-impact romance in Outlanderfinal season, and while the series typically relies on breakups and reunions to achieve that effect, it needs to change this time. Either way, it will be difficult to pull off a balanced story in Season 8, and I'm worried that the story's ending won't have that impact.
How Outlander Season 8 Can Score High (Despite Its Biggest Story Hurdle)
The Outlander TV series should go its own way
I'm usually a strong supporter of faithful adaptations of the books, but Outlander may need to take an entirely different path for its final season. Claire and Jamie being separated and getting back together after the next event in season 7 would just be a disappointment in the end. Instead, the series needs to present a situation that would test their love for each other while keeping them firmly in each other's arms—or else separated forever by time, space or death. Whether they live happily together or pass on their legacy to their children, whatever ultimate fate will befall Claire and Jamie. Outlanderis ending, they must be together.